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Help needed!

Information needed for long term planning

I am seeking a help to get clarification on following as I am making a decision to move out of Germany and eventually to India.
I am a German citizen since last 3 years and have been living here for more than a decade. Originally I come from India. Due to some personal compulsions I have to make decision to move out of Germany. I would want to be aware of the consequences before I act on my decisions. Thus I seek your valuable inputs. Below are my questions.
As a first step, my job is pushing to take up a position either in Netherlands or in France. As a 2nd step, I may opt to wind up and go back to India in a year or so.
1.       Health Insurance: Since last 15 years I have been with AOK. What will be status of the health Insurance after I move back to India? Do I have to contribute to AOK even from India to keep it alive? Will AOK do insurance cover after I move out of Germany? What will happen to my insurance cover if I return back to Germany say after 10 years? After 10 years, if I decide to get back to Germany, I may have a job or I may still be searching for a job? What will happen to my insurance in both the cases?
2.       Social security: What will happen to my social security contribution that I have been making all these years if I decide to move back to India? Do I continue to contribute to social security system from India as well? What will happen to the social security during my intermittent stay/work in NL/France?
a.       If I return back to Germany after 10 years, and if I do not have a job, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
b.      What if I decide to return after 65 years to Germany?
c.       What if I decide not to return to Germany and stay in India after 65?
3.       If I decide to move back to Germany post my retirement, what will be the source of income for my livelihood and what will be the insurance cover?
Please let me know if anyone knows any information on these lines.
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RE: Information needed for long term planning
28/01/15 13:36 en respuesta a Krish Krishna.

Any response please?

Even if you were to give a point of view, I am fine. Please let me know.

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
28/01/15 17:08 en respuesta a Krish Krishna.
Hi Krish,

I guess you speak and read German. So I have a website for you, which could have some answers for you.


Good luck

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
28/01/15 17:30 en respuesta a trust7.
Dear Detlef,

Thanks for the link. I will contact them and get some proffessional advise. 

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
29/01/15 5:06 en respuesta a Krish Krishna.
I am seeking a help to get clarification on following as I am making a decision to move out of Germany and eventually to India.
I am a German citizen since last 3 years and have been living here for more than a decade. Originally I come from India. Due to some personal compulsions I have to make decision to move out of Germany. I would want to be aware of the consequences before I act on my decisions. Thus I seek your valuable inputs. Below are my questions.
As a first step, my job is pushing to take up a position either in Netherlands or in France. As a 2nd step, I may opt to wind up and go back to India in a year or so.
1.       Health Insurance: Since last 15 years I have been with AOK. What will be status of the health Insurance after I move back to India? Do I have to contribute to AOK even from India to keep it alive? NO Will AOK do insurance cover after I move out of Germany? NO . It is only for residents. You cant get AOK cover to live in Japan. insurance premiums are very expensive there. What will happen to my insurance cover if I return back to Germany say after 10 years? You can get insured again. It is compulsory to be insured. After 10 years, if I decide to get back to Germany, I may have a job or I may still be searching for a job? What will happen to my insurance in both the cases?
10 years a long time frame. There can be lots of changes.. let not insurance be the driving factor for the change.
2.       Social security: What will happen to my social security contribution that I have been making all these years if I decide to move back to India? Do I continue to contribute to social security system from India as well? What will happen to the social security during my intermittent stay/work in NL/France?
Pension...It will remain in Germany and eligible at age 65.
a.       If I return back to Germany after 10 years, and if I do not have a job, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
NO.. only social security benefit. ALG IV..
b.      What if I decide to return after 65 years to Germany?
Would you serious consider returning to Germany at that old age. no friends, relatives, no social circle. There is a saying "Dont poke your eye with a golden needle, just because it is golden"
c.       What if I decide not to return to Germany and stay in India after 65?
you will get pension in India for whatever you have contributed.
3.       If I decide to move back to Germany post my retirement, what will be the source of income for my livelihood and what will be the insurance cover?
Please let me know if anyone knows any information on these lines.
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RE: Information needed for long term planning
29/01/15 8:59 en respuesta a Wim Hannover.
Hi Cebit,

Thanks for the answers.

Hi Krish,

Update this thread after you have discussed this with raphaelwerk. It will be important information for many in this group.

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
29/01/15 10:30 en respuesta a M S.
Hi Krish,

I a also interested to know the outcome of questions posted . Please share in the forum.

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
29/01/15 11:22 en respuesta a Krish Krishna.
Hi Cebit,

Many thanks for your kind response. It gives me a good overview. However I would like to get in to some more details for you to understand the situation better and advice me.

Below are the next level details.

1.       Health Insurance: Take the scenario of my kids growing up in India till the schooling. Since all of have naturalized, I would like to keep the option open for kids to choose to come over to Germany for higher studies. This will obviously motivate the entire family (Kids, Wife and I) to relocate back in Germany. This is highly likely in my case as I am moving back to India for a specific reason to spend the next 10 odd years. Thus my personal situation may lead to a situation of relocating back to Germany and look for a job. Hence Insurance obviously pays a bigger role. From the day 1 of my landing, I may be on job hunt. In such cases, how the insurance works? I
2.       Social security: You have responded to Pension component. What will happen to social security contributions? Take the example of me living and working in NL/France for the next couple of years before I move back to India. Do I continue to contribute to German social system while working in France / NL or is there any EU norm that takes care of Social security / Pension across EU. Or is it my choice to contribute to France/NL system or German social security? What will be the impact on my pension in such case if I contribute to NL/France system?
a.       If I return back to Germany after 10 years, and if I do not have a job, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
CEBIT: NO.. Only social security benefit. ALG IV..

Krish: What does it mean to a person like me? How do you differentiate a social security benefit ALG IV VS unemployment benefit?

b.      What if I decide to return after 65 years to Germany?
CEBIT: Would you serious consider returning to Germany at that old age. no friends, relatives, no social circle. There is a saying "Dont poke your eye with a golden needle, just because it is golden"

Krish: Basically, I have a complete social infrastructure here in terms of Friends and Relatives that are likely to exist in this German eco system post my retirement. I will not be left aloneemoticon. I have the complete set of people that have settled down for ever (the ones that I grew up with). That’s almost forces me to move back after retirement. Thus my question is, what will be the situation at least in theory as on today if I were to return at the age of 65 as far as housing/insurance are concerned given that I will have not built my house and entering the country purely on the merit of being a citizen. The focus here is for me to understand what kind of asset I need to build on top of pension/social benefit at that age. What should be the corpus with which I should enter this country at the age of 65. OR in theory what happens if I enter this country without any major savings or asset.

c.       What if I decide not to return to Germany and stay in India after 65?
CEBIT: you will get pension in India for whatever you have contributed.
Krish: Will I get the same amount which otherwise I would have gotten in Germany or since it will be in India, will there be a factor to decide how much will I be paid? E.g. If I am eligible for a 1000 Euro pension in Germany, will I get 1000 Euro in India as well?

d. During my next two years tenure in France/NL, in theory if I lose the job, who do I go to? Does German system support me or should I return back to Germany?

Sorry to bother you guys with so many questions. But I am sure getting clarity will help some of us and given the situation, definitely it will be of great help to me.

Looking forward to get responses.

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
30/01/15 4:30 en respuesta a Krish Krishna.
The concept of welfare state will go away in  Europe. So dont count much on social security after 10  years. You will have to mostly count on your saving for pension pot. Govt. has already increased retirement age is 67. 

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RE: Information needed for long term planning
30/01/15 10:42 en respuesta a Krish Krishna.
Hi Cebit,

Many thanks for your kind response. It gives me a good overview. However I would like to get in to some more details for you to understand the situation better and advice me.

Below are the next level details.

1.       Health Insurance: Take the scenario of my kids growing up in India till the schooling. Since all of have naturalized, I would like to keep the option open for kids to choose to come over to Germany for higher studies. This will obviously motivate the entire family (Kids, Wife and I) to relocate back in Germany. This is highly likely in my case as I am moving back to India for a specific reason to spend the next 10 odd years. Thus my personal situation may lead to a situation of relocating back to Germany and look for a job. Hence Insurance obviously pays a bigger role. From the day 1 of my landing, I may be on job hunt. In such cases, how the insurance works? I
coolguy: You need to insure privately all your family including the kids or else take a job where the salary is below the threshold limit at that time and enter the public health insurance system where your entire family will be included automatically. PROVIDED same rules are still in place after 10 years.

2.       Social security: You have responded to Pension component. What will happen to social security contributions? Take the example of me living and working in NL/France for the next couple of years before I move back to India. Do I continue to contribute to German social system while working in France / NL or is there any EU norm that takes care of Social security / Pension across EU. Or is it my choice to contribute to France/NL system or German social security? What will be the impact on my pension in such case if I contribute to NL/France system?
a.       If I return back to Germany after 10 years, and if I do not have a job, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
CEBIT: NO.. Only social security benefit. ALG IV..

Krish: What does it mean to a person like me? How do you differentiate a social security benefit ALG IV VS unemployment benefit?
coolguy:If you are stayin gin germany for more than a decade who should have  known the difference between ALG I and ALG II ( also called hartz IV). To recieve ALG I you should show a proof of contribution to "Arbeitlosverschierung" for the last 12 months in EU. And the amount you recieve depends on the last 12 months average salary in EU. Since you will be in India, you are not entitled to recieve ALG I.  Having a German citizenship doesnt workout here.

ALG II or Hartz IV is given to families who dont have any financial support or bank balances. since you will be returning from INDIA after 10 years the officers will definetly ask you how you were finanaced all these years and you should show proof of no income, no substantial property, no bank balance. Believe me it's only for extereme cases and if you recieve it after staying 10 years in INDIA proably working in a good position in INDIA, it's definetly misuisng the system

b.      What if I decide to return after 65 years to Germany?
CEBIT: Would you serious consider returning to Germany at that old age. no friends, relatives, no social circle. There is a saying "Dont poke your eye with a golden needle, just because it is golden"

Krish: Basically, I have a complete social infrastructure here in terms of Friends and Relatives that are likely to exist in this German eco system post my retirement. I will not be left aloneemoticon. I have the complete set of people that have settled down for ever (the ones that I grew up with). That’s almost forces me to move back after retirement. Thus my question is, what will be the situation at least in theory as on today if I were to return at the age of 65 as far as housing/insurance are concerned given that I will have not built my house and entering the country purely on the merit of being a citizen. The focus here is for me to understand what kind of asset I need to build on top of pension/social benefit at that age. What should be the corpus with which I should enter this country at the age of 65. OR in theory what happens if I enter this country without any major savings or asset.

Coolguy: According to general calcualtion basically done by banks and insurance agents who sell the pension products, the german public pension system at 2040 will be only cover 75%- 80% of the living expenses adjusted to inflation at that time.. So you should prepare to cover the reamaining 20%.
And if a person is above 55 and enter Germany, he will not be entitled to join public health insurance system. This rules applies to native germans, naturalized germans and everybody. This is just to avoid misuse of system by being  in private health insurance when young ( below 55) and then jump into the public system to cover the old age costs.

c.       What if I decide not to return to Germany and stay in India after 65?
CEBIT: you will get pension in India for whatever you have contributed.
Krish: Will I get the same amount which otherwise I would have gotten in Germany or since it will be in India, will there be a factor to decide how much will I be paid? E.g. If I am eligible for a 1000 Euro pension in Germany, will I get 1000 Euro in India as well?

Coolguy: According to the new pension agreement between INDIA and Germany you will be entitled to 100% of the eleigible pension after 67 years.

d. During my next two years tenure in France/NL, in theory if I lose the job, who do I go to? Does German system support me or should I return back to Germany?

Sorry to bother you guys with so many questions. But I am sure getting clarity will help some of us and given the situation, definitely it will be of great help to me.

Looking forward to get responses.

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