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Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR

Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 17:31

Permanent Residence for those old GCs who due to GC rules had a limited contracts of 5 years.
Betreff: Umsetzung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes
Vorläufige Anwendungshinweise von Bundesministerium des Innern
Abschnitt von 2 Zu § 2 Begriffsbestimmungen:

2.3.2- Die Fähigkeit zur Bestreitung des Lebensunterhalts ohne Inanspruchnahme öffentlicher
Mittel darf nicht nur vorübergehend sein. Demnach ist eine Prognose entscheidung zu treffen,
ob die öffentlichen Haushalte durch die Pflicht, den Lebensunterhalt des Ausländers zu
sichern, nur vorübergehend belastet werden. Zu befristeten Arbeitsverträgen kann wegen
der Vielschichtigkeit des Wirtschaftslebens keine strikt formale Handhabe erfolgen. Es ist
insbesondere zu berücksichtigen, ob – wie in einigen Wirtschaftszweigen üblich – der kettenartige Abschluss neuer Verträge mit demselben Arbe itgeber oder ständig neue Abschlüsse mit verschiedenen Vertragspartnern zu erwarten sind, oder ob die Gefahr der Erwerbslosigkeit nach Auslaufen des Vertrages nahe liegt. Gegebenenfalls sind entsprechende NachVorläufige Anwendungshinweise AufenthG, FreizügG/EU Stand: 22. Dezember 2004
7 weise zu fordern. Kann nachgewiesen werden, dass es bereits in der Vergangenheit kettenartig
zu neuen Vertragsabschlüssen gekommen ist, kann dies indizieren, dass sich diese Handhabe auch in Zukunft fortsetzen wird. Im Zweifel kann auch eine Auskunft bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit oder den Berufs- oder Wirtschaftsverbänden der entsprechenden Branche herangezogen werden. Führen diese Ermittlungen zu keinem konkreten Ergebnis, ist im Zweifel zu entscheiden, dass die Voraussetzung der Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts
nicht erfüllt ist.

so its advisable to take all your old contracts also to AB when u apply for PR, because if during your 5 years period if you were working with different employers or even have had small limited period contracts with the same employer, it would prove that you have the potential to secure you livelihood in future also....

comments from others are welcome...

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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 17:54 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
If I am an old GC, I have all the visa (in consequence contract)record in my passport. Shouldnt that be enough ?
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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 18:07 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
Hallo Ahmed,
do you mean that u have had one 5 years visa issued once in your pass, but u have had contracts
in a sequence ?

i think its not about visas, but about your employments during your stay.... please do
put ur questions again if i got it wrong!

Apart from your contracts, it could also be examined that in your profession - i suppose u r IT profi. if its normal to switch or be able to find further employments with out much difficulties, so u know, it can be seen from very different perpectives...

i hope i could answer u a bit..-emoticon

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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 18:39 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.

its not a big deal to get all the contracts and provide it to the PR officer. What I wanted to say it that - if they want to check about where did I work - its always written in my passport - my visa is always tied to my employer - so the visa record in my passport tells everything - where I worked and for how long.

But again - some one can take the contracts also.


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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 19:05 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
but many GCs (in my case also) got their visas where it is NOT mentioned on it any thing about employer.... mean it was not bound to any particular employer , so we could change our companies easily without having our visas changed for a particular employer.

Anyway ABehoerde will (if the case may be) also check this with Arbeitsamt...

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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 21:16 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
Hi MH,

Many thanks for the info you have provided.
Can you please send or post the link where this is officially published?

I have also a question: I had my first contract for 2 years with Fraunhofer Institute. Then at the end of the 2 years, they extended my contract for another 3 years (all by all 5 years).
Question : Is this considered a sequence of contracts and so it is enough for securing my livelihood. (I am IT expert).

Thanks a lot
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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
6/01/05 22:01 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
my god zash only god can tell will they consider it so. I think even if you ask Beamter that has to give you NE will it be enough, he would say: I don't know.
But I think that name Fraunhofer Institut should help them decide. (if they ever heard of it)
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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
7/01/05 0:22 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
Hi Zash,
you can find this info under following link:
You should look at page 20 or paragraph:2.3.2


the good news is that atleast these official guidlines are to be used in implmenting the new law. i am not a lawer, but i think to understand the meaning of above paragraph is not so difficult.

DvD is absolutely right. Sometimes Beamters dont know many things. But u can be happy that u have something in law which u can always claim later if your right is being not recognized. Again it is strongly recommended to use Trust7 services or any lawer who put ur case forward.

your situation looks optimistic, as u have had limited contracts with the same employer, thats what is written in the link above.

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Re: Fuer GCs mit befristeten Vertraege- PR
7/01/05 2:16 en respuesta a Mubasher Hassan.
Hi MH and DvD,

Thanks for the info and the link...

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