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Visa Questions

Needed Vertragsdauer für NE

Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 15:05
Just asked ABH about NE and they say that Vertrag should be unlimited.
Later she said at least a year.

So NE guys, what was it in your case?
What does the law says?
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 15:13 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
This is very strange. I still did not get my NE, I still need around 6 months. But I asked the ABH 3 months ago, and they told me that unlimited contract is not necessary. Just a work contract which exceeds the 5 year stay in Germany. I think this officer who talked to you does not know exactly what he/she is saying. Talk to the boss of the ABH or take the trust7 lawyers. I think this is a better option. Maybe I will also apply through them when the time comes. Can someone of the trust7 lawyers please comment of this (limited or unlimited contract?)

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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 15:40 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Unlimited contract is mandatory so it depends on the officer how much he knows about the Immigration law or some officers might just neglect that requirement.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 15:46 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Where did you found that "Unlimited contract is mandatory".
Only Unterhalt is mandatory according to law.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 16:27 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Only Unterhalt is needed per law but most of the ABH and Beamters (and we all know how they do things differently and according to their mood) sometimes ask for an unlimited contract, but in my case, they only needed a letter from the company saying that they will have me for at least the next 6 months (well, they kept me for the next 2 weeks in fact :-))

So it's not about a Beamter not knowning or something, just they personal requests, because in fact, Unterhalt is guarantee when you have a job, even for 3 months or something, but it is then guarantee for the 3 months. If they said "unbefriestet Unterhalt" or something, then one could have extend this by asking for an unlimited contract per say.

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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 17:00 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi Nobody, I did not understand what you mentioned at the end:
"If they said "unbefriestet Unterhalt" or something, then one could have extend this by asking for an unlimited contract per say."

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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 17:04 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
He meant if "unbefriestete Unterhalt" would be written in law as a condition to get NE.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 17:26 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
David(DVD) wrote, Where did you found that "Unlimited contract is mandatory"?

It should be unlimited atleast until you complete five working years so it depends on what kind of contract you have.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 17:42 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

one needs really unlimited contract to get NE and if its not in the law , its also not written that u will get NE with befristet vertrag. i asked the same question some 8 months ago from Mr. Sorgenfrei in Frankfurt behörde. He is very nice and has nothing against ausländer etc... he follows law to the point . i had also befristet vertrag thats why i asked him about NE. He said , we will give the best which law allows, he meant 3 years visa, and u can apply for NE the day u get some unbefristet vertag. So unlimited vertrag is very very important to get NE! i am thinking may be: ABH makes some concession to someone who has children, otherwise its at the core of getting NE!!!
If u want to have a neutral judgment what will happen to ur case for NE in case of befristet vertrag, just call Mr. Sorgen (u dont need to tell him that u are out of frankfurt) and ask about your case/law...

I wish u get it without problems.
Good Luck!

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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 18:08 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
guys, I have also asked this question to the ABH and the answer was: NO NEED for unlimited. I also rose this question here in the forum and the answer was again: NO NEED for unlimited. I do not know why you always try to make stress out of the things. I am very pissed off now of that shit. Some people here are very helpful, and others are just to piss off and write some nonsense. I think it is better if I do not read this forum anymore, it is becoming very un-helpful..
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 18:35 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

Instead of being so emotional, why don't you make your own decision after reading other opinions? Are you so pissed off that the simple things can make you lose your temper? The unlimited contract is actually not that clear for many of the officers in the alien office and they presume having employment means having a right contract in the hand not that can put you and also them in trouble later. German gov. cares about you and they want you to be prepared well for continuing your career in Germany. Just common sense!
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 19:07 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

dont u think you are behaving a little childish instead of a grown-up. No one forced you to come to this forum and no-one is goin to shed tears that you dont want to read this forum anymore.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
21/10/05 19:11 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

sorry if u were hurt because of my message, ofcourse it was not meant therefore. With great respect, i being an old GC holder can very well understand how contradicting comments make confused. However to give right suggestions doesnt mean that if i or somebody is trying to make you confuse ....
As babloo told u, u shouldnt get worried just because of any such comments, but thats unfortunately how the things are....

One cannt take any oral comments from some beamter in the way that it will be the case when u really go for NE.

According to law §9 u have eligible for NE regarding unterhalt:
(a)if u have unlimited contract
or (b)-u have been working various time on limited contracts (kettenartige Beschäftigung) in the last period (for one company or for many companies).

point (a) is straightforward.

point (b):
because most people in ABH doesnt know law in detail, they simply say "no" about the question of getting NE with a limited contract.
the awkward thing about this point is that u explicitly need to prove to ABH that
- its in the law
- and u fit into that definition

the purpose of (b) in the law is that, officer/Govt. want to make sure that:
that its normal for your profession and you being working with limited contracts, to be in such condition for long term. Méaning this process will continue also in future and will provide a sured mean of financing you and your family if applicable...
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
22/10/05 1:33 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi All,
Some beamters has understood law wrongfully & then they believe they are right. Last month my passport expired & i asked beamter to give me new visa without company name,he said that i can get unbinded visa only if have been working in same company more than 4 years. I understood he is wrong, then I showed him DVD letter which point out that only working in germany not in company more than 4 years. Then beamters was unhappy, he tolled me it will be more work for him to give me unbinded visa, when I stressed(although I was worried about his mood) he talked with his colleuge and at the end, gave me unbinded visa happily & also requirement info for NE.
So better to get your rights info before hand is better.


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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
24/10/05 11:49 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

Es ist
insbesondere zu berücksichtigen, ob – wie in einigen Wirtschaftszweigen üblich – der kettenartige
Abschluss neuer Verträge mit demselben Arbe itgeber oder ständig neue Abschlüsse
mit verschiedenen Vertragspartnern zu erwarten sind, oder ob die Gefahr der Erwerbslosigkeit
nach Auslaufen des Vertrages nahe liegt. Gegebenenfalls sind entsprechende Nachweise zu fordern. Kann nachgewiesen werden, dass es bereits in der Vergangenheit kettenartig
zu neuen Vertragsabschlüssen gekommen ist, kann dies indizieren, dass sich diese
Handhabe auch in Zukunft fortsetzen wird.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
24/10/05 11:56 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
zash is rightfully angry.
The principle is:
Once again some of you got false info from ABH, took it for granted and spreaded here. On the end we have here same situation as allways.

So as you see in this link:
unlimited Vertrag is not neccessary for NE.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
24/10/05 11:58 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
or here :
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
24/10/05 14:24 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
I asked another Beamtin and she gave me completely another information.
She says that Vertrag must be ungekündigt and that I should bring Bescheinigung from Firma about that.

So I will arange a meeting with her for NE, because if I get some other Beamtin, after waiting for my turn at ABH, everything could go to hell.
That's the way things are done.

BTW I know one girl that got NE while receiving ALG.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
24/10/05 14:40 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi DvD,
Thanks for the info.
What do u mean by "ungekündigt". Can u please send me ur email?
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
24/10/05 16:24 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
what is your mail address?

ungekündigt means that you are working and did not got Kundigung until the moment when you got this Bescheinigung
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
25/10/05 16:32 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi everyone,

I am a little bit confused. Does NE mean unbefristet Arbeitserlaubnis ? If so is it not necessary that
1. one should have stayed 5 years in Germany (or)
2. earn 84000 Euros per year (or)
3. Hochqualifiziert ??

I have been in Germany since 3 years (working since 1 year). can I get NE if I get a unlimited contract ? A company was ready to give me unlimited contract. But he asked me to bring Unbefristet Arbeitserlaubnis. May be I go to ABH and make Antrag für Unbefristet Arbeitserlaubnis or NE (both are same) ?

Thanking you,
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
25/10/05 16:53 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hello Nagananda,
To answer your question simply, YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. You have to wait for another 4 years before you apply for NE.
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Re: Needed Vertragsdauer für NE
25/10/05 18:10 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi DvD
thanks for the answer.
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