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Visa Questions

Can someone tell me his opinion?

Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 1:02
The case:
I got new job and the brutto is 1400 € per Months.
For me left around - 1100/1000 € netto.
I went to Ausländeramt and ask for NE.
They told - Wir antworten ihnen schriftlich nach 4-6 Wochen.
I still wait the answer.
Is it 1100/1000 € brutto enough under:

§ 9 Niederlassungserlaubnis
(2) Einem Ausländer ist die Niederlassungserlaubnis zu erteilen, wenn
2. sein Lebensunterhalt gesichert ist,
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 1:49 en respuesta a Johnny English.
1100 netto should be be enough if your rent is around 350 - 400. these are rough figures. they want to know that u should be able to support yourself and your family easily.
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 4:13 en respuesta a Johnny English.
if your rent is around 350 - 400 ?!
I do not get it...
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 12:39 en respuesta a Johnny English.
he meant if you pay 350 - 400 for your flat, it should be enough. i would say: if your family is registered here, it is not enough for NE

basically it's pretty easy to calculate whether your income is sufficient for NE. If you can't apply for Alg II, it's sufficient ... and you can't apply for Alg II when your income is higher than Alg II

Question: why did you accept such a salary? if people do such a thing, it drives the market down => worse for all of us.
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 14:06 en respuesta a Johnny English.
btw i wonder why lawyers have their guild and IT-professionals don't. because if IT-professionals had a guild such salaries as 1400 euros brutto per month wouldn't be possible ...
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 15:11 en respuesta a Johnny English.
It is not IT job - it is job as Telecommunications installation (DSL, Phones, and Telecom Systems...over T.Com.)
I got my Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet and I wanted to go out from IT jobs.
I have 1 year’s valid visa for any kind of job and mean time I have found this one.
I like it and I wanted to keep it but I did not know what they need for visa Verlängerung or NE.
It is irrelevant for me if I get visum Verlängerung nach Ablauf des gültiges Visum or NE.
That’s why I need it to know how much I have to show i.e. to earn so I can have not problems.
Meantime we where thinking, that my wife can have a job for 400€ probasis and all together to make reasonable monthly sum for Ausländeramt needs.
She got also Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet, but only job she can do for now is on 400€ as teil zeit job – because of the children.

If the mountain can not come to Hassan, Hassan will go to mountain himself.
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 16:39 en respuesta a Johnny English.
LOL! Let me see

Alg II - western lands
You 345 euros
Wife 311 euros
child 207 euros

how many children do you have? 2? = 1070 euros + miete (warm) + heizung. if your family gets less than that amount of money, you can apply for Alg II

in former DDR it's somewhat less:
You 331 euros
Wife 298 euros
child 199 euros

= 1027 euros + miete (warm) + heizung.

income of your family = 1050 (you) + 400 (wife) = 1450 euros - do you think it will be enough?
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
25/06/06 21:40 en respuesta a Johnny English.
+308 Kinder Geld = 1750 - 1800 p Month.
Hm...then in my county I get 400-450 € per Month as Programmer netto.
I do not pay rent and simmilar things.
Oh Goad, what am I doing then hier?!
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
26/06/06 0:59 en respuesta a Johnny English.
one case i know, where they agreed with 1200 + permanent contract, for two people with 400 as house rent.
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
26/06/06 14:16 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi all,

I have a friend who is working as € 400 basis job
(former GC)because of her child she will be finishing her 5 years in jan 06,can she apply for NE ?
her husband is a GC earns €3300 brutto (< 4 years in DE)
Both have BE
Family income : 400 + 3300 + 150 = € 3850

Any replies are highly appriciated
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
27/06/06 3:09 en respuesta a Johnny English.
1. because she has a residence visa and came here as GC.
2. The family income is good.
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
29/06/06 21:49 en respuesta a Johnny English.
So, hire is the answer that I have it today from Ausländeramt.

1. Pass
2. Payment last 3 Months (Gehaltsabrechnung, Einkommenssteuerbesched, Wohngeld, Arbeitsloosengeld - Bescheid von der Agentur für Arbeit)and same for my wife.
3. 1 Photo
4. Mietvertrag
5. Kontoauszug über die Miethöhe
6. Arbeitserlaubnis von Arbeitsamt
7. Arbeitsvertrag
8. Arbeitsbescheinigung von ungekündigtes Arbeitverhältnis
9. Nachweise über 60 Monate Pflichtbeiträge
10. 85 € Gebühr

Termin at 04.08.2006

Can someone point to the paragraph where it’s say that I do not need 60 Months Pflichtbeiträge for over 6 years or so...although I have 60 Months and it is not problem to present it.

Arbeitsvertrag - I do not have it
Arbeitsbescheinigung von ungekündigtes Arbeitverhältnis - if I have unbefristete Arbeitsvertrag bis 65 Lebens Jahr - isn't that enough?
So. Before I was having all this and they where searching Probezeit - over.
Yet they are not searching Probezeit - over just Arbeitsvertrag and Arbeitsbescheinigung von ungekündigtes Arbeitverhältnis.
Arbeitsbescheinigung von ungekündigtes Arbeitverhältnis - it is like begging employer again for issuing his heart on my hands. I am afraid to ask something like that from employer cause I do not want to go over again and 90% from my experience is - no chance.
No one can issue guarantee that he will keep you for ever in his company, because no one know what will happened next week or day.
But, how to explain this at Ausländeramt?!
Or should I lie and tell him that it is just for other purpose - seems better.
And - no trace of how high must the monthly payment has to be...

So dear friends...your opinion and voices are welcomed...

I have a chanche to get a job soon as IT again.I hope it will happened.
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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
30/06/06 10:01 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Sorry, I posted answer last time under "Krankenversicherung". There, I already told you that I find it a positive sign.

Regarding 60-Months Rente contribution. Please, avoid the things to argue, which you can present yourself.

Rather, I would advise you to arrange every document with Nr. of Photocopies for the said Beamte(in) and present in a Folder telling that its for him(her). Such a good behavior, is always appreciated by Ausländeramt.

Next, regarding your Employer letter. So, I dont think, its a must. You just can present your current Job-Contract. And, it states there regarding Kündigung. It would be preferable, if its unbefristet.

If still insisted, then you may request your employer, without mentioning that he must write to keep you in the company. He may only write that you are working there (as per contract date etc.). And, you may do it thru your Immediate Boss to forward this request to Personnel or asking directly(depending your working situation).

I wish you best of luck with NE soon.

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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
30/06/06 10:13 en respuesta a Johnny English.
What I understand from this point "Arbeitsbescheinigung von ungekündigtes Arbeitsverhältnis" is that ABH want to re-check, whether you are really working and have further job in the company. Because, it might be a matter of suspicion whether you presented only the contract, based on their experience in such cases.

So, you should present "Salary slip" as well as a simple letter from your employer mentioning that you are working in the company from this date in this category(as per contract) and it should serve their purpose.

Dont complicate it and clear your Boss/Personel to write only "To whom it may concern" to get your visa extension.

Tell them that this will ease you mentally to concentrate more over your job(100% commitment) than running after ABHs. I hope, such argument will ease your Boss/Personnel to issue such a letter to fulfil such "Formalities".

Wish you best of luck, with such a positive answer. I really take it as positive to wellcome you as new NE-member of Nobody!

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Re: Can someone tell me his opinion?
30/06/06 14:57 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Thnks A.T
Very good ideas.
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