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Help needed!

DSL Internet from 1&1

DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 13:51
Hi All,

Last month I have ordered a DSL 6000 connection from 1und1 for 35 Euro per month with minimum 1 year contract. After a few days I got a letter from them that my DSL is activated from the 1st of August with the speed of 3000 as it is not possible to set my connection to 6000. Then I E-mailed to 1und1 stating that if they can not set my DSL to speed of 6000, I am not willing to take 3000 and pay 35 Euro per month. I want to pay 30 Euro per month and they can set my DSL to 2000. But I did not get any response from them. Rather they took 35 Euro from my bank account. Could you please suggest me what can I do? Can I cancel my contract with them?

Last month a lady from 1&1 called me to take an offer of "Deutschland Phone Flat" for 10 Euro per month. She told me that I can accept it for the first month and if I am not willing to continue with this, I can deactivate this option from 1und "Control Center". But I did not find any option to deactivate "Phone Flat" option. Could anyone of you please tell me if there is anything in control center to handle this? I am totally unsatisfied with 1&1 DSL service. It seems they are not fair to deal with customers.

Thanks for your response.


0 (0 Votos)

Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 14:30 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
I hope you've asked for a confirmation letter from the lady you talked to the phone with.
For the 35 euros, you can get them back, just ask your bank to cancel the transfer, it's done straight away (I've done that a couple of time).
About the contract, you have first to check if you got a copy from your 6000-request and if you got one, then you're on your rights, check the contract and see how you could deal with them to cancel it.
But if Sabine is somewhere on the net today, maybe she could answer better than I did.

Sabiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!!! :-)


PS Sabine is our beloved "online"-T7 lawyer.
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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 15:24 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Thank you NoBody for the response.

Yes, I have got an E-mail from 1und1 stating that due to technical problems, it is not possible to set my DSL connection as I expected (I think it is the problem with the Router from FRITZ they gave me). And they also stated that they set my DSL speed to 3000 which I did not request.

I even tried to reach them several times over phone with 12cent per minutes, but nobody responded.


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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 15:28 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Hi! Nobody you are quite right with your answers... Cancel the transfer from your bank account. Normally you have about 6 weeks time for this. Then I would write a letter to 1&1 and tell them that you resign the contract because they are not able to fulfill the contract. It is called "Rücktritt wegen nicht vertragsgemäß erbrachter Leistung" § 323 BGB. I guess that this Phone Flat option is connected with the DSL contract therefore you will get rid of this with your resignation. But you can also add in your letter that you deactivate the phone flat option . Keep the 1&1 letter, a copy of your letter and send it via fax. Keep the report.

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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 16:22 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Hi Sabine & Nobody,

Thank you very much for your responses. I will cancel my bank transfer and contract.


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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 18:28 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Hi Sabine & Nobody,

But I have been using their services since 04th of this month. Is it still possible that I cancel the contract?

Thank you very much for your response.


0 (0 Votos)

Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
15/08/05 22:51 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Do the resignation and stop using it as soon as possible.

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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
16/08/05 12:25 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.

using it will make think that you agree on the deal made, it's just like driving a car you're supposing not to have.

If you keep using that, they can consider it as a chance for them to get money out of you, either by "you're using so you do have to pay for that" or "ok, we cancel but you used XYZ Gb of traffic so you have to pay HIJ euros".

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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
16/08/05 13:06 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Thank you Sabine and Nobody for your responses.

Best regards,

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Re: DSL Internet from 1&1
16/08/05 13:26 en respuesta a Mashud kabir.
Hi MK,

You will have to contact them at support@einsundeins.de

They will of course have to agree to appropriate terms which suits you both.

Let me know if you still have some problems at

sudeep.Pondala@adithyacomm.com and i will get back to you.

// Sudeep
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