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Help needed!

my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!

i am having a strange behaviour from my landlord.
I have to submit my NE application and for that reason i need my landlord signature. I tried to call my landlord on his telephone number but all the time i get connected to voice mail. I left him messages to contact me becuase i need his signatures but i got no response. Then i wrote him registered letter detailing the same reason. Surprisingly he didnt respond even after receiving the registered letter from me. I was really surprised and frustrated with this behaviour. I then stopped paying rent. Even after stopping rent, he didnt ask me or contacted me to ask why i am not paying rent. Getting fed up with all this behaviour, I thought if he is dead!! becuase only dead will not respond!! Then last week i decided to visit his home personally and carried auslander amt letter to get his signatures. Upon reaching there, I rang the door bel. His wife came out and was surprised to see me. and straightaway she asked me if i have to come to cancel rental contract, obviuosly not but to get his signatures and to get the reason why he is not responding. BUT even there he didnt come out i pleaded his wife that i want to talk with him face to face but she replied that he dont want to meet me.. AMAZING!!! after several requests she took my application and promised me that she or her husband will post it in few days. It was very suspecious behaviour, therefore i while leaving from his neighbourhood I asked one of their neighbour if they have seen him recently. and the neighbour acknowledge that he sees all the family memebers including my landlord very often. Now i am a bit frustrated with this stupid and sick behaviour, even he is not asking/complaing about his rent which i stopped paying after such a sick behaviour. What else i can do to make him respond. HE SEEM A VERY SICK MAN.. PSYCHO. even not caring about rent.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
1/11/09 14:48 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.

Thats quite strange. But I don't think it gives you the right to stop paying rent. Unless you have some problem with your flat (heating not working, no hot water.. etc), I don't think you are entitled to stop paying rent. Just be careful with taking such stuff. Legally I don't think he is obliged to sign anything for you. I hope you get his signature and this problem would be resolved soon. All the best

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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
1/11/09 17:35 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.

"Legally I don't think he is obliged to sign anything for you".

why not?

please take lawyer opinion in this case. You should not make judgments as it might effect your NE.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
1/11/09 20:01 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.
Two approaches:

1) In lieu of this document signed by your landlord, you can file supporing copies of your documents: rent contract, proof of bank transfer of rent and some letters which you recieve at that address. In addition to this, you can write a letter that you contacted the landlord by registered mail (with no.) and you personally visited them, but you could not find the landlord at this residence. You can also state the contact no. of landlord in the letter. This will certainly help.

2) Else contact a lawyer. This will certainly cost you.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 2:02 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.
thanks for the advice. i can go to the lawyer the next day. Some of my friends advice to wait for another month and dont pay the rent as i have still time before i submit my application in Dec'09. I want him to go lawyer and spend lawyer fee then too i can reply through lawyer and pay my fee. I think it is my right to get signed becuase its official document and becuase i have been paying all my rent on time and never ask anything to repair. Its his sick nature that i am suffering.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 9:07 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.

Does your friend know the law? landlord may have legal protection insurance and he will have no legal costs, since you are deliberatly not paying rent.

If you are not paying rent and want to get the landlord to the negotiating table, first consult the lawyer.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 11:49 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.
I think stutt23 is right. The signed rental contract from the house owner should be equivalent for anything you want to attest by getting a signature in some document for the purpose of NE. In any case this signature would be a very minor requirement for NE application. Definitely don't get into new trouble by not paying rent in time. Going to lawyer for this is too much. Instead you can explain the case to landesamt. You need not take landlord's silence too personaly; may be he has some other problem, not with you.

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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 15:39 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.
Didn't hear before that you need your Landlord's signature for NE application! I think the "Mietvertrag" mentioning monthly rent and bank transaction showing that the money is going to the Landlord's account should be sufficient. Atleast this was sufficient in my case. DON'T stop paying the rent timely, imagine yourself kicked out of the apartment and looking for a new apartment (which can be really a pain in the behind)when you are planning for NE.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 16:37 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.
@ eurpa2008

It is a new rule that you require a signature of the houseowner for NE. For NE, I did have to show the house contract papers only.

Pay your rent on time!

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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 16:39 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.

I do not think the landlord must sign this document in a legal point of view. Nobody can force him to sign this document. Thats what I meant. He can..but he must not.


As far as I can remember, I did not need any signature from my landlord. I took a copy of my mietvertrag. But again, dont stop paying the rent. I dont think the law is on your side.
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Re: my landlord ignores my queries, stop responding!
2/11/09 23:08 en respuesta a europe2008 europe2008.
You also need to show last 3 months payment slips for NE. If you don't pay, how will you get payment slips. Then you will have to explain to authorties & you may get Mahnung from landlord and may more ...

So be on safe side & pay immidiatly your dues.


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