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Pension refund for Indians - Confused !

Hello Experts,
This topic has been discussed many times, but I am still confused, because I am getting contradicting informations.

If an Indian pays into pension fund for more than 5 years, is he eligible for pension refund ?

Please find the links below :

One says, 5 years rule doesn't apply for Indians. Other one says, it applies for all non-EU citizens.

Which one is correct ?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Pension refund for Indians - Confused !
24.09.10 15:56 als Antwort auf Hilton Green.
Since India is not one of the contracted countries, you can claim the pension contributions after 2 years of leaving Germany provided you dont work in EU at that time.

Please dont use the companies which provide to claim it back on your behalf. It can be done on your own without costing anything.


More information

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Re: Pension refund for Indians - Confused !
02.10.10 15:27 als Antwort auf Hilton Green.
I would also like to know

In the following link below

India is on agreement list with a clause as "Entsendeabkommen" . To my understanding, it means for "contract based employers from india (onsite)"

Could someone verify if the pension refund of 5 years upper limit applicable for INDIANS working in a GERMAN firm

Thank you,
With best regards,
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Pension refund for Indians - Confused !
03.10.10 02:49 als Antwort auf Hilton Green.
My research on this topic

From the above link, the agreement with india and china says "Hierbei handelt es sich um sogenannte Entsendeabkommen. Diese sehen vor, dass für Arbeitnehmer, die von ihrem Unternehmen vorübergehend im anderen Vertragsstaat beschäftigt werden, eine Doppelversicherung und damit die doppelte Beitragsbelastung zur Rentenversicherung und Arbeitslosenversicherung vermieden wird. Weitere Regelungen, zum Beispiel zum Erwerb von Rentenansprüchen oder zur Zahlung von Renten, enthalten diese Abkommen nicht. "

This translates from German to English as:

"On this occasion, it concerns so-called "Entsendeabkommen". These intend that for the employees who are occupied by her enterprise/company "temporarily" in the other signatory a double assurance/insurance and with it the double contribution load is avoided to the pension scheme and unemployment insurance.

Also, other regulations, for example, to the acquisition of pension claims or to the payment of pensions,these agreements DO NOT contain ."

This implies the five year upper limit DONOT apply to india. India still comes under non contracting states and the special agreement is more towards reducing company(german company and indian company) contribution for an individual sent to the other signatory state and not imposed anyway on individuals pension refund

Link 1 is Correct:http://sites.googl...alsecurityrefund/faqs
Link 2 is Wrong:http://www.taxback...ension-refund-faq.asp

Please correct me if I am wrong!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Pension refund for Indians - Confused !
06.10.10 19:14 als Antwort auf Hilton Green.
Hi to all,

I have some questions regarding the pension payment for German citizens in other country.

1. Suppose a German Citizen spends his/her life in another country (Asia). I think after 65/67 years pension will be deposited in their account in Asia. For this are they need to visit Germany frequently to get their Pension?

2. Is there any Specific time gap for visiting (Germany)?

3. If not how can German Authorities know that this person is still alive?

Thank you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Pension refund for Indians - Confused !
06.10.10 20:02 als Antwort auf Hilton Green.
I assume:

1. No, they do not need to visit Germany physically to get their pension.

2. No.

3. Probably they will require some sort of documents so that they know that the person is still alive (as similar as here).

By the way, do you think it is good to post the same questions in several threads of this forum? You simply should not "justdoit" what you want :-p (it may disturbing for others).


P.S: Sorry to others for posting the same answers in different threads!
0 (0 Stimmen)

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