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Visa Questions

What are my chances for GE ?

What are my chances for GE ?
01.08.05 17:45
Dear Friends,

I am a GC and I am willing to go to the ABH soon and try getting the EG.

My history of stays and paying rentenversicherung is as following:

- End of 2001 - begining of 2002
for 6 months working as a student and paying rentenversicherung

- I was a few months back in my home country (less then 6 months) and then
- since second half of 2002 started working with GC and paying renten versicherung.

Up to now this year I have payed in total:
6 (student) + 32 (employed) = 38 months renten versicherung

I would like to hear your oppinions on what are my chances for getting the EG (want to do freelancing) with this background.

I plan to say that I want to do nebentätigkeit / freelancing and that I mention the law stating that after 36 months working Be/Eg can be given.
What are your suggestion with which arguments to approach the Beamte when asking for the Eg?
Any additional links from the law that might be relevant to me are welcomed. What papers should I take with?

Any other suggestions on this case (I read that some GC-s here also got it without these conditions)?

Soon I will throw my 2 cents on this and let you know what happens.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: What are my chances for GE ?
02.08.05 14:34 als Antwort auf cybigi tempo.
I would say your chances are pretty good. Some rules have changed. I would advice you to just go to your local KVR and ask them for it. I got mine in 5 minutes when I least extected it.

Good luck!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: What are my chances for GE ?
02.08.05 15:51 als Antwort auf cybigi tempo.
Thanks. I have read your postings on the forum and congrats for the Eg. It's a real win.

In the BeschVerfV §9 point 1 it says:
"drei Jahre rechtmäßig eine versicherungspflichtige
Beschäftigung im Bundesgebiet ausgeübt haben"

But what about the breaks that are made? Is it necessery to have 36 months continuesly or in total 36 months with breaks up to 6 months?

Is there anybody that had simmilar experince?

DvD, Lacrima, cedomir, MH any other that actively follow these things here, your opinion on this?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: What are my chances for GE ?
05.08.05 19:06 als Antwort auf cybigi tempo.
I went to the ABH in hope that I will get the Eg to start freelancing as I have been holding GC Arbeitserlaubnis for 3 years and the lady there just gave me another Aufenthaltserlabnis (so 2 pieces of red paper, just like the old one) and the text is:

On the 1. page:
Zusatzblat nr. xxx (some number) seite 21, gemeß §18 abs. 2 AufenthG

On the 2. page:
Unselbständige Bescäftigung nur gem § 27 BeschV als IT Spezialist gestattet.
Der Aufebthaltstitel erlischt mit Beendigung der o.g. Beschäftigung. Selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet.
Keine weitere gültigen amtlichen Eintragungen.

I walked out thinking that I got Be but this is wrong. Only the company name is not in my Aufenthaltserlaubnis everything else is as strict as before. This made me upset.

Guys, I have the follwoing questions:

For the ones with Be:
Is that again a Aufenthalterlaubnis and what are your texts there? Do you have again this "erlischt mit Beendigung.."

For everybody:
The pragraph § 27 is for the new ones that come after 1.1.2005. Was it rightfull that I got that?

I wanted to get Eg but this is even worse then Be. Please help.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: What are my chances for GE ?
09.08.05 20:45 als Antwort auf cybigi tempo.
Hi everybody,

I got no responses from you on my question regarding my last expersince at the ABH.

Is this what I got a Be or something else?
What are your oppinions on this (please see my last posting)? Was it rigthfull what I got (§27 is for the new ones)? After 3 years a person should get at least Be according to BeschVerfV §9.1, or?

Thanks in advance for your responses,

0 (0 Stimmen)

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