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Help needed!

Help needed to get Divorced

Help needed to get Divorced
11.06.08 00:47
Hello my dear friends,
I desperately need your advice.
I made a big mistake and i would also suggest others be careful and never get too serious in love especially with a german girl.
My situation is i came here for my studies and during this i fell in love with a german girl.We decided to get married and i got married to her against my parents wishes.Its now almost 1yr we are married and in total i been in Germany for 3years.Now i understand that it is impossible for her to accept Indian culture or anything Indian other than me.I feel too lonely cut off from my roots like a slave to her.I know if i accept all that she say and get cut off from my family now then later i will have no one.So i have decided to get a divorce.
I am having Aufenhalt currently and i don't want to get any NE or anything what people say one gets after 3yrs of marriage.I am sure i will be happy with what i have in India and now i am 28 and can also get married to someone in India.
But she say that for getting divorce we have to live seperate for one year and then find a lawyer and spend atleast 3000€.Now my question,is it possible if i return to India now and will the divorce process work there or it only works here because i married to here in Germany.
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Re: Help needed to get Divorced
11.06.08 12:22 als Antwort auf raj kumar.
Dear Raj,

I made a big mistake and i would also suggest others be careful and never get too serious in love especially with a german girl.

Don't blame german girls, nowadays you can get royally screwed also from an indian girl ;-)

Now i understand that it is impossible for her to accept Indian culture or anything Indian other than me.

Did she ask you to accept german culture or behave like germans? if not than why do you?

You don't like potato and want to stuff her with curry ;-)

I know if i accept all that she say and get cut off from my family now then later i will have no one.So i have decided to get a divorce.

What family you are talking about? She is your family!!

Did she tell you to break contact with your parents? if not then why do you think you would get cut-off?

But she say that for getting divorce we have to live seperate for one year and then find a lawyer and spend atleast 3000€.Now my question,is it possible if i return to India now and will the divorce process work there or it only works here because i married to here in Germany.

What she says is right if you get divorce in Germany. You can also get divorced in India under THE INDIAN DIVORCE ACT, 1869
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Re: Help needed to get Divorced
11.06.08 13:34 als Antwort auf raj kumar.
If u madeup ur mind.
I would suggest u to try divorce stuff in india maybe then u dont need to pay her the money.

and in india who care if u r married in germany or not ..noone knows it and u can again marry some indian girl.

anyhow why cant ur parent accept her ?or they are expecting her to touch their feet every morning?

I mean german girls r quite easy going, the thing is u need to have a strong charackter,

control on our strong indian male ego that comes to use just because we r highly qualified.

..this is not india where just on the basis of ur eductaion u get the girl.To successful with german girl u have to work on other part of ur life ..but exceptions are everywhere.

Hope u will live in peace rest of ur life.
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