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Strange question about Trust7 site

Strange question about Trust7 site
23.11.04 16:09
hi all

My question maybe can sound a little bit stupid but if I cannot solve this in a forum of IT Specialists, I don´t know where.

I´m connected with Freenet, using DSL. I have the problematic router Siemens Gigaset 515 and simply I cannot access Trust7.com from home.

I have searched a lot of that, upgraded the firmware of the router (because was a very well known problem with some sites + Freenet + Siemens) and I solved the problem for all the sites EXCEPT TRUST7!!!#

Anybody had similar problems? Am I crazy? I have to quit as a IT Specialist and employ myself as garbage collector?

Any ideas?


PS: Is not a DNS problem. I found the address, I have traced the link, I just have problems with the last link of the Trust7 server!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
23.11.04 18:40 als Antwort auf YO 1.
It could also be a problem with your PC - user profile or so. Do you have a DSL modem attached to the router or this router is a modem as well? According to what I have found it has a modem included. If I would be you, I would find a simple modem, setup a remote connection trough the modem directly and then see if you can establish a connection with Trust7. If yes, than you know it is a router problem. If no, than the router isn't a problem but your provider or your local profile. A tipp: try to create a new user profile (assuming you use 2000 or xp) and try to connect.

Hope this helps,

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
23.11.04 19:23 als Antwort auf YO 1.
"I have to quit as a IT Specialist and employ myself as garbage collector?"

no problems, I have few friends that are in need of garbage collectors.
There names are c# and java.
I think they are sogar in IT Bransche, so you can work there with your GC, you don't need new Visa
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 11:34 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,

you are not the only one. I am having the same problem as well. I have the same hardware setup and Freenet connection and for the last three weeks its not opening the trust7 site. It gives the timeout error.

For me this is the only site which doesn't open.

So don't exchange this nice field of IT for a nasty one emoticon but try to find the solution. I am also trying with out any success.

I have a friend who is a programmer in Freenet, I'll check with him as well. So far, I was thinking that its only my problem but it looks like something to do with Hardware + Freenet.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 11:47 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Soooo! Sorry Kokhar but nice to hear from that.

But you have anything I don´t: you have "contacts"

Two months ago I wasted about 10 eur in hearing a machine telling me "all our operators are busy - please wait", no solution to my problem and nobody to talk to. This time I didn´t even tryied to call support.

Last attempt I did, maybe could help. I did an advanced trace of the link with Trust7 and I was a little bit surprised because this link opens about 12 ports of my computer. MAYBE, just maybe, one of this ports is filtered by Freenet and the result is our beloved Timeout.

I have to tell you also that before my firmware upgrade of my router, I did have problems with many sites and actually Trust7 is the only site (at least till now) with no connection from home.

If you want to know just now, to connect with Trust7 now, my computer neded to communicate ports 1182 to 1194, 15 ports!!!. I was aware of that because the net administrator of my job was looking really hard the people with the ip address xxxxxxxx, that was casually me in Trust7.

Maybe is not so important to communicate at night with this site, but I was really angry, because I couldn´t solve the problem (and is suposed that I eat with my job and THIS is my job!).

Thanks to answer and let´s keep in touch

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 11:53 als Antwort auf YO 1.

May be you can check in Internet explorer...

Tools-->Internet Options-->Privacy-->Websites(Edit)--> 'check here to delete the blocked sites...'

It may helps

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 12:21 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi Yo, hi *,

you know, I am not an IT expert, so I can just hope, that you can solve this strange problem.

I do not want to miss just one of you, even at night time.

Manuel is in Columbia at the moment, but I will tell him about this. Maybe he has an idea.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 12:22 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hey Srikanth,

I´m not that good, but also not so bad! I think the problem is a little bit more difficult than that.

When you decrease the security of internet explorer and this is normaly the first thing you do when you have this kind of problems, this functionality doesn´t work.

I also tried with Opera and Netscape before ask.

Thanks anyway

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 12:25 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hey Detlef

Nice to hear from you.

I don´t think even is your (Trust7 + Detlef + Manuel) problem, surely is your Internet provider problem (Serverkompetenz?).

But thanks anyway to answer

Regards from Bayern to Berlin

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 12:28 als Antwort auf YO 1.
One thing YO.. it is bit difficult to judge your problem.. since we donot know what kind of options you have in your Internet Explorer or in your router.. You don't need to decrease Security options to avoid this problem. Only thing i can assume is that somewhere this site is blocking in your system.. so try to find that.. i know most of the people r using Google tool bar or some other tool bars to close the popups & also Norton Internet security.. so these tools may block somesites.. so check them if anywhere it is got blocked...

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 14:30 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi Yo,

Do you use Mozilla/Firefox as well. What I am remembering is that around three weeks ago I updated its bugfixes and I am not sure but most probably after that trust7 is not opening.

Any way, even from internet explorer it doesn't open since the same time.

I'll update you about any progress.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 14:55 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi , After reading through all this i think another probable reason to the problem can be that some spyware and adware has been installed in ur system and they are blocking the trust7 site ...so why dont u use bazooka software and cleanup.... it should help ..
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 17:18 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi YO,
It seems to me a problem from FREENET. Try to open a TT with them to solve the issue. With one of my neighbor it happend that he could not open EBAY and google with TISCALI.But later it was solved from TISCALI saying they really had an issue with these sites.
Try to tracert/traceroute www.trust7.com from your router/PC and see if its possible through ur ISP and at what hop is it timingout. Few tips to also troubleshoot the issue.
use lookingglass to see the RTD/time delay from various regions to trust7.
Just give the IP-address of trust7 instead of URL in the browser and see if it works.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: to Zong8/AR - Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 17:42 als Antwort auf YO 1.

Thanks, that´s the kind of answer I needed.

I did try to connect directly with IP, no results. DNS is working OK.

I traced the link and I go till the last computer and there I receive timeout.

I know was a known issue related with the value of MTU. Leider, the router could not let you change the value of MTU, but after Firmware Update I can fix the MTU to the value (written in small letters) specified in the manual of Freenet.

Sorry the ignorance, but I don´t know what is TT! I gratefully would opnen one with Freenet if I could!

Thanks for your help

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 17:46 als Antwort auf YO 1.
TT -> Trouble Ticket

I guess..
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
24.11.04 19:17 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi Yo,
MTU is not an issue, its generally 1500 bytes.As said look for the things I said,it should solve the issue.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about Trust7 site
25.11.04 00:45 als Antwort auf YO 1.

May be following can help you to diagnose problem:
1. try to open site using www.anonymizer.com or www.idzap.com,
2. use any public proxy server from www.publicproxyserver.com

if site is being blocked from ISP,it should be passed through using above methods.

Hopefuly it will help you.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Strange question about ... Update
25.11.04 11:28 als Antwort auf YO 1.
Hi all

To Zong8: Yes man. MTU IS an issue. Before setting my MTU to 1454, as posted clearly in the install instructions from Freenet, I couldn´t access to many sites, like Ebay.

To Dilbir: thanks! I was searching those kind of sites and didn´t found it. I´ll go to Trust7 using this sites.

To the rest: I traced last night the link with Lookingglass. No problem at all, I reached all the hosts successfully with a decent time not greater than the times measured with this computer (with no access problems)

I also scaned with Bazooka and other tools and nothing.

I tryied also with 3 different computers using 3 different OS (W2000, W98 and XP) same problem.

But I advanced trace the connection with my port scanner and I found when I request the access to Trust7, one port of my computer was stacked in a "SYN_SENT" state, I suppose waiting for an answer, no other ports are opened and later I receive timeout error.

Thanks to all for your contributions and I´ll keep you updated

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