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Citizenship Antrag

Citizenship Antrag
04.11.11 22:49
Dear all,

Just wanted to share my experience with you regarding my naturalisation process:

I submitted my antrag in Frankfurt on june 8th.
I submitted all the required documents.
Received a confirmation letter from the EBH in Frankfurt on June 9th.
2 weeks later I received a confirmation letter from Darmstadt.
Since then (November 4th now, almost 5 months later) no news.
I called the beamte one month ago, and he said only the documents from the Ausländerbehörde are missing, so he waits for them. He couldnt say when they would arrive.
What other experiences have you had? How long has it taken you? I would appreciate some feedback and thanks!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Citizenship Antrag
05.11.11 11:14 als Antwort auf Blade Runner.
Hi, I cannot share any experience on citizenship duration process as I have not gone through it.

But one point I want to make :- In this modern technology age where docs, information can be shared in a minute in internet, Germany even though are advanced, still are way behind in using it properly.

I can't believe for offices like Migration(Govt.) need at-least 6-8 weeks to just send Orientation certificates to a candidate, can't believe it takes 1 month to create an electronic visa, can't believe that to get docs from ausländerbehorde office also takes 6 months as described by you.

Basically it is a shame to German goverment officials that they are so inefficient in handling such things, They keep on saying that they are making checks, but really they are still unable to use modern technology.
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Re: Citizenship Antrag
05.11.11 11:52 als Antwort auf Blade Runner.
If I were you, I will call the einbürgerungbüro and ask what document specifically from ausländerbehörde is missing.

Then I will go to ausländerbehörde and ask in a polite way where/why the problem is.

For your information, in saxony for example - it can takes one 1-2 years for the whole process to be finished.

However in Frankfurt area, it is not the case. I believe there are enough member in trust7 that can tell you their experience there.

the system is not advance and ineffecient, is true.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Citizenship Antrag
15.12.11 03:07 als Antwort auf Blade Runner.
Dear all,

Today: December 15th I received my Einbürgerungszusicherung.
I submitted the application on June 8th so it took me 6 months. I live in Frankfurt
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Re: Citizenship Antrag
29.03.12 04:16 als Antwort auf Blade Runner.
Dear all,

I received the Urkunde yesterday, so on March 27th 2012 I officialy became a German citizen.

The entire process took me more than one year. I applied in Frankfurt:
Firts contact with einbürgergunsbehörde end of January 2011, when I was given the application form and was told i'd need to pass the einbürgerungstest and a test of my german language (b1). After i finally gathered these documents i could submitt my application on June the 8th 2011
On Dezember 6th 2011 i received the Einbürgerungszusicherung needed to apply for annulement of my previous (Macedonian) citizenship.
March 27th 2012 Einbürgerungsurkunde received.

Hessen has a two-level einbürgerungsstructure: the clerk who receives your application and gives you advice on which documents you may need, and then theres the regierungspresidium in darmstadt which actually processes your application and makes a decission if you'd be granted the citizenship or not.
So if the clerk in Frankfurt bugs you, you dont have to be extra nice to him/her, because they have no influence whatsoever on your process. They just take your documents and tell you if you'd need some extra ones. Furthermore, the clerk yesterday told me that they are not even able to see the whole documentation about the applicant. I moved to another address during the process and I was sent the invitation to pick up my urkunde to the old address. I informed the regierungspresidium much earlier that I have moved, but the clerk didnt know this since they are not able to see all the information, and he's the one who hands out the urkunden and sends the invitations.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Citizenship Antrag
29.03.12 15:24 als Antwort auf Blade Runner.
Hello everyone,

My experience has been pretty long so far. We filled out the form mid 2011 (family einbürgerung). Then I was requested to take the german exam (although I am researcher working already for 6 years in DE). Then my older daughter turned 16 and was told that she needed to fill out her form separately, then she was told to take the Einbürgerung test (needless to say that the beamter never told us all these details initially and at once. We were finding them out "the hard way" every time we would call to learn how the process of our paper was running). We've got my daugter's test results by end feb 2012, she handed then into the Einbürgeramt and was told that the process would now take 6 to 8 months (we're in Berlin Pankow). But so far we haven't received any receipt or confirmation of our request being proccessed...

Is this normal or should I go ans ask for a written confirmation? A

Additionally, we want to move to another Bezirk, would this then slow down the process even more?

Thanks a lot in advance for your feedback

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