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Visa Questions

ABout a Praktikum

ABout a Praktikum
02.02.05 12:32
Hello everybody,

My name is Ramana Rao and i am doing my masters in germany.In end of march i would be finishing my practicum by which i would be exmatriculated as the course get finished. But the company is willing to extend my practicum for 1 yaer.so i'm thinkin gto apply for Jobsuche visa and Is it legally permitted for me to continue the practicum without student status .I have informed to the comppany abt my exmatriculation but they were not worried abt it and said me that if u hold student status u get a salary Brutto = netto but without that 21% Tax would be deducted.I am not worried abt Tax or Salayry but would i face any problems in the future from Auslanderbhorde and Arbeitsamt or Rothaus for doing a prracticum on job suche visa without student status?(I am worried AS the company deduct tax which would be paid to Arbeitsamt and they may know abt me)
Please give me good replies and those who have experienced jobsuche visa also reepsond to this it would be helpful to me.

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Re: ABout a Praktikum
02.02.05 12:52 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
it is not in your interest to do another year Praktikum. After getting Abschluß in D you have right on one year visa for job suche.
First I think you are not allowed to do praktikum in that time. and what is more important if you spend one year job suche visa on praktikum than you are out of D because you will not have time to get normal job.

If you want to stay in D take 1 year visa and find normal job which will allow you to get normal visa. If you continue with praktikum your company will earn while you will lose.
If they want to employ you, tell them to do it in proper way, even if salary is smaller because of taxes. It is still much better to have normal job and visa than to do praktikum.
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Re: ABout a Praktikum
02.02.05 13:18 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
I also think that you are not allowed to do nachpraktikum with 1 year of job suche visa. You have to take nachpraktikum visa. My opinion is that :

try to convince the company to recruit you as a full time employee. If it does not work, you can better start your praktikum. You will have some practical experiences and also most importantly some money. In the mean time you can continue to find a full time job. When you find a full time job, you can quit praktikum and start the job. I do not see any problem in this case.


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Re: ABout a Praktikum
02.02.05 14:10 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
Hi Dvd and Mk.

I appreciate ur future view Dvd but anyway i am not interested to stay here so i have commited to do it for 1 year an leave D ,than to apply for a job as it is a long procedure and i dont think my company would accept me as they have to pay me min 1500-2000€ as an employee whteheter it is not the same with practikum.

Mk i am satisfied with ur reply but to continue my practicum should i seperately apply for something like Nachpracticum visa?
i am thinking to apply for job suche visa as i get 1 year visa i have planned to continue here.i don't want say abt this to RAthaus as they would surely create some problems? !!!!!!
Confirm me whether i am doing right or should i inform them? (If i do so, next question they would ask is How could u do Praktikum on job suche visa?)
!!!!! Nobody has answered exactly for this question i would b happy if u make a note on it,
Is it possible to continue practicum on job suche visa?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 12:08 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
Hi Ramana,

You are eligible to stay here upto 2 years with nachpraktikum. There should not be any problem to get nachpraktikum visa as the Auslanderbehoerde (ABH) will not check anything with Arbeitsamt. You will go to ABH with your degree certificate, passport and parktikum contract. They should immediately give you the visa.
You are not allowed to do a nachpraktikum with job suche visa. So you have to take nachpraktikum visa.

I think nachpraktikum visa is better than job suche visa. With job suche visa, you are not permitted to work anything.

During your nachpraktikum, you search for jobs. Whenever you find a job, you can quit praktikum and start a job. Getting job visa should not be that much problematic.


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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 14:04 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
I too have heard from my student friend that

"With job suche visa, you are not permitted to work anything." - mk

Isnt this a bit silly? How is the guy/gal supposed to survive then? IMHO he should be given atleast the minimum of 20hrs/week or so....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 15:37 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
Hi MK ,

I'd proceed as said by U .
And How good would it have been if U were an employee in our Rothaus !!!!!
Thanks a lot,

Fred u r right How could a student who stays in Germany on Job Suche visa survives with out a temp workpermit and wait until he finds an employer to sponser him?

I pity them and however i would one of them if i get it.

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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 16:02 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
fred you are a litle bit wrong
with job suche visa one can not work but that is OK.
namely, if he wants to work and has a job than he can get full time visa. only problem is that it has to be appropriate job
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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 16:16 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
"And How good would it have been if U were an employee in our Rothaus !!!!!"

I am taking an intensive German course ....There might come a day when I am a beamter at some Ratahaus.. ;) ..then surely I will provide you exactly what the law allows. emoticon
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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 17:22 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
DvD wrote:
namely, if he wants to work and has a job than he can get full time visa

Dont you think that a freshly graduated student who is on job-search visa needs to go through the AMP after finding a job?

One point which needs to be also mentioned is that one needs to show the financial means which will cover this one year job-search visa period in order to get that visa.


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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 17:55 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
I think one needs to go through AMC after studium.
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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 18:09 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
Hi DvD and lacrima,

I would be glad if You both could explain me what does AMC and AMP stand for? and what does they mean?????

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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 18:25 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.

AMP -> Arbeitsmarkt-Prüfung

AMC -> Arbeitsmarkt-Check

They are actaully the same thing with different wording which describes the check that you are supposed to go through as a foreigner(non-EU) after finding a job for the first-time in Germany. (in some cases, also for the job-changes)

This check includes a search of the unemployed EU citizens who can potentially fill the position which was offered to you.


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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 19:11 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
Hi Lacrima,

Even if i get a job on Immigrtion law 17 which states :
§ 17 Sonstige Ausbildungszwecke
Einem Ausländer kann eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zweck der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung erteilt werden, wenn die Bundesagentur für Arbeit nach § 39 zugestimmt hat oder durch Rechtsverordnung nach § 42 oder zwischenstaatliche Vereinbarung bestimmt ist, dass die Aus- und Weiterbildung ohne Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zulässig ist. Beschränkungen bei der Erteilung der Zustimmung durch die Bundesagentur für Arbeit sind in die Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu übernehmen. § 16 Abs. 2 gilt entsprechend.

have i to proove AMC or AMP?
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Re: ABout a Praktikum
03.02.05 22:44 als Antwort auf Ramana rao.
IMHO if you go for the "Nachpraktikum" visa(looks like explained in the paragraph that you have referenced) and do a traineeship related to your studies which you have just finished, you should be fine and you should be able to do that without any AMP.

But, during this traineeship time, if you find a "normal" job and go for that job then I believe you should go through the AMP. But dont worry, If the company really wants you, they can describe some specific qualifications (which only you have) so that no other EU citizen will be able to fill your position. (I have seen such cases, where company demanded some specific knowledge of an internally developed software. Obviously no one has it, except someone who already worked there (a Praktikant for example))


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