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Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld

Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld
17.12.04 14:51
My 3yrs contract as BAT IIa/O in a UNI will expire in 3months (I've already received the 'Auflaufen' notice). I need summer semester2005 to finish my PhD in biology field.
I have been paying Arbeitvesicherung,AV among other deductions.
Q1. Am I entitled to Arbeitlosgeld (AG)
Q2. If yes does AG include Krankversicherrung (KV)
Q3. When should I apply for AG from AA after I register 3months b4 expiry of contract
Q4. As a wissenschaflicher Mitarbeiter am I considered a high qualified personnel refered in the new immigration law.

I have read a related issue but there was no response. Informaion on this will be of help to many in my situation.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld
17.12.04 15:07 als Antwort auf Moreti Mungwana.

It is a difficult situation. I am also a University staff but i am a non research staff and i stay in GC status bu tin your case, i think you have to apply for Arbeitslosgeld and you have to apply 3 months in advance in the arbeitsamt.

You will have no problems in extension of visa as you will be a student even without a contract or money. The only problem is the Arbeitsamt will not give you arbetislogeld if you are a student( They told me this 2.5 years before). It is really a tricky situation.

You will not get a NE by just being a Wissen-Mitarbeter. You need to proove that you had written some books or many written journals and your Professor should also writ ethis out with your acheivements( Maybe you have a Scientific Paper in 'Nature'). Otherwise, the chances are very very slim.

BTW, in which University do you work?

Best Regards
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld
17.12.04 17:11 als Antwort auf Moreti Mungwana.

This is really sucking and disturbing. Why don't they have a special scheme for non-EU BAT II?

In case I don't apply for a student visa will I be eligible for these Arbeitlosgeld? But I don't know what other type of visa can I apply? My current has always be tied to my vetrag.

Anyone with legal advise is highly welcome because this is a ripoff since my german colleagues are eligible despite being students.

I am in a university in Thuringia (name witheld).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld
17.12.04 17:37 als Antwort auf Moreti Mungwana.
hi moreti
I will provide you withfew valuable info but you then owe me a Citizen watch (NoBody owe me one too)

So you are lucky. You make your Abschluß in right moment.
With new law from 1.1. everyone that makes Abschluß in De can get 1 year visa to search for job. Ph. D. is also Abschluß.
So you'll get some student Visa at first but after some time when you fnish your Ph.D. you can get real visa and also ALG. Maybe you can get ALG even as a student. I don't know.
But if not, you only have to bridge these few months and with Ph.D. your 1 year visa is certain. You need not to worry after you get Ph.D. Of course you have to find something during that year or you are weg von Fenster.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld
20.12.04 19:44 als Antwort auf Moreti Mungwana.
Thanks DvD though FYI i already read new Ausländers law.
Students are not eligible for ALG, so I have to avoid that being a student, if anything I wasn't paying AV as a student.
All I need is at least 3months to wind up.

Additional question, does the ALG include KV or one pay for oneself. How is it broken down?

Merry Xmas
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Non-EU non-GC holder Arbeitlosgeld
21.12.04 01:41 als Antwort auf Moreti Mungwana.
>Additional question, does the ALG include KV?

0 (0 Stimmen)

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