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Visa Questions

German passport

German passport
29.01.06 23:09
Hi everyone,

I have a question about how long you have to wait after NE to apply for German citizenship. I will get my NE in May as I finish my 5 years of work. However, before that I have been living here for 3 and half years as a student. I am wondering if that time will also be counted towards the citizenship application.


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Re: German passport
30.01.06 00:33 als Antwort auf Pankaj Daga.
I think you are eligible to apply as in today. But according to other forum members Bayern and Baden-Wuerttemberg dont count stundent time for Nationality. Maybe you should ask the eingburgerungamt in your town for details. But one thing sure is that it is a time consuming process so better start now.
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Re: German passport
30.01.06 09:10 als Antwort auf Pankaj Daga.
As luck would have it, I am in Bayern! I think I will wait for my NE in May and then start the application process.

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Re: German passport
30.01.06 16:34 als Antwort auf Pankaj Daga.

as far as my understanding your student stay will not be counted as term of stay to get citizenship. it is good idea to talk to officials as well. you can start the process right now to get more information and requirements, by the time you finish getting info. and docs. i think you'll be eligible to get your citizenship. please keep in mind that in germany, if you want to have german citizenship, they will take your passport right then and pass it over to your original home country authorities. meaning that you cannot have two citizenship at the same time.
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Re: German passport
31.01.06 15:43 als Antwort auf Pankaj Daga.
Thanks for the reply guys. I will scout for information at the local amt.
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Re: German passport
31.01.06 17:04 als Antwort auf Pankaj Daga.
I would like to know where did you find in Law that student period will not be counted in Bayern and BW for Citizenship?

One Lawyer told me that on following conditions Student period can also be counted:

i) If you have paid 60 months of pension amount.

ii) At the time of applying for Citizenship you should have AE for Work according to paragarph 18 AufenthG or you have NE

iii) if you are continuously living in Germany at least from 7 years with good German language proficiency or otherwise you should have lived here for 8 years.

Let me know your views about it.
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Re: German passport
31.01.06 17:15 als Antwort auf Pankaj Daga.
I have only read it on this website from people. Again, the interpretation of the law from one beamter to another varies all the time, in my experience!

I will get my NE in May and hopefully will apply after that. I will keep you guys posted on what happens.
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