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Visa Questions

Hier is the answer from BMI!!!

Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 22/03/05 22:04
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 22/03/05 22:15
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Cedomir Dijanovic 23/03/05 1:04
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Nemo Nemo 23/03/05 1:15
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Jumbo Tutuu 23/03/05 10:09
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! A. T 23/03/05 10:32
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 23/03/05 10:43
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Mashud kabir 23/03/05 10:58
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Vladimir Radojevic 23/03/05 11:47
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! king queen 23/03/05 12:19
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! First NE 23/03/05 12:27
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Jumbo Tutuu 23/03/05 12:50
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 23/03/05 15:18
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Denis von Domikulic 23/03/05 15:31
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 23/03/05 15:53
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Valentin Chira 23/03/05 16:00
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Kiwa Noki 23/03/05 19:20
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Savio Noronha 23/03/05 20:18
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 24/03/05 1:12
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 24/03/05 12:35
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! rahul sharma 24/03/05 14:39
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 24/03/05 22:47
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 26/03/05 16:51
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Kiwa Noki 29/03/05 21:59
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! - - 30/03/05 3:00
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 30/03/05 3:06
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Kiwa Noki 31/03/05 13:57
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 31/03/05 14:13
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Denis von Domikulic 31/03/05 14:30
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 31/03/05 15:42
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! YO 1 31/03/05 16:07
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Kiwa Noki 31/03/05 16:35
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Mashud kabir 31/03/05 16:58
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Miodrag Vidanovic 1/04/05 3:39
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Johnny English 1/04/05 11:54
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Nemo Nemo 1/04/05 16:14
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 1/04/05 16:20
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Nemo Nemo 1/04/05 18:41
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! Denis von Domikulic 1/04/05 18:51
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! trust7 1/04/05 19:33
Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!! - - 2/04/05 23:22
Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
22/03/05 22:04
Sehr geehrter Herr….

Vielen Dank für Ihre Schreiben von 11.Marz 2005, in dem Sie darauf hinweisen, das bei der Anwendung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes bzw. der darauf beruhenden Verordnungen von den beteiligten Behörden Fehlinterpretationen einzelner Bestimmungen erfolgen sollen.

Sie teilen mit, das Sie eine Initiative von Green Card Inhabern vertreten und besonderes Probleme bei dem Wechsel des Arbeitgebers aufgetreten sein und bitten mich, den Ausländerbehörden und Ihnen Hinweisen zur eindeutigen Vorgeheinweise zu geben. Da das Bundesministerium des Inneren nicht die Dienstausichtsbehörde der Ausländerbehörden ist weil die ausländerrechtlichen Bestimmungen in den Bundesländer in eigener Zuständigkeit ausgeführt werden, habe ich nur die Möglichkeit, die Innenministerien der Länder über die vom Bundesministerium des Inneren vertretene Rechtsauffassung zu informieren. Sie werden Verständnis dafür haben, dass ich eine bundesweite Information der Länder nur dann für notwendig erachte, wenn auch bundesweit eine Problem besteht.
Ich wahre Ihnen daher dankbar, wenn Sie mir die Ausländerbehörden konkret benennen könnten, in die von Ihnen dargelegte Rechtsauffassung vertreten wird, damit ich dann gezielt auf entsprechende Bundesland zugehen kann.

Zu Ihrer Information kann ich Ihnen mitteilen dass nach §46 Abs. 2 Beschäftigungsverordnung die einer IT Fachkraft erteilte Arbeitserlaubnis als unbefristete Zustimmung zur Beschäftigung als IT Fachkraft fortgilt.
Das bedeutet auch, dass die Arbeitserlaubnis bei einem Arbeitsplatzwechsel fortgilt, wenn auch bei dieser einen Beschäftigung als IT Fachkraft erfolgt.
Soweit jedoch eine andere Beschäftigung als im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie erfolgt ist eine erneute Zustimmung erforderlich, wenn nicht bereits eine Zustimmung nach §9 Abs. 1 Beschäftigungsverfahrensverordnung erteilt wurde.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Im Auftrag

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
22/03/05 22:15 en respuesta a Johnny English.
This I have recieved today as answer from BMI and the letter text where the one from DvD.
So....no one after 3 year job or 4 years residence in Germany can be put between job change on AMC.
As I have understand......

The husband from my work College is an Beämter...
I have present the letter to her and her husband (the Beämter) before I have sent it to BMI.
I got support from him and also got the Gesetze(ausdruck) that they are working on.
And they are from 20.04.2004 as the last one.

By the way....when shuld be the first normal NE issued from May oder Jun....
I have termin to do that in August....
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 1:04 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Dear Max, could you please be so kind and send me the scan of this letter and the letter that you/we have sent to BMI onto my email, if possible ? I like to collect these sort of things :-) .

c d i j a n o v i c @
y a h o o . c o m

This is one small step forward, especially for people changing jobs.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 1:15 en respuesta a Johnny English.
copy to my collection too.

ne_mo2001 at yahoo.com

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 10:09 en respuesta a Johnny English.
to my too.

plp at plpgroup.com
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 10:32 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi max,

I too stay in queue, as a supporter waiting for this letter.

Pls. send me too :


Thanks in Advance,

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 10:43 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi to all...

I will try to found something that all can have access to this mail and to download it.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 10:58 en respuesta a Johnny English.
May be Detlef can manage something like "download" in trust7 where we can put very important documents like this one.


0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 11:47 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Great, I'm the one more on the email list:

Anyone having the documents please forward.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 12:19 en respuesta a Johnny English.

Please send one copy for me tooo

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 12:27 en respuesta a Johnny English.
How to write new topic??
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 12:50 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hallo Max,
wenn du keinen Platz findest, wo du die Dokumente publizieren kannst, kannst du folgende Stelle benutzen:

Du musst aber auch ein index.html schreiben.

Von aussen kann man die index.html Seite durch http://greencard.plpgroup.com zugreifen.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 15:18 en respuesta a Johnny English.

it' s me! I could not read the messages earlier. Max, if you forward this mail to me, I will publish it somewhere on our website. Of course :-)

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 15:31 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Is it e-mail or letter?
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 15:53 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi again,

thanks DvD for your remark!

Max, if it is an oldfashioned letter, please fax it to 030 818 74 70 60

then it will be turned to a mail and I do not have to scan it.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 16:00 en respuesta a Johnny English.
i want this too..would be nice if we could ge a scan or something to show to the local ausländer amt.

APROPO should we make a list with auländer behörde that have no clue about this law? you can just write BAYERN there..coze in all bundesland they have no idea whats going on with us..
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 19:20 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hello Max,

Gratulation. Ich denke, durch die Aktion
hast du für uns die Klarheit geschafft, wofür sich alle GCs interessieren. Danke! Gut gemacht.

Wann könnten wir damit rechnen, diesen gescannten Brief download zu können.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
23/03/05 20:18 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi Max,

Congrats for the achievement. You have done a wonderful job.

Keep me also in the loop

Or if detlef could convert it as electronic pdf so that we can download it.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
24/03/05 1:12 en respuesta a Johnny English.
I am comming in Berlin on Friday evening and will stay there till Sunday.
I have found a scanner and will scan it and send it to Mr.Detlef in office.
Then he will publish in the web site.
I am sorry couse of it, but I do not have scanner at home and I use analog internet so it will be dificult for me to send it to all per email.
Hope you will understand me.
At job I do not have posibilitys couse I am controled and any diferent move is punished.
Unfortenately I can not do it there.
Friday evening I send this mail to Mr.Detlef over fax....
If some friends are willing for new friendship and meeting in Berlin, I am glad...I will stay to one of my friends and if happened we can meet somewhere.
If someone wants to meet me and get knowing as friends...let me know and I will gladly meet.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
24/03/05 12:35 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi Max,

thanks for your efforts! If you have the letter scanned, you can send it by mail.

If it does not work with the scanner, you can bring it to Berlin and give it to me personally :-)

Where in Berlin is your friend living, which district? Maybe there is a pub close to this place (I am sure, because there are pubs at every corner in Berlin). We could meet there for a drink or two on Saturday evening. I hope some other 'Berliners' will join us!

I wish all of you 'Happy Eastern'!

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
24/03/05 14:39 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Dear Detlef and friends,

Can you please translate the letter in english .
Or atleast the relavant parts.

It will be great .


Have hope
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
24/03/05 22:47 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Please chek your email info@trust7.com

@All others...
I will translate it on english...Tomorrow you will have the original one as download option in Trust7 site.

Any for meeting in Berlin?
I am in Berlin till Sunday.
My email: stevco11@yahoo.de
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
26/03/05 16:51 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hi to all....

If someone is for drinking a bier and nice chat...
Today at 17.00 hours.... meting at U-9(Bodin strasse-Berlin).
I and Mr.Detlef will be there....
At the corner is some local where we can get nowing each others.

I am very,very,very much sorry about one promiss that I have gave and not handel it.
I have forget at home the brief from BMI that I was wanting to give Mr-Detlef today.
Cross my heart...defenately I will fax it and I hope shall be published first in Tuesday morning.
I wish you all best Ostern...
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
29/03/05 21:59 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hallo lieber Max,

können wir jetzt schon den gescannten Brief
download? Vielen Dank!

Beste Grüße
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
30/03/05 3:00 en respuesta a Johnny English.
"habe ich nur die Möglichkeit, die Innenministerien der Länder über die vom Bundesministerium des Inneren vertretene Rechtsauffassung zu informieren."

this means: federal Ministry of the Interior will not abide local Ministries of the Interior to anything. it will only tell how it interprets itself the law regulations.

although in local immigration offices the letter would be helpful, if they already do not have some other instructions from their local Ministry

and with Bayern it's completely different story, they are more independent from a central government than any other land and that is accepted. they even have their own analogue of BGH emoticon

lol if thinking about it, SPD could not really do anything more, they are balancing on a razorblade now. one more failure in NRW - and the show is over emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
30/03/05 3:06 en respuesta a Johnny English.
I was this weekend in Berlin.
I have meet Mr.Detlef but unfortenaterly I have forget the brief at home.
I have send it today afternoon direct to Mr.Detlef (TRUST7), couse I do not have scanner and fax.
I hope will soon be 'online'.
I am sorry again that I have delayed all this.
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 13:57 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hallo lieber Max,

sollten wir doch noch die Hoffnung haben,
dass wir, all GCs, von dir diesen gescannten
Brief download zu können? ;)

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 14:13 en respuesta a Johnny English.

I did not get the letter yet. Our postman comes around 1.00 pm, so I guess I will get the letter today.

I will let you know.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 14:30 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Funny, Max could send it per fax, as Herr Detlef said. It would be much quicker, and it would be scanned automatically.
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 15:42 en respuesta a Johnny English.

I got it and I did send it to myself as a fax. Now you can download the image 'bmi-bf.tif' at...


Viele Grüße
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 16:07 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Thanks Detlef

I think is a good idea to carry this document anytime we want to change the job.

I was trying to find out who is this man but the only thing I could retrieve is this same man answered the letter of the Russian green card initiative in may/april of the past year


I would like to know the task/range of this kind man, just to name it before showing the paper to the friend Beamter just like "Hey Mr Beamter, look what the secretary of XXXXXX from XXXX in BMI say about this subject".

Anybody knows?
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 16:35 en respuesta a Johnny English.
thanks, Detlef and Max. I think, this document could be very useful by changing the job in the worst case
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
31/03/05 16:58 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Dear Detlef & Max,

Could you please also put the original letter that has been discussed and voted to send to BMI in DOWNLOAD. As we initiated the letter, it is also useful to keep the original letter to BMI. When we carry both the original letter and the answer from BMI, then we can present the complete story and our specific rights regarding our specific questions that we discussed.



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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 3:39 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hm, there's only png containing the first page and the document has two of them. Or am I missing something?
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 11:54 en respuesta a Johnny English.
The text of Mail to BMI is the one from DvD.

Yes there are 2 pages.
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 16:14 en respuesta a Johnny English.
And where is the 2-nd page?
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 16:20 en respuesta a Johnny English.
there is one image, with 2 pages!

Everything is there!
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 18:41 en respuesta a Johnny English.
Hmm, I can find only 2 images of the site 1. Without S. 2. Or?
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 18:51 en respuesta a Johnny English.

If you open tiff in Windows Bild und Fax Anzeige than you will have few additional blue buttons to choose page. Use them.
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
1/04/05 19:33 en respuesta a Johnny English.
What a strange and complecated world!?

Everything seems so easy for me :-)

A 'Mac User'
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Re: Hier is the answer from BMI!!!
2/04/05 23:22 en respuesta a Johnny English.
"thanks, Detlef and Max. I think, this document could be very useful by changing the job in the worst case"

lol the most funny thing here is that H. Conradt is not going to get any information about local immigrations offices where "von Ihnen dargelegte Rechtsauffassung vertreten wird". 'cause even i have downloaded the document emoticon
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