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Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland

Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
04.03.06 00:25

Unfortunately it isn't complete but you can get the idea. ;-)

Best wishes,

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
04.03.06 01:54 als Antwort auf Alex I.
emoticon Funny what they say.. The reality don't match with the politics...

It's clear that government intends to increase the research and hi-tech capabilities in the country, for world-wide competition, because it seems that preparing hi-tech workforces in the universities takes time in Germany. Also, the German academic system is changing this year (will approach American system Bachelor/Master stuff).

Transferring foreigns to increase hi-tech capability is just a short-term solution of the government.

On the otherside, there are a lot of unemployed people in Germany (> 5 mio). I am sure there are a lot of unemployed hi-tech people. Private entertainment is not in the same opinion as the government. Look at the unemployment rates in the last years.

We will see how the goverment moves will effect the Laws. In fact, Greencard is still effective, the only thing to change is §6 of IT-ArGV, by raising the deadline of application for first permit. §9 is still running!


PS: IT-ArGV (aka Greencard Regulation): http://aufenthaltstitel.de/it_argv.html
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
04.03.06 14:31 als Antwort auf Alex I.
"The reality don't match with the politics..."
"It's clear that government intends ... because it seems that preparing hi-tech workforces in the universities takes time in Germany."

You did not understand. Politicians intend to get hi-tech workforces from other countries AND increase the number of students in the unversities, although there are unemployed people available that could do the job. This is made in order to increase competition on the job market and drastically reduce salaries of educated people so that rich will get richer and richer and poor will get poorer and poorer.

It is understandable as well that they will not reveal their intentions officially and therefore will try to find other explanations for their decisions ;)

P.S. What else did you expect from government led by Union? If you want to have a nice life here, you should think about making yourself self-employed ;)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
04.03.06 14:43 als Antwort auf Alex I.
"IT-Experten, die aus einem Land außerhalb der Europäischen Union stammten, erhielten im Rahmen der Green Card eine auf fünf Jahre befristete Aufenthaltsbewilligung und Arbeitserlaubnis"


Ha, that's pretty interesting! know the difference between Aufenthaltsbewilligung and Aufenthaltserlaubnis? It seems that politicians now think that all GCs should leave the country after 5 years and get NE only because of goodwill of german state emoticon

Although it's not surprising, nobody wants to pay money regardless of whether he was right or completely wrong ...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
05.03.06 07:34 als Antwort auf Alex I.

I find the article in Welt really funny. They think if they let the spouses work people will come, what a joke. The one article said that the education system wasn't appealing to immigrants, that is an understatement, they send all the immigrant kids to "Hauptschule" anyway, which is very sad and inhumane to tell 9 to 10 year old kids that you are a loser and can only go to the lowest level of school. Well, as stubborn as the germans are, they will not do the right thing, they will only do a half job again if at all. I my mind the german society is very much a racist one, they have learned to hide it better now than before.
I wish you all who are still there a lot of luck and opportunities in OTHER countries.
I myslef left germany about 8 month ago and am very happy I did.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
05.03.06 14:25 als Antwort auf Alex I.
"I my mind the german society is very much a racist one, they have learned to hide it better now than before."

I wouldn't say that that assumption is true, the real reason can be seen from here:


Nobody wants to work, nobody will do a damn thing for you if it doesn't bring them money or some kind of amusement, better both of those things. as immmigrant kids mostly require more attention as natives and as parents of immigrants kids mostly do not think about their rights so much, often following happens:

"they send all the immigrant kids to "Hauptschule" anyway, which is very sad and inhumane to tell 9 to 10 year old kids that you are a loser and can only go to the lowest level of school."

somebody has to do dirty work, and they can only thank their parents for that ...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
05.03.06 21:29 als Antwort auf Alex I.
Well -,

I don't see your arguement. What has a crazy german couple who threw away and starved their child to do with what I said about the racist society? Hmmm.

The state has the responsibilty to make sure everyone has the equal chance to advance and contribute to the society. It is no secret that germany gets critisized internationaly for its discrimintory school system, but s stubborn as they are they think everybody is wrong but them.

There is an upside to all of this. Germany and germans have one of the lowest birth rates, shrinking population.

And with the whole world competing for brain power, the time will come that germany will have trouble meeting the retirement of its over aged population.

Forget Green Card, even a Gold Card won't do it :-))

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Mehr Spitzenkräfte für Deutschland
07.03.06 00:09 als Antwort auf Alex I.
"I don't see your arguement. What has a crazy german couple who threw away and starved their child to do with what I said about the racist society? Hmmm."

Hmmm i thought that i explained my point of view by this sentence: "Nobody wants to work, ..." What exactly did you not understand, i would like to make myself more clear?

"Germany and germans have one of the lowest birth rates, shrinking population."

This backs up my point of view as well. Nobody wants to have children, because it means lots of work and new responsibilities, no money and no fun at all ;)

And it's not possible to put everything on shoulders of women here, just because they have same rights ...

"The state has the responsibilty to make sure everyone has the equal chance to advance and contribute to the society."

Everyone who belongs to the state. What citizenship do you have? if you felt yourself discriminated here - why didn't you ask officials of your home country to interfere so that justice could prevail?

German state even could not care about foreigners as it does about its own citizens, because YOUR HOME COUNTRY will cry very very loud about its sovereignty if it tried to. It's not a mistake of German state if the so-called "World Order" - set of rules by which worldwide society is made to live - has nothing to do with justice at all. Fight that "World Order", don't blame German state. First step in that direction would be to say that you are stateless so that nobody can "care" about you and your interests against your will. Second step would be to say that you have no relatives so that those people can not be used to blackmail you. But are you ready to take those steps? If you do, you will have to think about everything yourself and cannot count on any help from other people. They will rather try to use you up and throw you out aftewards, and you can only blame yourself if they do succeed ...

"It is no secret that germany gets critisized internationaly for its discrimintory school system"

This only means that not only Germany cares about its citizens and can defend their interests, but some other countries do as well. Get citizenship of one of those countries and you shouldn't have problems any more - if you will contact officials of your new home country in case of discrimination and will not try to play with German state yourself. If you want to play with German state yourself - you should say that you are stateless and have no relatives ;)

"And with the whole world competing for brain power, the time will come that germany will have trouble meeting the retirement of its over aged population."

Even if i didn't know the steps Germany makes in their competition for brain power, i would say that Germany has made a right thing. Because your sentence above could be made only by a member of the "brain power workforce" who feels that Germany used him up and didn't pay for his services ...

"Forget Green Card, even a Gold Card won't do it"

Practice shows that there are so many fools around that nothing new should be invented in order to be able to rob people honestly. Same old methods work over and over and over again emoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

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