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Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"

Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Rawal 19.06.07 15:01
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" NIKHIL C 29.06.08 17:37
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Rawal 30.06.08 14:06
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" NIKHIL C 03.10.08 15:00
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" RATHEESH VELLORE 22.04.09 16:20
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Krishnadoss 22.04.09 16:35
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Rawal 22.04.09 19:11
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Krishnadoss 22.04.09 19:14
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Rawal 22.04.09 19:31
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Krishnadoss 22.04.09 19:43
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Shammi Bansal 14.06.10 14:35
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Shammi Bansal 16.06.10 14:00
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" friend082 friend082 16.06.10 14:42
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Shammi Bansal 16.06.10 21:53
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Rajesh Rawal 17.06.10 11:36
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Shammi Bansal 18.06.10 11:10
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" shafic khudurun 12.07.11 19:05
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Amjad Safdar 08.08.11 19:16
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" moiin moiin 08.08.11 22:32
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Amjad Safdar 09.08.11 00:09
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" friend082 friend082 10.08.11 12:22
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Sunny Aggarwal 17.08.11 17:44
Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" Sunny Aggarwal 17.08.11 18:14

I would like to share my experience with auslanderbehoerde about getting Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU" which is ment for the spouse and family mambers of EU citizen.

I am an Indian married to Lithuanian girl. I work here as scientist and when I came here they gave me residence permit ment for Indian citizens after checking with Arbitsamt and all. For my wife although she belongs to EU, they gave family reunification residence permit.

Later on we came to know about it and asked for her rights according to EU. Woman sitting at Auslanderbehoerde told us it is not possible as although being EU citizen she is not married to EU citizen she can not ask for this right. And she was with firm NO NO and NO. Then we asked her to give this denial of issuing her permit according to EU citizen in written paper. She became starteled and told us she can only reply if we also give hand written application.

We did this hand written application with financial proof, Anemldung (City registration) and proof of health insurence. She told us to call her back after 2 days. When we called back to her she asked her to come to her office and collect Freizüg/EU "unlimited liberality certificate" for my wife. She do not need Aufenthaltserlaubnis (Residence permit ) in her Passport now and they also issue me as husband of EU citizen Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU". So, I advice everyone to have incase of probelm at Auslanderbehoerde give written application and asked for written reply. It works if according to law you have Rights.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
29.06.08 17:37 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Hi. I am an indian and want to marry my girl friend who is a Lithuanian. According to lithuanian govt rules, they dont allow the foreigners inside their country even if they marry a lithuanian girl.

In this case, if i am having a tourist visa, and marrying her then , is it possible to live in UK or in any EU countries?

Me and her are both not aware about this. I hope that you can really help us out.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
30.06.08 14:06 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Dear Nikhil,

Who told you that Lithuanina Government do not allow you to stay in Lithuania. Yes you can stay in Lithuania.

Rightnow, Where do you live Nikhil?

Please visit, this is official website about migration in Lithuania http://www.migracija.lt/

Your girlfriend can get all information about how you can live in Lithuania from Šventaragio g. 2, LT-01122 Vilnius, tel.: (8 5) 271 7112 they are very helpful to give you all information needed for migration.

Yes, it is possible to live in any European country with your wife including UK. But, all the time you need to be with her. If you seprate or divorce in future (Which I wish never will happen) you loose right to stay in any EU country. Also your girlfriend -Future wife must work respectable job in that particular European country and you should show lot money around 20000 euros. It is very easy to proceed papers to live in Lithuania as you do not need to show such money as in other European countries. Please contact me at rragrr@yahoo.com to have anyfurther information.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
03.10.08 15:00 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Thank you for your valuable reply. I am sure it will help me out in the future.

I am currently in India.

And when you ask me, who told you that indians are not allowed to live in Lithuania? Then my answer will be My girl Friend.

She said the lithuanian's usually dont like the foreigners to stay in their country for long. She also said their people dont like Asians and Blacks. Its similar to racial discrimination.

Anyway we both didnt wanted to live there in lithuania as even she didnt like to be there. The reason is the temperature. She dont like to be in those ICE/Snow lands. We wanted to live some nice country inside Europe. Also i always say Europe is very peaceful continent when compared to the others.

If the people were so kind and peaceful then the place will be a heaven for everyone.

Anyway thanks again for your wonderful reply.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
22.04.09 16:20 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
I am an indian student currently doing a course in UK. What will be the status of myself if I marry a Lithuanian Woman working in UK?.....
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
22.04.09 16:35 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
>>I am an indian student currently doing a course in UK. What will be the status of myself if I marry a Lithuanian Woman working in UK?.....

Ask a forum in UK as your question has no relationship with germany
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
22.04.09 19:11 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.

If you marry her you will be elligible for residencepermit-EU. Initially you will be tied with her visa so that you do not just leave her after getting permit. This rule is to avoid fraud marriages. After couple of years living together you will ger long term permit. This is based on EU laws.


Alothough you think that his question has no relation with Germany (People tend to think UK is not EU, as they are small bro of big B America), but as matter of fact they belong to EU and this question applied is EU directives which are accepted by UK.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
22.04.09 19:14 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.

Its my diplomatic way of disapproving marriage of convenience.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
22.04.09 19:31 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
emoticon I can understand you as Fraud marriages just put question mark on the reliability on Indians and others……. Marriage with convenience or fraud marriage will be not only caught by EU authority but ultimate authority of morals Yamaraja too……..

by the way not all marriages with European are Marriage with convenience hope not Venunagavalli.....I am married to Lithuanian girl for 5 years now and she is more traditional and Indian minded...she follows Hindu way of life and I am happy about her daily Pujas and vegetarian lifestyle.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
22.04.09 19:43 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
>>Marriage with convenience or fraud marriage will be not only caught by EU authority but ultimate authority of morals Yamaraja too……..

I hope so, but the reality is something different.As i said, if he has asked the question after marriage i would understand or even if he is working. But he is just a student, so rings alarm bells.

>>by the way not all marriages with European are Marriage with convenience hope not Venunagavalli.....I am married to Lithuanian girl for 5 years now and she is more traditional and Indian minded...she follows Hindu way of life and I am happy about her daily Pujas and vegetarian lifestyle.

Very good :-) Thats very loving of your wife.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
14.06.10 14:35 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.

I am Indian citizen and i would like know some information about marry with Lithuanian girl in India. i finished my study from Ukraine and there i met my Lithuanian girlfriend. we spend good time together and always when i wanted see her she came to meet me in Ukraine. after some time we understood that we can't be without each other and decided to marry. but after finish my study from Ukraine i must need to come back to India and 2 weeks ago my girlfriend also come to India to marry with me.

I want to know which documents she need to marry in India with me and where that marriage take place in India. is we need that marriage register in registrar office here in India and after that apostille that marriage certificate. or need something do another and after marriage what she need to do to that i will be in Lithuania with her as soon as. is she need apply after marriage for me residence permit there in Lithuania or she need apply national visa for me and how she will register that marriage in Lithuania with Indian marriage certificate. i have really need your help because i contact here with Lithuanian embassy in Newdelhi but they don't know nothing about anything. so after search lots of info i just need your help. i will be really thankful to you.

Will waiting your reply


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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
16.06.10 14:00 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Hello Again,

Please help me as soon as possible. because really so much waiting any reply regarding marriage in India with Lithuanian girl and how to get residence permit, is Hindu marriage act is valid on our case if she change her's religion from christen to Hinduism or better why spacial marriage act...please anybody help me...

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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
16.06.10 14:42 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Just register the marriage with Govt registerar office in india.. better to do court marriage as it is intercaste...

consult a lawyer in india and the nearest court where you reside in india..

this registerd marriage certificate is valid and ther will be no problem to get family visa
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
16.06.10 21:53 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Thanks for answer, i will appoint maybe advocate for register marriage but please tell me. after marriage certificate what shd i need to do. is she contact with Lithuanian embassy here in new Delhi to enter my name and surname to her's record. marriage certificate need to be translate in Lithuanian language or no and need to be apostillezed.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
17.06.10 11:36 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
To Shammi,

So you already know the procedure. get married and get certificate get it stemped from Home minisitry and foregin ministry and then go to Lithuanian consulate. She will be able to change her family name only in Lithuania when she will register herself in marriage registration office there. Usually they just change family name (Surname) so your first name will not join to her rather Surname. you can also do chagning Surname (they call it here family name) in Consulate but will take six months or more...so better to do it here...but for that you need marriage certificate from india which is apostile from Home ministry india (can be local state govt. of India) and then by mistry of external affairs and then it will be apostil by Lithuanian consulate in india and then only it will be accepted in Lithuania when you go to resiter your marriage in LT and cange surname.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
18.06.10 11:10 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
To Vishnu,

First of all thank you very much to reply and for your valuable time which you give for reply me.

i understood procedure about India that what what i need to do here. but still i not get what shd my wife will doing in Lithuania to send me documents for my visa and on which visa i will be come over there? where i will apply for Temporary Residence Permit in India or in Lithuania? how possible as fast i will be with her without waiting..... is i need translate marriage certificate in Lithuanian language and need my birth certificate also in Lithuanian..

Will waiting your valuable answer.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
12.07.11 19:05 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
hi my name is shafic, am a mauritian citizen and my girlfriend is lithuanian. we have decided to get married but she is pregnant and we have no idea i go to lituania i can get visa to stay with her. i dont want to leave her and my baby. if anyone could advise me will be great help thank you
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
08.08.11 19:16 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Hello everybody..!

i am new in this forum, i really do not know how to explain my problem but i would like to tell you my sad story.

i am Pakistani and i live in Dubai (UAE), i married one Lithuanian woman.she was before divorced with one child. we tried to get marriage in UAE but regarding Muslim laws it was too complicated, so we decided to go another country where we can get marry.last year we went to Sri Lanka dated on 20 July 2010 our marriage solemnized by HERITANCE Ahungalla Hotel Sri Lanka and registered under the Sri Lankan registration of marriages Act and legalized. They gave us 2 marriage certificates one was in Srilankan language and another was in English translated with attested Sri Lankan ministry of foreign Affairs.

the sad story is that she cheated me and she hide her marriage from her family and from her country. she wanted just my money. we did not live together she always been in Lithuania. she had her plans so she decided to be separate and she wanted that i must help her with money every month which was not acceptable for me after marriage i suffered much and was in hospitalized just because of her even i lost my parents because of her, my love was pure so for that i tried to convince her, but she ignored me. we have been on net since 2 years and then we decided to marry before marriage i was helping her with money i have all records with me.

she is still live there with divorced status, even she did not register our marriage in Lithuania. i need your guidance and want to register my marriage in Lithuania i have all original papers with me like original marriage certificate , my birth certificate and her divorced papers with civil status and her original birth certificate. (all are attested from ministry of foreign Affairs )

i really do not know what must i do, but i want to expose this marriage in her country and want justice. please help me and give me advice regarding my marriage registration.

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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
08.08.11 22:32 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
feeling sorry to read your post! But as you see this is not a forum to give advise on such an issue. Probably you may complain directly to Lithuanian foreign ministry.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
09.08.11 00:09 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
thanks for reply, sorry dear i forgot that this form is not for advises but i really need your help to find out my solution , i already submitted my application through mail for my marriage registration but still no reply from foreign ministry, also there is no embassy or consulate in UAE where i can submit my application. please do not mind and write me the way.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
10.08.11 12:22 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
Lithuania, Consulate
Tel: 04 3441644
Fax: 04 3440509

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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
17.08.11 17:44 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
To Shafic,

Hello Dear, you can stay in Lithuania under partnership contract with your girlfriend, As per mauritian citizen you can enter in Lithuania without any visa for 3 months but as fast you will enter in Lithuania register you partnership contract and after it apply for Temporary Residence permit,To get decision of TRP takes 3 to 6 months. But as you said your girlfriend is Pregnant so they will be make it faster. after apply TRP, you need to contact with head office of police Dep. to change you visa status to National Visa(D), Once you get it then you can stay in Lithuania as longer you want.
if any info you need more plz let me know. i had same situation but today i am in Lithuania from last 1 year

With Regards,

Shammi K.
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Re: Aufenthaltserlaubnis-EU "Residence permit-EU"
17.08.11 18:14 als Antwort auf Rajesh Rawal.
To Amjadjs...

Dear your story is really sad. But you not need more worry for it.

If as you said your marriage register under the law, no one can stop you to register your marriage in Lithuania.

As per European Union Rules. you can enter in eu as per Eu family member without any further documents from Lithuania. Just Go to Lithuanian embassy in Azerbaijan or India where ever you want. File you application for Schengen visa to visit your family. its free of cost as per Eu family member & this visa will not refuse they must give you for 3 months to stay. you need just your passport & photograph, air-ticket nothing more to to apply it. after you reach in Lithuania can apply for register you marriage in civil office of area. any more info need plz let me know

With Regards

Shammi K.
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