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Taxhilfe in stuttgart

Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 11:51
Hi All,

Does anyone know an economical tax consultant/hilfe in stuttgart? If anyone has such information please share with me...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 16:05 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
u can try Mr. Satyajit sharma in stuttgart. He works in lohnsteuerverein, stuttgart. He also speaks hindi. U can contact him at 01728874865.
And charges abt 100€ for filing returns.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 16:15 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Thanks for your prompt reply!Actually i m doing it first time, does this 100 Euros investment really good or I can use the tax software as well? By the way how much I can get back in case of 40K package, important to note that I dont have much things to declare tax free or get tax discount :-)? any suggestions or experiences are highly appreciated !
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 17:10 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
I would say that you can do the things with the software if you donot have much to declare. I think with 40K as single person without much to declare you will get around 1K € back. Actually I can not tell you much without details of your tax card. As I tried the software myself and found quite easy to use if you know German and it is very easy if you have your old tax return. At present I am also doing it for my friend and he is also happy with the expected returns(about 1500€).

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 18:28 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
try to fill out the most that you can (I mean the printed form, without a software tool).

Then go to Finanzamt and if you have luck and if there is not many people the Beamter (probably)will help you with the rest.

I did it in that way (also in Stuttgart) and I saved some Euros ;-)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 18:52 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Thanks for all of your suggestions....
This is true that one can declare tax back for relocating (e.g. you moved from one wohnung to another).. how this amount is calculated? or is it fixed by Finanzamt (that they will return fixed amount of tax in case of relocations) What kind of proof they need?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 20:47 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
In relocation,one can claim the tax benefit only when the reason of relocation is gettinng yourself closer to your workplace.In this case the abmeldung/anmeldung documents are required by the finanzamt.The amount is calculated by providing the recipts of the cost one bears due to the relocation i.e Movers Hiring,Transport cost.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
08.03.05 20:58 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
"The amount is calculated by providing the recipts of the cost one bears due to the relocation i.e Movers Hiring,Transport cost."

You can also opt for the fixed amount(Pauschal) which Finanzamt is accepting without asking a single receipt. This makes sense in two cases:

-> You forgot to collect to receipts.
-> Your relocation receipts' total is less than Finanzamt's fixed amount.

Finanzamt's fixed amount for relocation expenses is around 500 Euro, if I recall correctly.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
09.03.05 11:53 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.

And what if the real expenditure on reallocation is more than this "Pauschal" amount? And if we show the receipts also - do we then get more than the Pauschal amount fixed by Finanzamt or this is the only fixed amount which they accept?

Do you have any personal experience related to this?

I have most of the receipts with me. I shifted from one city to another because of change of company. Finally, I will check all this with my Tax Consultant but also wanted to collect few 1st hand experiences from the members of this forum.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
09.03.05 13:00 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
And what if the real expenditure on reallocation is more than this "Pauschal" amount? And if we show the receipts also - do we then get more than the Pauschal amount fixed by Finanzamt or this is the only fixed amount which they accept?
No, if you spent more, then you can claim more by showing the receipts. I dont know whether they have an upperlimit for reallocation costs which can be claimed.

Do you have any personal experience related to this?

Yes, I do. I claimed the Pauschal amount and they accepted it without asking a receipt. (it was a good deal for me emoticon

I have most of the receipts with me. I shifted from one city to another because of change of company. Finally, I will check all this with my Tax Consultant but also wanted to collect few 1st hand experiences from the members of this forum.

Yes, do check it with the Tax Consultant. I also just shared what I have experienced and what I have read in "Steuertip" book. emoticon


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 16:27 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
As I'm a tax consultant pls don't hesitate to ask your questions here to the forums. I can't promise you to reply promptly and to all of your questions, but I'll try my best. :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 16:42 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Hi limajr.

What is Your email id and phone number ?

You mentioned that U r a tax consultant, in that case I would like to discuss my case with You and probably take Your services.

Nitin Malhotra
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 16:49 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
I'll send you an email with my details with the subject: "Tax consultant"
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 17:02 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Hi 'limajr',

please send another mail to me at trust7. I just want to know who you are, before I accept your 'marketing' on trust7!

But I am open for this, because you could be very helpful for our members!

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 17:34 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Sorry, but this is not a marketing of mine, cause I'm not working as a freelancer but working as an employee for a trading concern. So my intention is not to make any money or whatsoever here. The only thing is to help people.

The reason why I'm here is that a friend of mine is working in Germany by GC and is/was having all tax problems a foreigner could have. I helped him a lot. What I learned from that is, that the German fiscal authorities treat foreign people not in a nice way. Without any help from a professional one could loose him-/herself in all the Germany tax rules.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 17:39 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.

than go ahead and help others!

That's the intention of the trust7 forums and you are welcome!

Have a nice weekend
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 17:44 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
That's my way of life. Help others and inspire them... LOL

Ich wünsche dir auch ein schönes Wochenende.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
11.03.05 19:47 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Hallo Limajr,

Please send also your details as I want to ask you about how to claim double household in Tax returns.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
03.05.05 17:22 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.

Someone in this thread passed on this information:

"Mr. Satyajit sharma in stuttgart. He works in lohnsteuerverein, stuttgart. He also speaks hindi. U can contact him at 01728874865".

I tried to reach him on this number, but seems like he has changed it or closed it...Does anyone has his new contact number or address??

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
03.05.05 18:26 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.

He told me in March that he is on holidays in April and would be back in first week of May. His address is:

Reitzensteinstrasse 2,
70190 Stuttgart.
Fax: 0711-4595087
Mob.: 0172-8874865

Have a nice day.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
04.05.05 00:35 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
Hi frens!
Does any of you experts have any idea about this situation:
when someone buys some equipments for studying purposes to bring ones career forward,is there a limit how much he can spent for this purpose to get tax refund from the finanzamt and will this amount be deductable 100% or less???
Appreciate any inputs!!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Taxhilfe in stuttgart
07.05.05 14:28 als Antwort auf nanda nanda.
There are 3 main rules to get such expenditures accepted as "Werbungskosten"
1. The expenditures must be caused by your recent or your aimed profession. So if you can call these tools as been 100% work equipment, than it's possible to get them accepted.
2. The usage of such equipment should be in general 100% by your job and not in private. Only a few things could be shared used and their job based costs would be accepted.
3. As long as the costs for such expenditures are in general common they will be accepted fully. Only when the costs lead to a tax unfounded result, it will not be accepted fully. E.g. when your expenditures are higher than your income.
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