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'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'

'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Mushtaq Ahmed 25/02/05 11:39
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Fred Jeffry 25/02/05 12:41
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 7/04/05 21:12
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Faisal Muhammed 8/04/05 16:49
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Paul Wehrli 8/04/05 18:49
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 8/04/05 19:06
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' dfht sdg 9/04/05 12:41
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 9/04/05 14:25
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 9/04/05 14:27
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' dfht sdg 10/04/05 13:09
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 18/04/05 15:38
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' trust7 18/04/05 16:15
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 18/04/05 18:04
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 18/04/05 18:14
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 18/04/05 18:18
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 18/04/05 18:33
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 18/04/05 18:47
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 18/04/05 19:04
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Fred Jeffry 18/04/05 19:06
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 18/04/05 19:10
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 18/04/05 19:18
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' Indian the great 18/04/05 19:22
Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too' ben fleck 18/04/05 19:25

Have a look at the link.


Dont you think "Prof Bhagwati" is beeing smart and dreaming of "Finance Ministry" post ?. He is partly right, i would like to sail along with "Prof Bhagwati" but he hasn't mentioned any think concerning "***** PENSION *****". As a economist he forgot a basic principle "Give and take policy". I think he is selling himself in the market.

I would rather return back homeland, if i would have to pay taxes in germany and in India.

Comments are welcomed from Trust7 members and rest. Have a nice weekend.

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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
25/02/05 12:41 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.

You can forget of this Dual Citizenship matter if you are in Germany. USA and Australia and even Holland may sign it, but not Germany.

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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
7/04/05 21:12 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
German bureaucracy sucks! most of the people who work in foreign offices in Germany are either racists or saddists and add those nitty-gritty politicans then you will know the overall effect on such policies.

After living here for a long time I found that Germany is the last place to settle. believe me! here in Germany racism is socially acceptable.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
8/04/05 16:49 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Don't judge the entire country on your personal experiences. Why don't you go somewhere else if you feel here so uncomfortable?
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
8/04/05 18:49 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.

Go and apply for jobs at ABH, AA. It looks you are a good fit.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
8/04/05 19:06 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Dont accuse all people in the government offices here, especially if you are from India. If you are from india, you are treated better here than the government offices in india.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
9/04/05 12:41 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
I dont think so that offices in india treat badly. I know sometime we have to spend some money for having our leagal work to be done. but the amount of money we spend here in tax and everything , isnt it same. How much tax one pay in india? So what ever social servies one can have in germany is not coming free. we are paying hell of tax for that. India is poor country , many ppl are not that litrate , but wat is the reason for some one who bahve bad here ?
Sorry this reply was off topic . but i simply coundnt resist to reply on "indian"'s remarks.
Sorry if i offend anyone.

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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
9/04/05 14:25 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
>>faisalm says, Don't judge the entire country on your personal experiences. Why don't you go somewhere else if you feel here so uncomfortable?<<

This is a personal attack, I think you better watch yourself before you spout on such ground. Listen, you loser I am not going to stop your living in Germany.

>>Indian says, Dont accuse all people in the government offices here, especially if you are from India. If you are from india, you are treated better here than the government offices in india.<<

childish, what else can I say?
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
9/04/05 14:27 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Dear Tali,

Yes, you can get things done fast if you pay money in India. Does it make indian government offices better than Germany?

How much tax one pay in india? Not really less comparing here. if your annual income is 3k-5k Euro you pay 10-20%. If your annual income exceeds 15K Euro, you need to pay approx 30% plus some surcharges. (refer the latest FY budget). Only the low class people and high class people are not badly affected by tax. The salaried people (upper middle class) burden is increasing year by year. In india, you also have free health (in government hospitals) and free education (in corporation schools). Do you know what is the unemployment allowance in india ? approx 6 Euros per year. As a taxpayer, do you get sufficient welfare?

In india even if you pay tax, you dont get good health care or education free. So please, dont compare lousy indian tax system and germany tax system.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
10/04/05 13:09 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
H Guyz
Lets stop this disscussion and back to original topic. I am sorry if any one hurt due to my comments.

Lets have friendly culture here.


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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 15:38 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
>So please, dont compare lousy indian tax system and ..

did you get into your brain-dead-head that being a citizen of India you have the responsibility to oust such corrupted system instead of blaming it directly. If all the 1+ billion people are thinking like you then one day the country will have no significance.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 16:15 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.

You should have realized already, that we communicate in a polite way, even if we have different opinions.

So please behave yourself like you are expecting it from others. Maybe I should better say, be polite or I have to say good by to you!

Viele Grüße
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 18:04 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
>Maybe I should better say, be polite or I have to say good by to you!

This is my way of giving answers to people who have such ugly opinions and as long as someone does that I will have to charge them with some what bad language to keep them on track but not to the extent of calling them bstrd or a**hle etc etc.. so I am not going to beg you to keep me alive in this forum and please note that I too give replies in a polite way to those who does it in a polite way.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 18:14 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Dear Babloo,

What made you to think that i am an indian citizen? My nick name here is 'indian', but i am not an indian citizen. I have lived many years in india, when there is something bad you should agree. When i was in india, i never bribed anyone to get anything done for me. I have been to many government offices and i had enough problems due to corrupt practices. But i have seen lot of your country men accepting and giving bribes. I was a regular taxpayer in india and i did not really enjoy the benefits. If you are so patriotic, you should be working in india and putting efforts there. You are simply staying away and working for germany, earning here and making complaints about germany. Try to be fair my dear.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 18:18 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Just to add to my post for other indians,

Dear Indians, I am blaming only the corrupt system of india and not the people or country. In my opinion, India is the most beautiful place in the world. Varieties of Indian females, indian food, superb climate, indian music, movies, languages, culture etc.,
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 18:33 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
>What made you to think that i am an indian citizen? My nick name here is 'indian', but i am not an indian citizen.<
thanks for clarifying your real identity.

>You are simply staying away and working for germany, earning here and making complaints about germany. Try to be fair my dear.<
so you call our system lousy and now you command me to stop making complaints. Going by your words what made you think that I am earning my money here for free. What do you think is a fair deal? I have every right to make a complaint.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 18:47 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Well Babloo, you have rights to complaint about the german system, but i think you have even more rights to complaint about ur own country system in your home country. Did you ever do that or tried to make anything right there?

You should politely complaint that 'German system is bad' but my own country system is WORSE. It should be the way, what do you say?
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 19:04 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
>Well Babloo, you have rights to complaint about the german system, but i think you have even more rights to complaint about ur own country system in your home country.<
well, that's nice of you!

>Did you ever do that or tried to make anything right there?<
why would I reveal this to you?

>You should politely complaint that 'German system is bad'<
what is a polite way? I thought I did it that way only.
When you face the real bureaucracy here then you will realize what I meant, got that!
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 19:06 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Maybe Detlef should step-in and remove this thread as it is of no use to anyone in this forum !
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 19:10 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
So you dont want to reveal!! which means you have done NOTHING!!!

Here too i had difficulties in the government offices, but not worse like in your home country!!

Anyway, i dont want to continue this issue with you!! If you want to falsely support something, no point in arguing. Have a nice day.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 19:18 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
yep, you are a girl. Could you please tell me, what made you think that a handle such as "Indian" will be nice on this forum and you not being an Indian but visited India and had bad experiences?
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 19:22 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
Handle can be anything right? When you have babloo!! :-)

I never said, i had bad experiences in india, I said i had difficulties in the government offices to get things done. I was working in india for few years and now working here. So when comparing the government offices and tax system, i find this place is better. For living and other comfort, it is a different story and we can start another thread for our heated exchanges.
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Re: 'Dual citizenship? NRIs should pay tax too'
18/04/05 19:25 en respuesta a Mushtaq Ahmed.
>Maybe Detlef should step-in and remove this thread as it is of no use to anyone in this forum !<

This kind of judgements Detlef will make and I don't think he need your suggestion. It's time to say good bye!
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