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Visa Questions

Spouse visa - exact procedure ?

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Spouse visa - exact procedure ? iamin frankfurt 7/03/04 23:00
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 8/03/04 12:24
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Rajesh Singh 8/03/04 13:57
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 8/03/04 14:12
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? iamin frankfurt 8/03/04 14:30
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 8/03/04 14:41
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? iamin frankfurt 8/03/04 19:44
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 8/03/04 20:15
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? iamin frankfurt 8/03/04 21:17
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 8/03/04 21:22
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Rajesh Singh 9/03/04 16:02
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 9/03/04 17:28
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 12/03/04 14:10
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Paul Wehrli 12/03/04 14:40
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Arun Balagopal 9/06/04 2:36
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Arun Balagopal 9/06/04 2:40
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Faisal Muhammed 9/06/04 12:59
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Desmond Yong 9/06/04 13:36
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Arun Balagopal 10/06/04 23:17
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? BijayKumar Mishra 24/06/04 23:15
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Sudipta Mjaumdar 26/06/04 14:21
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Fred J 26/06/04 14:31
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Fred J 26/06/04 14:32
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Sudipta Mjaumdar 26/06/04 17:58
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Fred J 27/06/04 0:59
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? BijayKumar Mishra 29/06/04 19:53
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? BijayKumar Mishra 3/07/04 19:00
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Dolly Mahandwan 4/07/04 17:05
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Dolly Mahandwan 4/07/04 17:08
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Sudipta Mjaumdar 9/07/04 23:27
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Mar Corona 2/07/05 12:36
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Cosmin Murgu 2/07/05 13:39
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Nasir Mahmood 2/07/05 17:06
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? - - 4/07/05 4:17
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Nasir Mahmood 5/07/05 15:00
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Du Pac 11/07/05 16:50
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Fred Jeffry 11/07/05 17:03
Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ? Du Pac 11/07/05 17:26
Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
7/03/04 23:00
Dear friends,

I may be starting a topic that may have been discussed times and again on this forum. If it is so, please point me to the threads.


Am a GC holder from India. I am getting married in May and would like to bring my with me to Germany.


1. What is the safest and fastest way of getting spouse visa for her ?

2. I have heard that she will have to apply for a visa in India and then I will have to come back and get in touch with Ordnungsamt and then she will have to go to the embassy again to get the stamp. This would mean that I will have to come to Germany alone after my marriage and she will have to travel alone later. Is there a way that I can bring her along with me ?

3. What if I bring her on a tourist visa ? How long can she live with me then ?

4. What all should I do now ? Whom should I contact ? Which documents should I arrange for ?

Any help on the matter will be deeply appreciated.

Sincere regards.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 12:24 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.

Well, i share my experience with you,

In tourist visa your spouse can stay here only for three months and it cannot be extended here. She has to go back to apply again and wait there. The visa application should be made only from the country of origin and cannot be done here.

My spouse has applied the visa in the second week of january and submitted various documents..and we were waiting for the status to be known..After three weeks i went to the auslanderbehorde and got no news.. (I was waiting for the letter from them to submit the documents )..after six weeks i went again and i was informed by the authorities that i have to submit the same documents here for verifying. Apart from this, i had to submit krankenkasse beschienigung, bankkontoauszuge, SCHUFA selbstauskunft,miete vertrag etc., After submitting, i was told by them that it will take another two weeks to process. It is now March 2nd week and we have not yet received. I am from NRW region.

Had i not visited them after six weeks, they would have made me to wait even longer. So my advice is to chase them every week. So you can make it faster.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 13:57 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
I m also a GC working here since Dec-2000

I married in month of January 2004, I applied for my wife visa on 06-02-2004. She got her VISA on 07-02-2004 i'e in one day. But before this I had to collect following documents

[1] One application form filled out by typewriter in duplicate and one by hand
[2] Two new passport photos with white background
[3] Valid passport, validity at least 6 months after date of departure
[4] Your marriage certificate (whether under Hindu marriage act or Special marriage act), attested by the Ministry of External Affairs (MUST)
[5] Proof of your employment in Germany (copy of work contract) and one invitation letter from your office
[6] Apartment rent contract papers
[7] Copy of your work permit
[8] Copy of three recent salary slip

Never forget to say that you are GC holder. This is only one way to get VISA other wise they will take long time. If you need more information feel free to call me.

30 88615 254 ( I am available on this number till 19.03.2004)

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 14:12 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Dear Rajesh Singh,

Where did your wife applied the Visa ? and What type of Visa ?

I am also a GC Holder and i had all documents, infact i could translate most of my documents in Deutsch..

I dont know why there are so many different procedures...

When i enquired in india, i was told by them that only tourist visa 'C' can be obtained in a day and for 'D' type visa (which can be converted to aufenthalstitel) will take 6-12 weeks..

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 14:30 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Thanks Desmond and Rajesh for your replies.

Desmond: Yeah I had also heard of the similar formalities. The process sucks big time. They can ask for all the documents at the time of application. I don't know why it has to be followed up here by the husband. What is SCHUFA selbstauskunft by the way ?

Also, can't I give the authorities here all the documents in advance, stating that my wife will be applying for the visa ?

Or can't she apply for a tourist visa ? And when she gets that she can apply for the spouse visa. This will ensure that she can live with me even when I am following up with the authorities here. And then we can probably go together to India to get the stamp.

Can I seek help of an attorney - that he can act as my proxy to reply to the authorities' questions in case I am not here at that time ? And will the Rechtschutz insurance pay for it ?


Your post is very encouraging. I will give you a call in a day or so. Thanks.

Just a few questions:

Where do I get the application forms from ? Whats the deal with attestation of marriage certificate by MEA ? And is there minimum space requirement for the house that I am living in right now ?

Thanks once again for responding.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 14:41 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
SCHUFA certificate is a certificate stating that you do not have any major debts in deutschland and you are not a bankrupt here. (crazy). You can get this certificate thru online within three days.

I thot of bringing my spouse here on tourist visa and start the permanent visa processing there simultaneously.. but i was not allowed to do so, by the consulate in India. Either you can take tourist visa or you have to wait the permanent visa.

They need your rental contract to prove that you have enough space to live with your family. I am not sure about the minimum requirements.

You can actually submit your papers in advance, but i am not sure whether they will accept here, infact i asked this question when i was in the auslanderbehorde for the first time. But they said they do not have any visa application reference number in their system to collect the documents.. in Deutschland, no rule is consistent.. you can try your luck..

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 19:44 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Thanks Desmond.

Can you please point me to the site where I can get this SCHUFA from ?

I will be visiting Auländerbehörde here very soon and lets see how it goes.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 20:15 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
The SCHUFA site is www.SCHUFA.de. There is one online application link available under the subject 'eigenauskunft'. You just need to fill up this form (all in deutsch) and you need pay 7.60€ and you will get the certificate to your home after 3 or 4 working days.

The other easy way is, you can visit the SCHUFA office (offices list also available in the website unter 'kontakt') and you can get it immediately with you. This process is much faster and the offices normally work from 0800-1400 (montag bis freitag). I actually visited the office in my region and got it within 10 minutes.

Some cases the Auslanderbehorde may not require this, so you can decide whether to take this in advance or not. You can do this when they ask you to produce this.

The other important document is krankenkasse beschienigung. This will be provided by your insurance company stating that when your wife arrives here, she will be be insured by them. But for this the krankenkasse may ask your heiratskunde(marriage certificate)!!!!. How will you produce your heiratskunde before your wedding ?!! (Deutschland all process are complicated and infact i am tired of the beämter!!)

My personal advise is, visit the auslanderbehorde and find out what they require, and start arranging the documents, since you have enough time.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 21:17 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
I am arranging letters and certificates right now.

I will then visit the Ausländerbehörde.

Thanks a ton Desmond for your help.

And good luck for your own case. May your reunion happens soon.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
8/03/04 21:22 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
You are welcome.

Wish everything success for you..Hope you get it faster.

Should you need more details, drop a line..

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/03/04 16:02 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
My wife applied her VISA from Calcutta. And I didn't translate any of my document in German. But it is true every person has different experience with this. We are three Indian working in same company and no one got such problame to call their wife. Every one got VISA in one day and they had type 'D' visa initially.

Other two Indian's wife got VISA from DELHI.


Rajesh Singh
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/03/04 17:28 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Ya, it is different to different person..i dont know the logic behind, My application was made in chennai embassy.. and chennai german consulate website says, that it will take 12 weeks maximum to process..

Anyway, i have crossed more than 8 weeks, and expecting the reply anytime. Thanks very much for your details.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
12/03/04 14:10 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Just an update,

I have been to the auslanderbehorde today, and they verified the documents again and they said they will start the processing...
i dont know what they were doing with my documents for the past two weeks without doing any processing..
They have asked me to call them next week again to find the visa status..I dont know what they really do..do they want me to stand next to them and reminding them every minute..crazy..
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
12/03/04 14:40 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
I have never seen anyone who is able finish this process less than 6 weeks time. An Indian GCer from München told me this took 13 weeks for himself.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/06/04 2:36 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Hi Desmond,

Info posted by you and others in this thread is quite useful to me . Thanks for the same. Just would like to know, when your wife could finally get to Germany?. Was it within 8 weeks from the time of application or did it take longer?.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/06/04 2:40 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Missed one qn in the last post. In the thread, it has been mentioned that the marriage certificate needs to be attested by MEA. I got to know that this actually speedens up the process of visa issuance. Can any one tell me where and how to get the marriage certificate attested by MEA?.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/06/04 12:59 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
This is a new rule introduced b'cauz of fake marriage certificates. For me I am from Kerala and I had to get this attested from the Home Dept. The Home Dept will pass this on to Commisioner office in your city and from there an enquiry will be made to know the whether the certificate is genuine. For me this was really fast. Anyway the whole process would take abt 3 months. We got it in exactly 3 months ..ie 12 weeks. I did'nt had any pblm in Germany also..The only thing they wanted was my rent contract , 3 months salary slips / a letter from the employer stating your salary & a copy of the marriage certificate. Thats all...
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/06/04 13:36 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
To get the visa for my spouse it took 8 weeks. Well, the application has arrived much earlier and the local people here has not informed me. I was waiting for them for two weeks, and after that i went personally and came to know that the application has arrived much earlier from India. (So, the tip is, once you receive the acknowledgement for the application, from the country of origin where the visa application has been made, wait for a week and start visiting your local auslanderbehorde to find out whether they have received the application papers here)

After my visit only, i came to know that i have to produce few documents, like rental contract, attested marriage certificate, bank statement, salary slip and SCHUFA certificate (SCHUFA certificate is to certify that you are not a bankrupt in germany. This was not a requirement for every application, but unfortunately i was asked to produce this. So you can prepare only if you are asked for this.)

Regarding the marriage certificate, you can get it translated in your country of origin (with the Goethe school, or with the German chamber of commerce with their stamping. It costed me 400 Indian rupees) and get a scanned image of this and produce the print out. If the marriage certificate is in german most of your problems are solved automatically. (They dont really bother whether the attestation has been done by MEA or any other goverment bodies.)

After you submit all the documents, just wait for 10 days (maximum) and start calling them or send emails. (Sending email request is the better option as it will reach the correct person who is handling your application and he/she will definitely reply to that. The phone calls will end up with the operator or receptionist most of the times and you will not get a proper status.)

The approval will be faxed to your country of origin and inform your dependent accordingly. There it will take a day or two to get the stamping and you are free to plan your reunion.

So, as per my experience, you can get all these things done within 6 weeks if you are very active and chase the authorities here frequently.

Regards, Desmond
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
10/06/04 23:17 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
thanks a ton guys for the quick replies!.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
24/06/04 23:15 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Hello Guys!!

Looks like Rajesh's statement is perfectly alright. You can apply in Calcutta Consulate and get it done in one day. I am yet to process my spouse visa but I spoke to the Vice Consul of Calcutta consulate and he told me it can be done in a day or two if I have all the documents as mentioned by Rajesh.


Just one question. Where do you get the marrigae certificate attested. Ministry of External Affairs that means we need to go to delhi to get it attested or can we do it anywhere else.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
26/06/04 14:21 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
hello friends
After filling the forms from the auslanderbehorde, approximately how much time it takes to get the visa? Becoz i have completed all the necessary formalities last week for my wife's dependent visa. What should i do now? Is there any need to go to the auslanderbehorde personally to find the status, or sending emails will help in knowing the status?Waiting for the replies.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
26/06/04 14:31 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
26/06/04 14:32 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
now you should just read all the messages posted in the forum. you´ll find the answers above!!
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
26/06/04 17:58 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Thanks Jeffrey for such an early reply. I read the whole thing and I got confused. Some say that writing emails will help in knowing the status while others feel that personal visit was important. I want to know if I visit personally then when I should do? Should i wait for another week and then go personally? In between I can mail them to know the status.I am a bit confused.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
27/06/04 0:59 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.

My suggestion would be a mix of both. Of course is going in person a goos idea.

All the best!
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
29/06/04 19:53 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Hello Guys,

This is how the attesteation of marriage certificate by MEA works. This really speed up the process.

Contact the Branch Secreteriat of MEA. in calcutta the address is

Before Going to MEA you need to get the marriage certificate attested by the Home dept of the state govt. Preferably from someone from the secretary level.

It takes one day to get the marriage certificate attested by MEA.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
3/07/04 19:00 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.

Just want to know one specific rule in Germany.

I am planning to move to sweden and already have the residence permit for sweden. I applied for the same in Swedish Consulate in Germany.

If I terminate the lease agreement in germany do I loose the residence permit in germany.

Can anyone of you please clarify or can let me know from where I will get the answer.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
4/07/04 17:05 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Well, I've been working in the Leverkusen area since Jul 2003 and got married in India in May 04. My hubby joined me in 4 days flat as a GC spouse. Basically, they were impressed by us.Thats the key.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
4/07/04 17:08 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
This is the reply to Mishra who is moving to Sweden. Yeah, you lose everything as concerns Germany. don't forget to take your wife along, if you are married.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
9/07/04 23:27 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Hi all,
I just want to know, how much time anyone has to wait after submitting the documents to the auslanderbehorde? 2 weeks, 3 weeks, or more??????
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
2/07/05 12:36 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
I am mexican woman, i will get married the next month, here in Mexico and live in Germany.
I need to know what can i need to do to be legal our marriage in Germany?
Also i need to know as a wife of a german husband what are my rights living in Germany?
Last, Can i work there? I need a special permission?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
2/07/05 13:39 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Regarding the work permit, you can get it from the first day in Germany. See §28AufenthG:

After a mariage of 3 years in Germany you can get the Niederlassungserlaubnis (same law).
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
2/07/05 17:06 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
I am on student visa in Germany. I couldn't find website/email address of Ausländerbehörde Bonn. Would anyone of you be able to help me?

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
4/07/05 4:17 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Ausländerrechtliche Angelegenheiten


Dieter Bindseil
Telefon: (02 28) 77 63 01
Fax: (02 28) 47 81 01
E-Mail: dieter.bindseil@bonn.de


Königswinterer Straße 54
53227 Bonn

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
5/07/05 15:00 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Hi all,

Today, I visited Auslanderbehorde for my wife's visa applicaiton. They saw my residence contract and financial proof.

Could anyone of you be able to give me an idea that in how many days they would repsond back to embassy/consulate.

Thanks a lot in advance,
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
11/07/05 16:50 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Hi all


"Your marriage certificate (whether under Hindu marriage act or Special marriage act), attested by the Ministry of External Affairs (MUST)"

Where and which office i should go for example i belong to south INDIA. whats the exact procedure.

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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
11/07/05 17:03 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.

Ministry of External Affairs is in the capital: New Delhi. No branches.

These ABH people change their mind once-in-6-months and therefore something which worked last year need not work now. Recently I havent heard about this process, but my ABH said they might ask for "legalisation" of the marriage certificate, which will be done by the respective German consulate through a lawyer. Lastly they gave up.

Endorsing the spouse´s name in the passport (done at the passport office) does helps at time.
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Re: Spouse visa - exact procedure ?
11/07/05 17:26 en respuesta a iamin frankfurt.
Its given in website as follows

"Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Consular Section, Patiala House, New Delhi. Documents with the stamp "Seen in the Consular Section" cannot be accepted. The correct authentication is: "The Signature of Secretary/Additional Secretary/Deputy Secretary/Under Secretary/Ass. Secretary/Section Officer of the State Government attested."

I read a post from faisal in this group stating
"For me I am from Kerala and I had to get this attested from the Home Dept. The Home Dept will pass this on to Commisioner office in your city and from there an enquiry will be made to know the whether the certificate is genuine. For me this was really fast. Anyway the whole process would take abt 3 months. We got it in exactly 3 months ..ie 12 weeks"

Can some one put there experiences, may be faizal himself.

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