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Fair Play for Foreign Experts!

Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
28/05/10 13:57
Dear trust7 members,

after getting bad news from many friends, employees and other experts who applied for spouse or vistor visa for their relatives and/or friends, where the German Embassy and Consulate rejecting the visa, I think it is time to do something against it!

Although I am a German and I have no relatives abroad, I was also affected by this not acceptable behavior. I lost 2 Indian engineers because their spouses did not get a simple visitor visa, although I sponsored the visit, send the Formal Obligation Letter and wrote individual letters to assure that my company guarantees the return of the visitors. This happened in Chennai.

I was really angry about this, but to lazy to fight. But the message from 'Roundtheclock' ...


aroused my old 'Fighting Spirit' ;-)

I set up a special mail address:

fairplay at trust7 dot com

and I ask you to send supporting mails to this address.

It is up to you if you want to tell your story or if you just want to write something like... I support this action!

It is also up to you if you write your full name and address or if you just send the mail without signature.

I will also send a mail to all trust7 members early next week and as soon as we have enough supporters, I will contact the media and try to get their interest.

Well, this should be enough for the beginning, the mail address is ready and I am very curious about your reactions!

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
1/06/10 23:24 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

On one side: great to have you back! On the other side, it is sad that it is because of this sort of issues.

You have spent years helping us to find our way in Germany, and seems the struggle is still on. So if you feel like organizing something like back in 2002, I would say: let's do it! emoticon

I will also write to the email address you created.

Looking forward to being able to help!


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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
2/06/10 14:39 en respuesta a trust7.
Dear t7 members,

thanks for all your supporting mails! I hope you will understand that I can not answer each message individual.

I am thankful for many useful tips and I was deeply shocked by some of your stories!

I will contact newspapers, magazines and TV stations. I still have many contacts from our activities in the past, but if some of you have their own contacts, just tell them about our forum and about our campaign.

Although we started this because of Indian cases I want to state again, that this campaign is for all nationalities and for all German Embassy!

Do not stop to tell your stories here in the forum, just start a new topic and tell us what happened to you or your relatives/friends.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
Detlef :-)
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
4/06/10 15:30 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,
Thanks for this website and personally you for extending still help we wanted !!!:-) . It's a great campaign , I myself or my family havent faced any problems or hiccups till now from chennai consulate,except some verification of certificates. But ,I am on your side in this fairplay.
I heard alot of stories regarding the issue of visas to the spouses & visitors.Consulate should mend their ways in dealing with the visas.

bonu praveen
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
9/06/10 13:03 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi again,

I want to give you a short update. I already contacted some of my contacts to get their interest for our case, including the 'Spiegel'.

But they do not seem to be very interested at this time of so many 'crises'. And the number of supporting mails I got from you (16!) is also not so impressive.

But I will continue, no question :-)

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
9/06/10 13:09 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,
I appreciate your efforts, I think now germany has euro crisis, europe bankrupcy problems last but not least saving program by german government, so not much will be interested in our topic .

good luck !!!

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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
2/07/10 3:46 en respuesta a trust7.
Hello All:
My aplogies for a long silence. As I mentioned before, I had been waiting for the verdict. So, I succeeded in obtaining Visa for my mother as well as for brother by soft means i.e. approaching Embassy through my employer and German Academic Exchange Service, Embassy formally asked us to resubmit applications and granted appropriate Visas withoug any hassle. I don't know what it would mean for all victims who were unable to beat the heat. I am still open to support all those and be part of Detlef's campaign. If Detlef wishes to, we could meet in Berlin and think about organizing a media interview or article.
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
24/11/10 23:04 en respuesta a trust7.
I fully support this issue,
Here is my Bad experience with german embassy!
Eventhough I am a Scientist here in Germany with Permanent Residence status, My mother´s visa was rejected 2 times by german embassy in New delhi. First time, they did not provide any reason of rejection. When we enquired, Only then after 4 months they wrote that there are not enought reasons that she will come back (My Father expired 2 years Back, she has no job in india etc.). Although She also attached herself a letter stating that She has property, Bank balance, Her son (my older brother) and his family in india and will come back after one month visit. Similarly I also sent a letter stating that she will go back after one month visit here. Now I do not have any Idea how to proceed. I contacted one Advocate in this regard. He adviced instead of going to court (where i loose money and eventhough if i win the case she will have to apply again and then they may give some other reason), try to apply again or get visa from other european country like Holland, France etc. which is more friendly in regard of Visa. At this point i am wondering, should i apply again or not? Some time I even afraid, will she ever get visa to visit germany......
One way they would like to invite many skilled people in germany and on other side they make so many problem to unite family.....
I hope one day these embassy people will be able to respect Skilled people.
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
25/11/10 15:21 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi, I would like to ask "roundtheclock"

How you manage to get visa for your brother ? I have got the similar problem. How did you approach Embassy through employer and German Academic Exchange Service ? Please let me know what needs to be done ?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
26/11/10 16:03 en respuesta a trust7.
I would also be interested to know the same from roundtheclock how he managed the visa for his mother at last.
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
10/12/10 14:38 en respuesta a trust7.
I hope you will come back to the forum soon and provide us some more information what we asked.
Many thanks for your support, bringing up people together,helping them with their problems and starting this compaign.
Best wishes
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Re: Fair Play for Foreign Experts!
19/08/11 13:02 en respuesta a trust7.
The behavior from the Chennai Consulate is very frustrating. I have invited two of my childhood friends, I have also promised the chennai consulate in written format that I'll take care of everything after they land here. I have also provided enough documents to support financially.
I have showed all the proofs for their stay here.

They have rejected the Visitor visa saying the purpose of visit is not clear.

So my question is are they not allowed to come here as a Tourist.
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