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Changing Job

Changing Job
03.05.05 19:11
Hallo Guys,

I am changing job next month. I have quite good relation with my current employer.

What papers do I need to get from my current employer before changing job?

1. lohnsteuerkarte
2. ?
3. ?

I need your help guys.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
03.05.05 19:22 als Antwort auf sun gc.
the lohnsteuerkarte you will get for sure, the only paper really needed is a xxx, I just forgot the name, the paper the company gives you detailling what you have done and all.
But even that, you can have after, as you are changing job, it means you already has a contract and this letter is normally given of required for interviews.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
03.05.05 19:29 als Antwort auf sun gc.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
03.05.05 20:04 als Antwort auf sun gc.
Zeugnis is the "final" recommendation that you can get *after* you explain your current employer that you're leaving.

But there is another document, so called "zwischenzeugnis" which you can get from your company periodically while you're still employed there. For example, if your boss is leaving (not you) and you had a good relationship with him, ask him for a zwischenzeugnis before he leaves.

Before leaving the company, go to the www.bfa.de; there's one online form where you can enter your social insurance number and you'll get a written report from them enlisting all social insurance payments. If there is any trouble, you can mend it up while you're still in the company. I had such a problem because there was a misunderstanding between my former employer and my health insurance company (AOK) - the complete sum was payed, but it was wrongly booked, so it looked like I was missing half of the 2003 and beginning of the 2004. And this correction afterwards lasted for a while (almost two months).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
03.05.05 23:06 als Antwort auf sun gc.
Thanks a lot guys for this input. I will try to get hold of this zwischenzeugnis and the rente payment.

Is it normal to get the recommendation letter from the employer?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
03.05.05 23:34 als Antwort auf sun gc.
-630 BGB Pflicht zur Zeugniserteilung
-Arbeitsbescheinigung gemäß § 312 SGB III

Your employer is obliged (according to § 630 Satz 2 BGB, § 109) to give you qualifiziertes Zeugnis, but only if you ask for it. You do not get it by default. Otherwise you get the "einfaches Zeugnis", or no Zeugnis at all. So, ask for "qualifizertes Zeugnis" - in written form.

You also need to get the "Arbeitsbescheinigung gemäß § 312 SGB III" - I hope for you that you are never going to use the document - but you MUST have it if you later become unemployed and want do get arbeitslosengeld. In this document is written how long you have worked and what was your salary. Also if you become arbeitslos in 2 years from now you need that document. Without document - no Arbeitslosengeld. One can download the template (Vordrück) at www.arbeitsagentur.de and fill it in. Some big companies have it already integrated in SAP, so you do not need the template from Arbeitsagentur in that case.

Almost forgot:

- Abmeldung Sozialversicherung

- Urlaubsbescheinigung (it could be necessary for new companies), how much holidays you have used. This is necessary for new company if they want to do everything clear by the law to be able to prove that you have had total 24 years of holidays, or more within year. Some ask for it, some not.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
04.05.05 00:22 als Antwort auf sun gc.
Thanks Cedomir,

Thus the list until now is :

1. Lohnsteuerkarte
2. Arbeitsbescheinigung (according to § 312 SGB III)
3. Qualifizertes Zeugnis (according to § 630 Satz 2 BGB, § 109)
4. Abmeldung Sozialversicherung
5. Urlaubsbescheinigung

However, what is the point of Abmeldung Sozialversicherung? How do I do it and why?

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Changing Job
04.05.05 12:37 als Antwort auf sun gc.
Abmeldung Sozialversicherung - you do not do it your company does it. When you start working in company you get paper "anmeldung zur sozialversicherung", the confirmation your company has registered you properly for social insurance. When you leave company, you get the confirmation that your company has deregistered you.
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Re: Changing Job
07.05.05 00:31 als Antwort auf sun gc.
Those documents are required by any employee, including ones on probation period?
0 (0 Stimmen)

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