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19.09.11 18:48

I have applied for leave of 5 weeks starting feb 2012. My employer has told me to adjust it to 3 weeks . This is too little for once a year trip to india . I have still reduced the vacation period to 4 weeks . Even this is not acceptable to him citing the reasons as project requuirements . MY question is why should i bear the brunt for bad project planning. I believe I have given enmough time for them to plan during my vacations .Can i do something about it ? Can someone help wiht some solution?


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Re: Holidays
19.09.11 19:40 als Antwort auf aby baby.
Be careful, although u have the right to take vacation, the law to my modest knowledge stipulate that they should be taken with the permission of the boss, they can always argue the the survival of the company does not allow you to be gone for more than any specific time. I would advise you to kindly find a solution without fighting too much cause they could use anything to issue you a warning on that. I "kiss the ass" of my boss, if u understand what i mean and he allows me pretty much a lot, even suggest me stuffs like working from home ... In the previous company, i believed in "the law and what was right" and my rights and we all ended up the court, with some financial settlement after they threw me out. Be careful, being jobless is an awful situation. Godd luck anyway

Bolo Frankfurt
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Re: Holidays
20.09.11 18:46 als Antwort auf aby baby.

It all boils down to Communication and understanding with your boss, and as suggested above i believe it is better to have a better relation with your boss than being in fighting mode - Doesnt help, rather harms you.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Holidays
20.09.11 20:45 als Antwort auf aby baby.
I think you have still sufficient time till feb 2012. Ask him the work plan you have to do and try to adjust the 4th week work what is planned to complete it before you leave. Or train your colleage, atleast he can find a temporary solutions during your absence, so that others can continue on their project.
I had done the samething when i have to visit India for my marriage. Generated a plan by myself and gave an overview to my colleage of how to handle some of the problems.

Try to find a strong reason, why you need 5 weeks vacation. Atleast then he might be convinced.

Good luck.
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Re: Holidays
26.09.11 15:07 als Antwort auf aby baby.
Thanks Guys for all your feedback .
Got 4 weeks approved :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Holidays
30.09.11 18:45 als Antwort auf aby baby.
I agree this all can be caused by bad management but if you have the right of 5 weeks vacation you should not reduce it to 3 weeks vacation for nothing. Anyway as Ausländer we should be usually be very careful and not piss off the boss since sometimes we are in a disadvantaged position (moreover in the case you have a visa tied to your employer). If I were you I would take 3 weeks vacation and fulfill the project requirements. Of course you should make your boss clear that he should pay you the 2 weeks you won't take for vacation.
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