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Visa Questions

Relocation Compensatioin

Relocation Compensatioin
15/01/05 22:10
Hi All,

I have heard that Arbeitsamt provide some compensation for relocation. I am not sure whether this is also applicable in case of changing job from one to another city?
And secondly which arbeitsamt will deal with it, the one from current city or the second one? Do they need some kind of receipts or there is some kind of standard amout? and the last question when should the arbeitsamt be informed about changing the job.

Looking forward for your useful tips and guidance.

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Re: Relocation Compensatioin
17/01/05 14:02 en respuesta a nanda nanda.
No one wants to reply this message and share their experiences? I am rather new to this forum, whatever question i posted (also interesting for other people and common information) never got a reply !!

If I have posted a topic something about religion, or talking about German culture, or what options are better than Germany..I am sure I would have got lots of replies :-)) why is it so??
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Re: Relocation Compensatioin
17/01/05 14:20 en respuesta a nanda nanda.
"I have heard that Arbeitsamt provide some compensation for relocation"

No one is answering your post because your statement is totally false. It could be that also people reading your post, do not have an idea regarding the question that you are asking, so they simply stay quite. Isn't it better than giving you false information ? emoticon

Anyway, I have never heard that arbeitsamt provides such a compensation. What you can do is, you can collect the receipts of your spending regarding your relocation and deduct it from taxes in next year's tax declaration. That is all you can do.

Usually the company who is hiring you supposed to pay the relocation compensation, not the arbeitsamt. Claiming that money from arbeitsamt could be also a bit ridiculous and fun though.. emoticon
(Beamter's reaction at AA... emoticon


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Re: Relocation Compensation
17/01/05 14:50 en respuesta a nanda nanda.

there is a kind of compensation 'Zuschuß' from the Arbeitsamt, but it is only for so called German 'Langzeitarbeitslose'.

If somebody is flexibel enough to move to another town in order to get a new job after beeing unemployed for a longer period, the Arbeitsamt pays him/her a certain amonut of money to cover the costs for relocation.

I do not think that GCs can get this, but to be sure, you should contact your local employment office.

Good luck
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Re: Relocation Compensatioin
17/01/05 17:38 en respuesta a nanda nanda.
I have managed to refund some money for relocation from the state, but not through AA or ABH. I did it through tax return. When I worked on the previous' year Steuererklärung, I declared extra costs, supplied all the bills, plane tickets, etc. and I got it back (around 2,5K). Finanzamt should accept these costs because they are related to your work.
At least they had to with the old law around - maybe you should check with some pro to see if this is still valid with the new law.

There are lot of these "details" where you could get some money back. For example, if you go to a new job interview to some other town, you have the right to ask that company to refund your travel costs (and even for spending a night in a hotel - if you had to do that to attend the interview).
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Re: Relocation Compensatioin
17/01/05 17:46 en respuesta a nanda nanda.
glide wrote:
"I did it through tax return"

That is also what I told.

I am sorry but it does not sound reasonable to me that I can demand some money from Arbeitsamt, after I change my job on my free will. Getting it as tax return, on contrary, sounds quite reasonable and possible. (Getting it from Arbeitsamt is possible only in the special case, described by Detlef, I believe)

By the way, glide, I believe you are confused with the new immigration law and the tax law. As the tax law stays as it is, what shall we check with the new law ? or what do you mean by "new" law ? (tax or immigration ?) is there also a "new" tax law which I am not aware of ?


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Re: Relocation Compensatioin
18/01/05 1:34 en respuesta a nanda nanda.
Well, the state is going into restrictive eco politics, because they're looking for the way to pay back as less as possible. So I expect that the tax law has undergone some changes, too. Not so extensive as the immigration law, of course, but some anyway - they have to take care about the social peace also.
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