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Got German Citizenship

Got German Citizenship
citizenship aufhebungsvertrag
03.04.15 17:07
Dear forum members,

I don't know who still remembers me or still someone here I know. So, here is my story:
  • 2005 came from Turkey to Germany and started to work (unlimited job contract) with Greencard
  • 2009 got Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte §19.2.3 AufenthG (unlimited residence and work permit)  when the salary requirement was reduced from 87K to 65K. Since the Blue Card is introduced this permit doesn't exist any more.
  • 2013 May German citizenship application
  • 2013 December got the Einbürgerungszusicherung (assurance of German citizenship) - actually the doc says it was ready in July
  • 2015 February I got permission to leave Turkish citizenship - passed directly to officials
  • 2015 April I got the Einbürgerungsurkunde (certificate of naturalization)
Some advices to the people who intend to apply:
  • When applying for naturalization, you don't have to give all necessary documents. In my case I had passed B1 german language certificate and after the application I had given them the certificate. There was no delay.
  • Each applicant is investigated in the background. This is called Ermittlungsverfahren (investigation) to check your criminal records, debt, pension contributions etc. in Germany. About 6 different offices are checking this. These are running in parallel. Each can take from 1 week to many weeks like 6 months. Naturalization office has no chance to speed up here because the offices are separate in Germany.
  • Try to be as fast as you can between the processes. In my case because of private reasons I had to wait for 1 year (2013 Dec - 2015 Feb above). The longer you wait, the higher probability you are investigated again. This slows down the procedure further.
  • Please follow your procedure by checking every 1-2 months. Sometimes the officials are really busy (many people are applying!) and forget to initiate one of your processes or they forget to inform you. In my case my assurance was ready in July but they informed me in December.
  • Never exit your job by your own decision or Aufhebungsvertrag (termination agreement). Otherwise Arbeitsamt (employment office) will stop to pay you unemployment benefits for about 3 months (can be more or less) and your state insurance is not covered during this time, which can be very expensive for you in Germany.

    However the worse thing is that Naturalization Office considers this cut will stop financing your living costs, and thus they stop your procedure before you find a job again. If the company fires you, you can get the Citizenship even if you start to get unemployment afterwards. Please note that Kündigung (company fires you) and Aufhebungsvertrag (you agree with your company to quit the job) are different in Germany!

    There are many details about this. If you have questions, can answer.
  • Try to contact your official as less as you can (don't disturb them too much), otherwise they can slow down further the procedure. Every 1-2 month should be OK. Try to communicate through emails. You don't have to go to the office in person all the time. You can also give a call. This sometimes helps (really!). So, find a good balance here.
So far my points..

Good luck with yours!
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: Got German Citizenship
03.04.15 21:19 als Antwort auf klenze17 holmenkollen.
Dear 'Klenze17',

I know you very well and I know that you helped many members with your advice based on many years in Germany!

I am very happy that you got the German citizenship and I an sure that Germany can be happy to got you ;-


+1 (1 Stimme)

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