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Evaluation of the Immigration Law

Evaluation of the Immigration Law
31/07/06 4:39
The Federal Ministry of Interior (Bundesministerium des Inneren) has recently published an analysis about the Immigration Law, stating which points must be improved:

For us, the most important part is page 26 "Einreise von Hochqualifizierten" (Entry of high-qualified foreigns to Germany), since it is practically more realizable.

It seems that the current government does not intend to reduce the ca. 84.000 barrier for immediate authorization of unlimited residence permit (NE, Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte, Aufenth §19).

Am I missing anything here?

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Re: Evaluation of the Immigration Law
31/07/06 12:42 en respuesta a klenze17 holmenkollen.
Hi Klenze,
This report does not show anything about current government's intentions. This is just an evaluation done by the practicers of the law(Mostly ABH people and ministry officers). They are giving feedback to the law makers and suggesting them possible changes in the law. (If you read the pages starting from 26, you will actually see that practicers also find the 84.000 limit high and they think about 1,5 times of Beitragsbemessungsgrenze as suggestion(instead of 2 times))

But these are all suggestions to the law-makers. Whether the law makers consider these suggestions or they just throw the report to dustbin is their free will which we can not easily influence.

Excerpt from the report:
Der Vorschlag, für jüngere Hochqualifizierte, die am Beginn ihrer beruflichen Laufbahn stehen, eine geringere Gehaltsgrenze festzusetzen, ist überlegenswert. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass durchschnittliche Studien-absolventen im Jahr 2005 ein Einstiegsgehalt zwischen 35.000 und 40.000 Euro erhielten, bei hochqualifizierten Studienabsolventen aber deutlich mehr gefordert werden muss, wäre ein Betrag in Höhe des Ein-einhalbfachen der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze der gesetzlichen Kranken-versicherung als angemessen zu betrachten


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