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Bad experience with T-Mobile, Could you please advise, what should I do

Hello All,
I hope you all are doing fine.
Recently I am in trouble with my T-Mobile. We have two handy from T-Mobile, one for me and one for my wife.

In january a lady called me and offered something, did not understand correctly (but I am sure she told it was kostenlos). I accepted gladly.

In my bill of that month (which I got in 2nd week of February)saw 5 Euro more. Immediatly I went to the T-punkt and told them I did not want it. The man was very friendly and told me you would get 5 Euro gutschiene in the next months fixed phone bill. Then he offerd me a new type of connection where I must pay 15Euro (10 Euro for me + 5 Euro for my wife) and the call between me and my wife is free. I accepted it. Then he cancelled all old connections and activated the new ones.

Then in the next month's (February) bill I saw they had taken 15 Euro more also charged for the call between me and my wife. There was no deduction of 5 euro gutscheine from the fixed phone bill as well. Instantly I went to the T-Punkt, the same man told me "it is a mistake, you will get 30 Euro gutscheine + 5 euro gutscheine (last time gave). Everything will be fine".

Then I received the bill of March, and found same thing they took 15 Euro more also charged for the call between me and my wife. No discount about that 35 Euro gutscheine from my fixed phone. Again I went to T-Punkt and the same man told me,"sorry again mistake". this time he faxed infront me about the cancellation of all old connections to the central. He told me "everything will be fine, you will get this extra another 25 euro gut schiene, but this time I cannot say, you will get it from T-mobile central.". this was the story of last week.

I got a letter from T-mobile, where they have written nothing about that 25 Euro gutschiene, they only cancelled one old option also charged 3 euro. I am afraid that agin they will charge me more this month. I want to stop this chain and want to get that extra charge 60 Euro.

Could you please advise, what should I do.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Bad experience with T-Mobile, Could you please advise, what should I do
20/04/06 18:39 en respuesta a Abu Ismail.
First thing, bad experience is not restricted to foreigners, many germans had it too, perhaps not exactly the same situation with you. I encourage people to share so to be smart of what potential issues will exist.

For example, I would like to terminate my T-mobile contract, I went to t-punkt, I got a reply of 6 months with a guity look on the person face. I then when to another non-T Punkt shop, I got a reply of 3 months -for the same situation I have described..

The take home message, check with different shops to get a realistic reply.

For foreigner, if you do not understand german well, which is likely that this information is available somewhere in the net, you are likely to be victim, in a same way that the local germans who have missed those information to make wise decision.

Perhaps THIS WEBSITE could include a file upload feature for people to share information, beside doing a search, which is getting harder to find in this nicely collected knowledgebase of this site


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Re: Bad experience with T-Mobile, Could you please advise, what should I do
21/04/06 23:29 en respuesta a Abu Ismail.
"Could you please advise, what should I do."

it's difficult to advise anything without seeing your bills and letters from T-Mobile first.
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