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I feel awful

I feel awful
22.03.06 17:11
In last few weeks I had to turn down 5 jobs.
I do not know what to do.
It is killing me. I am not used to do such a things.
Yesterday I turned Siemens down, today Mercedes...
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Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 17:29 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I recently turned down a job offer from NASA and I feel good
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 17:31 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
OK, OK. I admit this job for Mercedes was in fact for one company that works for Mercedes.
But I did turned Siemens down.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 17:33 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
hey dude,

as long as what you do at the moment pleases you, don't feel awful.

I myself had to turn out many job offers these last days, not because they weren't good, but just because they weren't fitting in my plans for the future, that's the only thing that makes me feel good.

Have u never realised that it's when you are doing something interesting that suddenly all the people become interested in you? Well, that's just a way life has made for testing you to see if you are strong enough in your decisions and responsible for what you do.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 18:06 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
wise words.
not an easy task thou
one should see into future.
For example I supose I will have to make one decision in near future and for that decision I would need answer on question:
Who will winn in shipbuilding software:
Unigraphics or CATIA.

At the moment Unigraphics is winning but I am nore found of CATIA
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 18:08 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
"In last few weeks I had to turn down 5 jobs.
I do not know what to do."

Showing off it in a public forum makes you feel better ? Looks like you are pretty frustrated that no one answered your first postings regarding your job-hopping adventures..

Job market is good nowadays.. I received also several offers.. dont worry.. it is not because you are genius or smt.. relax and breathe..


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Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 18:41 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I see you do not believe me. You think I just want to show off or pretend that I am genius.

But it is not true. I really feel sick when I have to turn job offer down. After all, those were all terrific jobs. I guess I feel that bad because I was 9 months arbeitslos back than in 2003. And there was a letter from BMI that says that GC should be allowed to receive up to 6 months ALG, and than kick in the ass. That was quite a scary year on job market in Germany. I thought I will never find a job. I was scared to death about my future. I even considered me getting kicked out of Germany as possible. And now I have jobs to sell out.
And it is not over yet cos I send maybe 60 Bewerbungen last 3 months.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 19:20 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
"I see you do not believe me"

I didnt say I didnt believe you. Job market is good nowadays and couple of my friends also changed their jobs in the recent months. My only critic point is the way you present your job-changing or job-hunting.. It is surely not the gentleman style to write in a public forum and complain about getting too many job offers. I am sorry but this is "showing off". You have no idea about the people and their capability who are reading your posts and there are a bunch of GCs out there who also get several job offers from several reputable companies (so what ?) but they dont complain about their "problem" in public forums with an irony covered artificial frustration. That is my point..

Anyway, I hope you get the attention that you are seeking with your new posts and you can give the "new kick" to the forum with your show-off. That is not my type of thing and I am withdrawing myself from the discussion, as I made my point clear.


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Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 19:36 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I agree with Larmica point.
DVD may be did not want it intentionally but by reading your thread it seem that that you want to show to the member that you are an
extraordinary person.
You should discuss this issue with ur friends but not in the forum.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 19:47 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi *,

it is time again to join the discussion. I appreciate that DvD let us take part in his emotions!

The intention of this forum is not only to talk about problems, it is also to share everyday occurences, good or bad, like the members of a family or good friends do. That's why I call it a community.

I wish more members would talk about their personal affairs and I do not see anything worse in it?

@DvD That's life ;-)

It will take some years before you will know if you did the right decision. But do not worry, you can not change it at the moment.

Just in case: I own the domain names yacht-market.com and yacht-markt.de In case you have to make another change, we do cooperate and set up a website for yachts, like ebay ;-)

@ * take it easy friends
Detlef :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 19:48 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Frankly I feel shame to work for big corporates,
1) The level of insecurity is growing rapidly as outsourcing reins including heavy competition from small or middle sized companies.
2) As usuall you tend to use your brain very minimal
as you work only 15% or 20% of your working time.
3) Finally, your acheivements are null and later part of your career is in turmoil.

So be proud not to work for such organsations :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 20:18 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Just make sure you write back to those companies that offered you a job and thank them with a short explanation, otherwise you have „burned the bridges“ you might want to cross in the future. You have just started in Bremen I think; changing cities and companies too often can be very stressful. Give it a decent go there, new job is always a new opportunity to start again with a benefit of the experience you have made in the past. If it doesn’t turn right you can always look for something else. Just don’t drive yourself crazy looking back.
„Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.“
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 20:29 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
lacrima you really made it. congratulation.
you have fully integrated in Germany.
even more. you got cold as this cold winter.
even Detlef who is German has more human warmth than you.
whatsoever. it will never happen that everybody understands me.
only few is enough, and I thank those few (Detlef, NoBody, babloo, Jadran...)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 20:33 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
„Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.“

this is great. yours or?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 21:13 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Tehehehehe, this forum can be so amusing sometimes. I guess some members just want to let off some steam. Germany can be a stressful place. If you dont believe me ask Detlef. He is german (bwahahahaha). Otherwise I dont see nuthing wrong with DvD talking about his personal experiences either. Actually I find it quite interesting bse on one end of the spectrum we have people who are arbeitslos and on the other end we are seeing members who have so many job offers they must turn them down. A true reflection of life's inequalities. Those who have will be given more and those who dont ....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
22.03.06 22:43 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Germany gave us a chance, let us give Germany (Germans) a chance emoticon. There are here (as in any other countriy) "good" and "bad", so it is not a good thing to put everybody in one basket.

Regarding the 5 mill. unemployed - I guess that is the point! DvD suffered himself for 9 monthes without a job and having to reject jobs now makes him "feel awful".

@ DvD Nop, it's somebody's else ("..."!), cannot remember anymore where I got it from.

The game (soccer) started, "wish you what" ;-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 14:33 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
What game?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 15:47 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi NL Club Members.
I still have problems with my Visum.
I submit the papers on 22.02.2006 and till today no trace of answer or what ever.
In mean time the college of MY BEAMTER told me (written also) that in May.2006 (after my Pobezeit) I can make Antrag für NLE and have it.
But...oh my….. but...but my Beamter is categorical...NO WAY!
He want to issue 1 year Visum and force me to more suffering. Unfortunately even THAT 1 Year Visum after 1 Month has no trace, and the Pass is there to him.
I assume that he is drawing it.
This is from my diary today…after 6 years I am still asking my self –What the hell is going on?!
Maybe some of you have idea how to resolve my problem? Truly I have thousand but this seems to be the worst.

Definitely MAX - the already MAD one.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 17:41 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.

Congrat. for your new job and wish you success!!

I find it good that you get more offers. But, you should not confuse yourself, while deciding(or if already decided to start somewhere.

What I heard from a German Collegue, that if the market gets good, then one should try to change to a good Company. Because, this later pays you, if the situation gets bad and the small comapanies fire easily without any obligation to the employee. Whereas, this is not the case with large organizations(Because of Unions) etc.

Also, in my opinion, one may easily find that "Job/Food/Health" is related to Luck and not always with "Competence".

I could not find any reason to imagine that you are showing-off here, than to share your views. Because, you as well as Lacrima both help on this forum.

You should not lose hope, because this is something, which keeps you making struggle.

Instead of always thinking about BEAMTER(IN..). Just try to Surf/search some job. Earlier, I gave you a tip to contact some "Personal-beratung" firma, who help to find job. May be they take some amount from your first salary. But, this would not be a bad deal to get NE. And, if once you get NE, then you will get CALM and ofcourse would help change to a better job.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 18:07 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi Max,

For the others - I think Max has already found the job. Max, is your case still being handled by VPMK lawyers ?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 20:07 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
if the situation gets bad and the small comapanies fire easily without any obligation to the employee. Whereas, this is not the case with large organizations(Because of Unions) etc.

How did you think unions will come handy in your case being an IT employee and also a foreigner? Look at the number of people getting fired in large organisations when compared to small ones. It is imp. to find an employer who is doing the right business at the right time and then try to match them with your skills. It is easier said than done.

It would be interesting if T7 members can further discuss on this topic with their own experiences and facts.
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Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 20:44 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi Max. Good to hear from you. We are quite near now.
I think you are still working at CT in Hannover and you even got over Probezeit. If you have unbefristete Vertrag you should by all means get NE. You probably ran onto some hard Beamter.

Try this fix (with or without VPMK):
make a formal Antrag stating that you fullfill all conditions for NE and send it to ABH.
That way they will think it over before they say no.

If you can not write a good Antrag in german I am sure all will help. My Antrag for ... could be only beginning but it must be completely changed.
But your Vertrag should be unbefristet.
I mean I got it allthough my Vertrag was on only 6 months Probezeit but that was my luck.
Legaly if you do not have unbefristete Vertrag they do not have to give you NE allthough they can.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
23.03.06 21:45 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Hi Max,
If you still have a lawyer contact him/her BEFORE you take any further steps.
Wish you all the best.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
24.03.06 02:20 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
babloo wrote:
# if the situation gets bad and the small
# comapanies fire easily without any obligation
# to the employee. Whereas, this is not the case
# with large organizations(Because of Unions) etc.

How did you think unions will come handy in your case being an IT employee and also a foreigner? Look at the number of people getting fired in large organisations when compared to small ones. It is imp. to find an employer who is doing the right business at the right time and then try to match them with your skills. It is easier said than done.

It would be interesting if T7 members can further discuss on this topic with their own experiences and facts.

Large organizations fire a lot of people. Unions are more interested in big companies because they can find more members to be powerful. In parallel, when large companies lay off people, media has more interest on that.

Yes, unions have a great influence on big companies. But I do not think unions in Germany behave good enough. They just concentrate on the results (layoffs), but not on the reason (companies' and country's economic situation). In this aspect I am also surprised about the protests last weekend in France.

In EU the normal working conditions are just 35-40 hours. Look at developing countries. People are working a lot more, because the work conditions are more flexible. Therefore the unions and protests in EU are a bit too overkill.

I do not think Unions do care about foreigners. Unions are like political parties. What they want is vote!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
24.03.06 11:27 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
klenze17 wrote:
> In EU the normal working conditions are just 35-40
> hours. Look at developing countries. People are
> working a lot more, because the work conditions
> are more flexible. Therefore the unions and
> protests in EU are a bit too overkill.

I have worked in India and in Germany. I have had the oppotunity to visit Japan on some occassions as well.

My observation is that:
- In Germany, during the hours spent in the office one just works.
- In India(software companies) people tend to take lot of breaks in the office. Therefore time spent in the office is much more.
- In Japan I have observed that many people take a short nap in the afternoons. And many times the employees need to be present atleast as long their Managers are in the office. This even applies for Saturday and even Sundays.

I can say that when it comes to productivity in the office by a single person given 8 hours to work, India and Japan are nowhere near Germany.
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Re: I feel awful
24.03.06 12:10 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I can say that when it comes to productivity in the office by a single person given 8 hours to work, India and Japan are nowhere near Germany.

I cannot agree completely on this point for several reasons,

Firstly, plenty of Germans think it is not a good idea to just hang on to your desktop all the time so they too tend to take small breaks often.

Secondly, productivity comes from a person not a group and don't tell me all germans are efficient by birth.

Thirdly, it is almost impossible to concentrate on your work for many hours at a stretch unless you are performing mind exercises(e.g.yoga etc..) during your leisure time.

Finally, on average Germans stand a chance being productive compared to Indians but not Japanese. Japs are very few and they are two times bigger in economy to Germany.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
24.03.06 15:01 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
babloo wrote:
> I cannot agree completely on this point for
> several reasons,

> Firstly, plenty of Germans think it is not a good
> idea to just hang on to your desktop all the time
> so they too tend to take small breaks often.
From my observation I could say that those kind of breaks are in comparison really not worth counting.

> Secondly, productivity comes from a person not a
> group and don't tell me all germans are efficient
> by birth.
It is something that one can work on and improve.

> Thirdly, it is almost impossible to concentrate on > your work for many hours at a stretch unless you
> are performing mind exercises(e.g.yoga etc..)
> during your leisure time.
That depends on how long. At a stretch could be 8 hours and then a break of 16 hours. In't it?

> Finally, on average Germans stand a chance being
> productive compared to Indians but not Japanese.
> Japs are very few and they are two times bigger in
> economy to Germany.
When you say Japs are few, then I guess you are talking about the population of Japan compared to Germany. If you look at the facts, Germany has 82 million people and Japan has 127 million people. Anyway, I was talking about spending some hours in the office and being productive in that time. In the end, I feel, long working hours are not a yard stick to measure output or productivity or working hard.
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Re: I feel awful
24.03.06 17:38 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I have one moth more till Probezeit end.
On end April.
I was talking with my boss, he shake his head.
If I get over or not ... I do not know.
I am doing my best anuway to get over it.
Just one moth more...we shall see.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: I feel awful
28.03.06 10:56 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Max do not worry and do not push NE.
Call ofter for 1 year visa but do not expect NE before may. And concentrate on not losing job.

Somethimes it looks to me that your NE is somehow biggest pourpose of this forum
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