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Help needed!

I need information...

I need information...
18/08/04 12:52
Hello everybody:
My name is Dave and I am from South America. Actually, I am living in Belgic (3 months) and I wanna study German in the Volkshochschule in Munchen. I have already all the documents but I need the registration papers. I just called yesterday to the school and they told me the registration begins on September 10 but I need that paper to ask for the visa because it takes between 6 and 10 weeks to get it so, can you please help me and inform me what can I do in this case? how can I do in order to get the registration papers or an invitation letter from the school. Please I need your help. Thank you so much.
Dave emoticon
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Re: I need information...
18/08/04 14:22 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hi Dave

Dave? Strange name for a Sudamericano. Me too!

Very bad time of the year to start any paper. Surely all the people from VHS are in hollydays now.

One of the first things you learn here in Germany is all needs time and sometimes is not so easy to hurry up the people because they simply answer you "Why didn´t you started before?"

But I guess the solution for your problem is just calling VHS by phone and explain clearly your problem. Maybe you can offer to pay in advance the course now and in retribution you need to receive a paper saying "the real inscription will be in september but Mr. Dave ist preinscripted in our institution" and with this you can start the papers in the embassy of ... (fill with your country).

Normally you will find good will from the people of those places. Don´t be afraid to call, but is allways better make a call than a mail.

The other possibility is to be here with a tourist visa, depending on which is your home country, you can be here up to three months and then switch your visa to student. But if you were three months in Belgium, I guess your visa is out isn´t it?

Good luck

0 (0 Votos)

Re: I need information...
18/08/04 14:31 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hello Yo:
Thank you for your help. I am from Trujillo-Peru and I need a visa for everywhere I wanna go.
I have the schengen visa until final of September this year. I will call the VHS school today afternoon but in the case I can not get that paper. What do I need to ask for the tourist visa? Does it take so much time to get it? Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.
Dave emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

Re: I need information...
18/08/04 14:46 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hi Dave

Lamento decirte que es un poco complicado lo tuyo

Please check this:


This is the German embassy in Lima. Here you will find all you need.

One problem I see is I don´t think is enought the VHS course to get a visa. They say "University study" and "more than 20 hours per week teaching time". Two things no available in the VHS I know.

Other problem is if you want to apply from Germany, you need a german or german house who take responsability for you.

A very good solution could be a german friend you have invites you to visit him/her. This visa is fast and you don´t need to many papers.

I guess better is to consult your consulate or Embassy in germany.

Sorry, can not help you very much, but if you want some more, I´ll try to answer


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Re: I need information...
18/08/04 14:56 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hallo Yo:
Yes, I have a German friend living in Germany and maybe she can invite me. Do you think it would be easier? The VHS school gives intensive courses of 20 hours per week and I wanna enrole in those classes.
But if I ask my german friend to invite me. What does she have to do??
Dave emoticon
p.d: Please don't tell me it is so difficult, I really wanna study there. emoticon
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Re: I need information...
18/08/04 14:58 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
By the way, I wanna apply from the German embassy here in Belgic.
Dave emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

Re: I need information...
18/08/04 15:21 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hi Dave

Its the same procedure as discussed in this thread:

Hope your German friend has a job. I dont know whether students can apply for the Sponsor Certificate (Verpflichtungserklärung?

Good luck.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: I need information...
18/08/04 17:32 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hello Yo:
I just called the German embassy here and they told me I can not change the tourist visa for a tudent one so, Can I ask another institution for an invitation letter and when I get the visa, enrole in the VHS? thank you so much for your help.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: I need information...
18/08/04 17:47 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
I suppose are you joking me.

Ask in one institution to get a visa and then study in VHS?

No you can´t. Regrettably, here is Germany. If you do so, maybe you get the visa but as soon as you don´t show in the "other institution" they will phone to Auslanderbehörde to cancel your visa. If they cancel your visa, never in your life you will get another visa to be here as a tourist, as a student or as whatever.

I think the best way is your friend. Ask in the embassy if you can be invited starting the papers from Europe and if you later can change your status to student.

A last advice: Germany is highly technified. All here is known. This is not like our countries. All the information between institution is linked and controlled. You must to do the things in the correct way.

Good luck

0 (0 Votos)

Re: I need information...
18/08/04 18:02 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.
Hello Yo:
Where are you from?? Are you from Latin america too? I just applied for the invitation letter in another school and I have to pay for the course so, I will do it and I will attend this school, the course is for 2 months but I suppose that after the course finishes I can apply for an extension student visa and register in another school, can't I?
Dave emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

New Topic.
19/08/04 15:55 en respuesta a david kruijntjens.

Dear Hellfeld and All,

In fact I am very grateful for your responds. I would like to inform you about the whole problem.

As you know already that I have been unemployede for one and half years before I got job. I was been given Bescheinigung until August 2003, then the woman at immigration decided that she would not give it any more, even before then she asked me to explain why I think she should be extending it. I wrote to her that the job market is not good and I even got jobs where that AB did give the permit.
Then my wife was pregnant and there was no way I could travelled with her. My wife went to talk to Caritas and they called the immigration and the person in charge said that when I get a job, then everything is over and that she would write to us and that we should talk to a lawyer which we did. Then the lawyer said I should bring the letter when it comes.
In January 2004, she wrote that we should go and I took a lawyer who sent the case to the court and the time they would decide that I don't have a case I got this job. The immigration is still insisting that we don't have a case because I stayed illegally. The lawyer asked the immigration to give us a paper whiles we wait for the court but the person said no.
Now I don't know what to do again.
Is it better if I move to where the work is and talk to a lawyer there or what should I do? I think the lawyer is not forceful.
Please help out. The work is still waiting. I need professional advice.
I have a family to take care of. All my children were born here. We really have problem with money and whole lot of things. Please!!! Please!!!!

Thank you
0 (0 Votos)

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