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Query regarding relocation cost

Query regarding relocation cost
18.07.11 15:43
Dear all,

I will start a new job from 1st September. New company is about 200 kms away.
Last week I had a talk with HR guy and he told it will be difficult to give any relocation cost.

But I received a contract last week and in contract it stats that
"Aufwendungsersatz bei Versetzungen
Im Falle einer Versetzung erstattet das Unternmehmen dem Mitarbeiter einen Aufwendungsersatz von max. EUR 1.000,-- monatlich für einen Zeitraum von max. drei Monaten. Sämtliche entstandenen Kosten (wie z.B. für Umzug, Unterbringung sowie Fahrtkosten) sind durch Vorlage entsprechender Belege nachzuweisen."

Is above mentioned statement stats that I will get relocation(Umzug) cost?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Query regarding relocation cost
18.07.11 16:16 als Antwort auf max leo.
The statement which you have posted above is true when Company make your transfer to other place, in that case they will pay maximum 1000 Euro per month (for maximum 3 month).

It is not valid for you as you are starting there and not yet their employee. So you will not get relocation costs.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Query regarding relocation cost
19.07.11 11:08 als Antwort auf max leo.
But I think you may get tax relaxation on the amount of relocation...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Query regarding relocation cost
19.07.11 13:10 als Antwort auf max leo.
Dont fight with a new company emoticon Not a good way to start.

Keep all the bills for the shifting including even packing material, etc. While doing tax declaration, you can then get tax relaxation. There is a limit of about 900 euros for this if I am not mistaken. If the amount you spent below it, they will take 900. If it is higher, than they take the higher amount.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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