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Important Info for developing Countries People-Returning

Hi All,
I am a frequent visitor to this forum. this being my first post, would like to share an imp. info for those guys who plans to return to their countries(3.wc). u can get financial help from this govt. for reintegration assistance( they even pay for your flight ticket and transportation).
here are some useful links



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Re: Important Info for developing Countries People-Returning
01.01.07 16:48 als Antwort auf Kiri Varatharajan.
Thanks for the information.

Has anybody taken part into this program?

I am also leaving Germany and would like to take part into this program.

I have recently requested the forms of it from the above mentioned web site. There are certain clauses that one can get the money for flight ticket and transportation cost. I would like to know under which circumstances one can get the money for this.

If anybody has more information about it, please share the information.
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Re: Important Info for developing Countries People-Returning
01.01.07 17:24 als Antwort auf Kiri Varatharajan.
Pay attention to the term "Entwicklungsland" (Developing country).This term indicates the countries which have an annual average income under 745 US$ per capita.

So the countries from Eastern Europe and South America do not fall under this category and people from those countries can not claim these benefits.

Most of the GClers are from so called "Schwellenland"
which are categorized between developing countries and already industrialized countries.


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Re: Important Info for developing Countries People-Returning
04.01.07 13:49 als Antwort auf Kiri Varatharajan.
Thanks Lacrima for the information.

http://www.de-orient.com/content/view/27/1/ has information on this issue in english (not official).

Following are the partner countries for Reintegration program:
Afghanistan, Jordanien, Ägypten, Kamerun, Äthiopien, Kolumbien, Bolivien, Marokko, Brasilien, Mongolei, Chile, Pakistan, China, Palästina/Israel*, Georgien, Peru, Ghana, Syrien, Indien, Tunesien, Indonesien, Türkei, Vietnam.

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Re: Important Info for developing Countries People-Returning
04.01.07 16:01 als Antwort auf Kiri Varatharajan.
Hi sweetyb
Thanks for the list. The last time I visited the ZAV page, there was no such a list of countries. They were only talking about "Developing Countries" which is actually an unclear definition. This list which seems to be valid after 1.1.2007

is more enlightening in terms of which countries are eligible and which are not.


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