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02.03.06 16:42
Hi All,

My Details:
I have paid appox. 12k as tax for 2005
I got married in july 2005 and my husband is also working in germany

I have been sending monthly 1k € to my parents and grandparents.

1. So, can I claim for the entire 12K?

2. What is the max. amount that you may claim in a year?

3. Also, I visited india in july, so can I claim for my air-tickets too?

4. How to make a claim for double-household? Should I buy a house in India for this?

Any info on these topics will be appreciated.

You can reach me at anitafhm@yahoo.com

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 17:01 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
Hello Anita,
In future please avoid double and triple postings for the same topic.

1. No
2. It comes to around 1600-1800 Euros/Year per person
3. AFAIK no
4. AFAIK maynot be applicable for houses in Inida

Now since you and your husband are both earning why dont you visit a Tax Consultant and get better advice!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 17:02 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
Dear Anitha,

You cannot claim for the whole 12K just because you have sent 1K a month. First the tax office sets a limt per person/per country the amount of money ou can send and later claim for tax rebate. In you case, supposingly to india, you can claim only 4500€ per person but you need documented prrof that your parents are not employed and they just survive with our money

you cannot claim your tickets to india for makinf holidays or family get togther. But in case, you go for a special treatment(ayurvedic treatment) you can claim as krankheitskosten..then you need a proof for your hausartz that you are suffering froma disease and you can go to india for a different treatment. You can also claim money in the subject to Ausbildungs kosten, if you want to improve soem skilss which are neccessary for your job and they ar every expensive here. In this case, you need a certificate from youe employer that he permit you to attend..So Germany is not foolish to support our holday travels

Double household incomes can be given only when you or your spouse is seperates due to employment/school reasons. Also, in this case, you can ask only for the money for renting a flat and the nebenkosten involved. If you commute via flights and tell that it is because of your double house, you cannot claim for the flight tickets

Your Indian house will never help you for any tax rebate in Gemany

Best Regards
0 (0 Stimmen)

how you arrived at 4500€ per person amount?
02.03.06 17:48 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
Hi Rajesh,

Thanks for the info.

1.I would like to know how you arrived at 4500€ per person amount?

2.What documented proof are required. Could you please elaborate on this?

3.If the supporting amount is 1920€ (AFAIK) per person in india, then 1920x6 = 11520 € (6 perons, including my parents and both grandparents)
So, do you say it is not possible to get back the 12K €?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 18:18 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
2.What documented proof are required. Could you please elaborate on this?

You would need to submit:

1. "Unterhaltsbescheinigung" for each supported person.
2. Bank statements showing the money transfered from your account to the account of the supported person.

3.If the supporting amount is 1920€ (AFAIK) per person in india, then 1920x6 = 11520 € (6 perons, including my parents and both grandparents)
So, do you say it is not possible to get back the 12K €?

If you could prove that the money was sent to all 6 person (and provided your husband does not make claims), you could claim for tax returns.

And mind you, you don't "get back" the 12K you sent to your parent. You just get the taxes you paid for this amount.

And if you show only your parent, then you would get the taxes you paid for a max. of 1920*2 EUR, even if you have sent them more.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 18:40 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.

the situation is like this

your yearly taxable income = 50,000
25% incometax paid by you = 12,500

Support for parent/grandparents = 11,000
Your taxable income for year = 50,000-11,000 = 39,000

25% tax for this 39,000 = 9,750

So the amount you can get back is 12,500 - 9000 = 3,500
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 18:41 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
merging topic: http://www.trust7.com/en/forums/integration/tax_return_for_2005_myths_and_reality

Yes, am from India and I have been sending monthly 1000 € to my parents(2 persons) and grandparents(4 persons).
But, I have send the money via online transfer only to my parents account.
My dad's parents stay with my parents.
My parents personally hand over the money every month to my mom's parents who stay in the same town.

So, I would assume 1920 x 6 persons = 11520 €
amount can be got back according to what you have said.

Have I got it right.

Are there some specific documents that I need to submit as proof apart from the Unterhalsbescheinigung?

Also, can I get the Unterhalsbescheinigung attested by a Notary Public?

Its lot easier when you can prove all your claims, with proof from reliable sources.

"Unterhalsbescheinigung" should be signed by district(Local) administrator usually Panchayat/Municipality President.

And you would need one for each supported person.

I would suggest that you consult a professional tax consultant. German tax system is a bit complicated especially when both husband and wife are employed. Usually it would cost you arround 100 EUR, which you could claim next year.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Money from TAX CLAIM is % of your income?
02.03.06 18:43 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.

So you mean, if I prove that I sent 12k €, then I would get 12000 x 42% (tax) = 5k appox.?

And, can I get the Unterhaltsbescheinigung attested by a Notary Public?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 18:58 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
Does this tax of 42% include arbeitlos,renten und krankenversicherung according to you??
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 19:16 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
Hi Raj,

Yes, for this 42% I included the other deductions mentioned by you.

So, should I consider only the lohnsteuer column of my payroll to calculate this?

In that case it would be 25% appox as indicated by you.

1.What are the other things that we can show to reduce our Taxable income?

2.Can anybody recommend any good english speaking tax consultant in Munich?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: TAX CLAIM 2005/06 - QUERY
02.03.06 19:47 als Antwort auf anita rajagopal.
Yes, you can tax my calculations for 25% tax as the basic.

Other tax-benefits
1.You can claim money for your computer over 3 or 4 years
2.Courses you have to do that is useful for your job including travelling and accom.
3. Travel to work place(there are some changes the year 2006 and maybe for 2005)
4. If you have used tax consultant for 2004 then u can set this cost in 2005, but i heard from 2006 this has been abolished

Thats all i know for now.

www.toytownmunich.com is the best place for you that you live in munich.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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