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URGENT HELP NEEDED - visa extension and arbeitlosengeld 1 - are they linked

Hello Friends, I am an Indian citizen living in Germany . I have Daueraufenthaltserlaubnis ("Erwbstaetigkeit gestattet") for Germany.
My wife(also indian citizen) has aufenthaltserlaubnis for Germany valid upto Jan 2014 ( "Erwbstaetigkeit gestattet") .
As far as I understood from auslaenderbehoerde , she can also apply for Daueraufenthaltserlaubnis in next year when she finishes 5 yrs in Germany.

I work in a German company since more than 5 years . My wife came to Germany in June 2008. For first 3 yrs she had no job.
Last year had a halbestelle which has just finished . It was a befristet contract of 13 months. After end of her job, We went to Arbeitsamt .
They say she will get Arbeitlosengeld 1 - for 6 months only and they gave us a form to fill out which we need to submit in next 2 days.And after that they say she will probably get mutterschaftsgeld. Currently my wife is in her 4th month of pregnancy and she does not want to work for next 5-6 years.

My questions are --
1) If my wife applies for Arbeitlosgeld 1 , will she have any kind of problem to extend her current visa that ends in Jan 2014?
If it is a problem, then we do not want to apply for Arebeitlosengeld 1 beecause it is not a must that she has a job.
Also she in currently in 4th month of her pregnancy so she does not want to work anyway for next few years.

2) In case my wife takes Arbeitlosgeld 1 for 6 months , will she get a pressure to search for a job after that.
Because she does not want to work for at least next 5 to 6 yrs or more as I explained above. As I am working , she likes to stay at home to have calm pregnancy period and to take good care of child.

My opinion is that - normally there will not be a problem for getting Arbeitlosengeld 1 and after that staying calm . Problem could occur if we take Arbeitlosengeld 2 . But I do not know
how valid is this opinion.

It is my mistake to ask question so late , But I need very urgent answers as we have to go to the Arbeitsamt with filled application form in next 2 days.Thanking you all in advance. Looking forward to your help.
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Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED - visa extension and arbeitlosengeld 1 - are they li
24.04.12 13:43 als Antwort auf Rohit Deshmukh.
1) she should not have any trouble getting extension on 2014. I did not.
2) NO ONE will pressure a heavily pregnant woman!Dont worry here. Process is nearly a rubber stamp. ArbeitsAMT requires an interview once per month to show progress on your jobhunt (and to ensure you dont take a vacation). These are very informal depending on who interviews you. Overall dont be afriad - until your kids reach age for Grundshule - then be VERY AFRAID!
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Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED - visa extension and arbeitlosengeld 1 - are they li
25.04.12 04:43 als Antwort auf Rohit Deshmukh.
Thank you for your reply. We went to AA and we have decided not to apply for it to avoid stress of unwanted job hunt. AA said take some time to think about it.In this week we will take our claim back and things will be calm. Btween .. I am just curious about last line in your reply. You say be very afraid... why so?
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