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visa Extension/ NE

visa Extension/ NE
27/05/05 16:12
Hi all
I was in auslanderbehorde to get an extension in visa.I asked lady if i would be able to get NE after 5 years and she says YES. but you will get it in june 2006. i told her that i started working in march 2001 which means that i should get NE is march 2006. but she says that since i was issued the erlaubnis in june 2001 so they will calculate 5 years from this point. Now i want to make sure if this is true or you should have paid 60 months in taxes and you may apply for NE.

i also somehow read that you could apply for BE after 3 years. should i do it also when i apply for my visa extension
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
27/05/05 16:30 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
Hello Memory,
I have a similar case like you. I started working in May 2001 but I got my aufenthaltserlaubnis in june, so i the officer in ABH told me that I will get my NE in june 2006. I do not know if this is fair because I was in Germany working already in May. Anyone has any comment on that?
You can get your BE already. I got it.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
27/05/05 17:51 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
>you should have paid 60 months in taxes
oh boy! correction it is a 60 months pension rule and it should not matter if your erlaubnis is issued in June.

Get going with a lawyer!
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
29/05/05 13:11 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
@ zash,

What documents did you provide to get the BE? BTW what are the advantages of BE? Many Thanks in advance for your clarifications.

Best Regards,
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 13:21 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
@ gc-friend

I did not need any papers to get the BE. I just sent a letter that I have been working in Germany since 2001 and I have completed 4 years and I want to apply for the BE. It was easy to get. The advantages for the BE is that you do not need to extend your arbeitserlaubnis anymore. The BE is like an unlimited work permit. You are also no longer bound to your company or to the IT domain.
Reragds, Zash
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 14:59 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
hi @zash
does it mean that if after 4 yours or more you loose your job then you may get any other job????

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Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 15:06 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
I did not understand the question. It is very easy, after 4 years of work in germany you get the BE. With this BE, you can look for any job in any firma in germany. So if you lose your job after you have the BE, then you can go and work in McDonalds even if you are an IT guy.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 15:25 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
After 3 years of work in germany, or after 4 years of stay you can work any job - but you have little chances of getting this form ABH if you are unemployed. So you have to make request for "Beschäftigung erlaubt" before you loose your current job - like some kind of security. BTW I have this already, same as some other people too.

Go to ABH and ask for "Aufhebung der Auflage" according to Paragraph 9 BeschVerfV.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 17:25 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
This is very important what cedomir says.
If you lose your job and then try to get BE you will probably get nothing. ABH could even give you 3 only months to get a job if your visa is binded to firma.
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 18:40 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
But how long would ABH give you to find a new job if you loose your job after getting the BE?
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 18:42 en respuesta a ABC DEF.

Thank you so much for your clarifications. One more help! Could you please give me a template of your letter so that I could use the same? My German is poor...Did you give the letter personally or sent it via e-mail to the ABH.

Best Regards,
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 18:44 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
@zash & others:

But how long would ABH give you to find a new job if you loose your job after getting the BE

That's exactly the point among other things - if you lose your job you have nothing to speak with ABH anymore - because it is not written that your visa "Erlischt mit beendigung der Tätigkeit". New visa says only "Beschäftigung uneingeschränkt erlaubt". You have to go to Arbeitsagentur and to find yourself a new job - but you can stay in Germany until the end of your "BE" visa.
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 18:51 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
Thanks for the answer.
I just used the letter that was once given by DvD. My german is also not very good, but I just used the template from DvD. Thanks!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 19:05 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
Even if your visa ends you can hope to get one year extension to search for job.
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 20:31 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
In my case, i was given only 4.5 years GC. When i asked the beamter when it was issued, the beamter said straight that i should work here only for 4.5 years and i should leave the country after that. Also she mentioned to me that if i live here for more than 60 months i would become eligible able to get the NE/PR whatever and she does not want that. (Infact she made to visit her quite a few times giving reasons that i dont have proper documents etc.,etc.,) This happened last year. At that time as my german skills were poor and i dint want to fight with her. Even at that time my salary was more than 85K €. Anyway in another one month i am leaving deutschland and going back to home. But this was one bad example of a bad beamter.

Regards, Asian
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Re: visa Extension/ NE
30/05/05 21:51 en respuesta a ABC DEF.

with that "she"...

where did all these take place, which city and which ausländerbehörde ? (of course if you don`t mind to tell)
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
31/05/05 1:50 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
hi all,
I am am not usually sharing a lot in the forum, most of the time reading. just wanted to share with you that i also got my NE today , the process was very easy and took 3 weeks .i was under the category of high qualified but nevertheless they told me that green card holders will get after 5 years with the same process without any problem.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
31/05/05 12:30 en respuesta a ABC DEF.
hi all
just another question.

i have obtained a new passport from my embassy yesterday and now i will go to ABH to get an extension.i will basically apply for another 5 years of extension.

now I can also for BE at the same time or these two things are totally independent. sorry if i am really ignorant in this field.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: visa Extension/ NE
31/05/05 13:16 en respuesta a ABC DEF.

It happened in Köln ABH. During the first meet itself she was unhappy with me because of my poor german skills and she was also said to her colleague how people are able to get so much salary withtout knowing german!! She refused to take my application by giving some reasons that i dont have some documents (which are not so important). In my company, i am the only foreigner and they are not familiar with the rules. My surname starts with 'V' and due to stupid the policy in the ABH, i had to see her everytime bcoz she handles the surname starts with 'V'. She made me to visit her 7-8 times and issued the GC. Now i have to make one last visit to ABH for my abmeldung. After that no more deutschland other than business/holiday trips.

Regards, Sri
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