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De-registration (Abmeldung)

De-registration (Abmeldung)
12.07.05 13:45
Hi all,

As I am leaving germany i have done my abmeldung quite some time back. Since my wife has moved back few months ago, (without abmeldung) do i also need to do the abmeldung for her? Is is really important? Would it have any bad effects in the future if i do not make the abmeldung for her??

Any views, ideas welcome.

Regards, Asian
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Re: De-registration (Abmeldung)
13.07.05 01:30 als Antwort auf Asian the Great.
"do i also need to do the abmeldung for her? Is is really important? Would it have any bad effects in the future if i do not make the abmeldung for her??"

for Germany it's hardly important, 'cause if you leave and do not keep a flat, she will be unregistered automatically as soon as you hand the flat over to your landlord

for you and your wife:

if she wants to keep her residence permit in order to be able to come over without having to apply for a new visa, find some friend who lives here and agree with him that your wife will be registered on his address

if she does not want to keep it: send a letter to a Meldebehörde explaining that your wife has left Germany and has to be unregistered, make a copy from that letter for yourself and forget about the whole thing
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