Hello guys,
I am sure everyone who already applied or is planning to apply for Einbuergerung must have thought about the Pros and Cons about this topic. For me personally, its an issue rather than a topic
Reasons being that:
1) I am already here since 8 years but I am not planning to stay in Germany for more than another 1-2 years rather I plan to go back to my home country.
2) My home country has no agreement with Germany to continue the Pension acoount over there, which means if I take Citizenship and leave Germany then I will get my pension only after 67 years of age. Under this case there are 3 or more possibilities:
a) Either I am not live at 67 age

b) Either Germany has no more money to pay Pension amount

c) The pension amount which I will get at 67 years of age will only be around 400~600 Euros(If I leave Germany and stop contributing anymore to my this Pension account). In this case, in year 2050 I won't be able to buy even peanuts and a beer with this amount. Just kidding

but I hope you understand my point
3) If I don't take Citizenship, rather go to my home country and apply for pension amount I will approximately get around 50000 Euros(100% of my contributions) back which I can happily use in my country.
a) Advantage: I can use this amount to make a fixed deposit Or invest this amount somewhere so that it grows as my age also grow and then use it once I am around 50 years of age Or I can use this money to plan my pension account in my own way.
b) Disadvantage: I miss the chance of getting German Citizenship. Hence, the chance of Visa-hassle-free travel to whole Europe and many other countries in the world Or the chance to work freely in many parts of the world without actually aquiring the workpermit. But these (work) cases are more unlikely bcos I am going back to my country as I would like to work in my country itself.
What is your opinion regarding this? Which points you think have more weightage? What path should I follow?
Regards from Yakkoo
and God Bless Germany