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Visa Questions

Daueraufenthalt EG in power?

Daueraufenthalt EG in power? xio marenubis 15/06/06 16:04
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? A Alvarez 15/06/06 23:12
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? xio marenubis 16/06/06 13:29
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? - - 17/06/06 3:43
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? klenze17 holmenkollen 17/06/06 7:56
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? - - 17/06/06 14:32
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? - - 17/06/06 14:36
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? xio marenubis 17/06/06 16:24
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 19/06/06 12:50
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? klenze17 holmenkollen 20/06/06 3:48
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 21/06/06 11:42
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? A Alvarez 21/06/06 12:56
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? ziad Ashkar 21/06/06 13:09
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 21/06/06 18:02
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? ziad Ashkar 21/06/06 18:19
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 21/06/06 19:16
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? ziad Ashkar 22/06/06 13:41
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? robbie apuuli 22/06/06 14:52
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 22/06/06 16:54
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 22/06/06 19:23
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? robbie apuuli 22/06/06 21:19
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 22/06/06 21:41
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? robbie apuuli 22/06/06 22:34
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Denis von Domikulic 23/06/06 14:08
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? robbie apuuli 23/06/06 23:13
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? Sudeep Kumar Pondala 17/11/06 12:50
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? A Alvarez 18/11/06 13:36
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? A Alvarez 22/11/06 0:38
Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power? maurice love 22/11/06 13:43
Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
15/06/06 16:04
I took the time to go through EU legislation and whatnot. Also read about Daueraufenthalt EG in the pages of the local AA. Still, does anybody know if this is a functioning law in Germany, or just a directive that is applied on whim? I was last month basicly turned down upon asking, despite the fact that I cover all requirements. I have a NE but if I have a right on an Daueraufenthalt EG, I would like to know how one goes about to dealing with the authorities who refusse to implement their own laws?
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
15/06/06 23:12 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Germany is one of the persistent offenders in implementing EU directives, specially regarding immigration. There are several things you can do, by order of effectivity:

* There was a directive from the Government where they tell the ABH to start granting the permit, even though the law still hasn't been implemented, they did this because they could be fined and to reduce their legal liability. (The german draft is somewhere in the forum). You can point this up to the offending officer.

* You can complain to the Boss of the guy at the ABH

* You can complain to the Integrationsbeauftragte

* You can complain to the European Ombudsman

And the complete list for Germany on enforcing your rights:


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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
16/06/06 13:29 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
W'hey. That's an extensive list! Thanks a lot! This will come in rather handy when I go after my rights.
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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
17/06/06 3:43 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
* You can complain to the European Ombudsman

The best option
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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
17/06/06 7:56 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Yes, the best option, but nothing more. Overall, complaints are always listened with respect, but finally you won't get anything.

The EU members who have applied the legislation to domestic laws for Council Directive 2003/109/EC are here:

These countries are Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia.

The water is still silent in Germany (http://www.info4alien.de/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.cgi?board=aenderungen). So forget it right now. At least until the World Cup Final emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
17/06/06 14:32 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
lol probably your complaint alone will not change anything, but if everybody thinks so and doesn't complain nothing is gonna change for sure.

when many people complain, EU can threat offending country with financial sanctions if it doesn't change its legislation accordingly. germany may not desire to change anything and will probably try to delay the process by all possible means, in the hope that the situation changes in a way that it will not be necessary to do anything, but i am sure that germans do not want to pay for their stubborness as well. so if EU will not fall apart, they are gonna change their legislation finally - but only if people do complain to EU-structures ;)
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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
17/06/06 14:36 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
as for World Cup Final - i don't know why but i am sure that Germany will not reach it this year. Not with such trainer as Klinsmann ;)
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
17/06/06 16:24 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Thinking about it, I see no reason for Germany to make a big deal of this regulation - it will give more flexibility to people to _leave_ rather than stay and be stagnantly dependet. I also don't see a reson (apart from ignorance or lazyness) that a serviceman should ignore my pointing of a law that exists on the AA's own pages. I don't expect them to like me, but at least they can try do their job properly, or else not write about a procedure they don't follow. It's ridiculous! And in order to get to higher level I should have to go to him again and point out that he made a mistake - now, how would he like to hear that!? And I have witnessed rather unpleasant talk in regard to foreigners with darkish skin at said institution, along with rather unpleasant talk about my own country of origin, be it not "darkish". I can not expect them to like me go there and wave my so-called flag of justice, neither would I like to have to go through the frustration.

In a matter of principle, it was an insulting experience. I hope others don't have to go through it. Wether I would need the Daueraufenthalt EG or not, is also a matter of time, and for me perhaps not as important. The insult though is.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
19/06/06 12:50 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
xio you are not really a fighter, are you?
Sometimes you have to fight for your rights.
I never got anything in D without fight (but only with words)?
And what they think or say about me, I think they are insulting them selves, not me. And I couldn't care less.

As far as I see you did nothing until now. You just talked wit Sachbearbeiter. They never know anything cos they have no time to learn. You should call their boss and do a formal Antrag.
I spend few months talking on phone with ABH and AA boss when it was necessary.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
20/06/06 3:48 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
I will point out another aspect here.

Daueraufenthalt-EG (Permanent Residence-EU) according 2003/109/EC Council Directive will be interesting for Germany, if the min. salary (ca 84K) stated implicity in AufenthG §19 will be reduced to 50K.

German state might do here a trade-off. If they do both legislations together, there might be a lot of highly-qualified foreigns who will think about to leave the country. This might be in contradiction with Greencard Concept.

It is a matter of economical/sociological fact, whether §9-NEs with Daueraufenthalt-EG will affect the country more or §19-NEs. High-qualified people are prestigious workforces in developed countries like Germany.

It will be nice to see corresponding statistical analyses from the state.

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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
21/06/06 11:42 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
I will surely go for this DA EG after Urlaub.
With that I don't really need NE.
I have to visit ABH anyway.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
21/06/06 12:56 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
For the best effect, everyone with an NE should apply the same day...

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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
21/06/06 13:09 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Hi all
As I told you before, I got the NE on the first of June 2006. But when I applied for the NE in April I asked the woman in the ABH and she told me that they still do not have order to grant DA EG. She told me that maybe in some months they will start giving this title. My question is: when applying in some months for this DA EG, should I fullfill some new requirements to get the DA EG, so they give it to me automatically if I have the NE already?
thanks in advance.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
21/06/06 18:02 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
"She told me that maybe in some months they will start giving this title."

it is a bulls..t. you should check if Erlass is valid in your state and if it is valid you should go for DA EG the usual way.
usual way means that first guy has a lot of work to do in explaining them their job.
but do not try to explain it to some girl sitting in office. she does not read the law and definitely not Erlass. talk to the boss and be patient.
I know this Erlass is valid in NRW and I will get my DA EG for sure. It's just a matter of time.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
21/06/06 18:19 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Hi DvD
many thanks for your answer.
Where can I check if the Erlass is valid in my state (Bayern) ?
As I understood you, i qualify for DA EG without any other condition becauseI have the NE, right?
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
21/06/06 19:16 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
I think there is Erlass for Bayern but this Erlass is BAD. I think it states that every Antrag for DA EG should be put on ice (wait).
bad luck.
I found it in links above and by googling with DA EG.
Erlass for NRW says that DA EG should be given with conditions same as for NE.
that means if you have NE you MUST get DA EG.
but not you, of course, cos you are in Bayern.

this bunch of Erlasses is made not to break EU law until ZuwG is changed, so it is quite stupid what Bayern did cos they still break the EU law.
If bayern will wait until law is changed than it could take few monts, but also few years.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 13:41 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Hi DvD
thanks for your answer.
Bayern is always a special case!!
So what the beamterin told me was right: she said the DA EG is on WAIT status now. SO she told me to come in some time later to get it if they start to grant this title. Let's see when they start doing this. For the moment, I am satisified with the NE because I do not plan to leave Germany in the coming 3 to 4 years. (until my wife finishes her PhD)
Many thanks
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 14:52 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
It is hard to believe that comrades are finding it tough getting Daueraufenthalt EG. I must have been extremely lucky bse I never faced any trouble at all in getting this Daueraufenthalt EG. I applied for this permit somewhere in late feb/2006 or early march/2006 and got it on 20/03/2006. And it took a while only bse the special stickers where not yet available to the hochsauerlander Auslanderamt (after all this is a new development for every Beamter in deutschland).

But when I see fellow GC comrades get frustrated while attemtping to obtain something that they are legally entitled to, I realise that things are never the same everywhere in deutschland. Pester the fellows until they finally oblidge. Bug tha hell outta them Beamters until they go red like Bratwurst. Do not give up until them bacon faces grant you what is legally yours.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 16:54 en respuesta a xio marenubis.

What is this Aufkleber like?
I thought it is just NE with Daueraufenthalt ED written beside NE?
Did you aply for it after you got NE?
Did you get completely new Aufkleber?
Or did they just write DA EG after NE?
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 19:23 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
can I count on your answer today?
someone else who got DA EG could also answer.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 21:19 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Yes, I did apply for it immediately after getting NE. The Aufkleber has the extra designation § 9 AufenthG /II Daueraufenthalt-EG.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 21:41 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
let me see if I got it:
- first you got NE
- then you asked for EG
- you got new Aufkleber without word "Niederlassungerlaubnis", but with words
"§ 9 AufenthG /II Daueraufenthalt-EG"
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/06/06 22:34 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
I have both "Niederlassungerlaubnis", with
"§ 9 AufenthG /II Daueraufenthalt-EG"
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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
23/06/06 14:08 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
now I think it's clear.
you just got new small DA EG Aufkleber on the old NE Aufkleber.
you spend only few words and you do not answer my question so it was hard to get the whole story.
But now i think it is understud.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
23/06/06 23:13 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
You didnt get me quite right. The plain old NE Aufenthaltstitel is replaced with an NE Aufenthaltstitel having a special Anmerkungen, something like...

ANMERKUNGEN: § 9 II AufenthG / Daueraufenthalt-EG

Hope this gives you a good enough picture.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
17/11/06 12:50 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
Hi Alvarez,

Could you please check my posing and let me know if there is anything that i can do.


By the way, i had passed the ZdaF Exam long ago.

I am not sure what the guy in Auslanderamt/Aachen is aiming at (May be not granting me EG by asking Strict Questions).

Please suggest.

could you please pass on your Contact details.
I wanted to know some information also about UK.

Please mail me your contact details at sudeep.pondala@gmail.com

thanks a lot and Best Regards,

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
18/11/06 13:36 en respuesta a xio marenubis.

see the answer in the other post

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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/11/06 0:38 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
I have updated the Wiki with information on more countries

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Re: Daueraufenthalt EG in power?
22/11/06 13:43 en respuesta a xio marenubis.
One nice link I noticed has not been added to the FAQ is this one:


Although the Netherlands has not begun to issue long-term residence permits, a third-party national with a long-term resident visa issued in another country can come and work in the Netherlands for an initial 3 month period and then make an application for residency in the Netherlands at a cost of 430 Euros.
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