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Help needed!

Arbeitsschutzgesetz - fensterlose Arbeit


I have one interesting question:

is it defined by Arbeitsschutzgesetz that the working room must have a window?

No, I did not find another job in a coal mine, it was a decision by Arbeitgeber to make a test room for software/hardware testing from a room where already copy maschine resides.
Yust to notice, testing requires a PC-monitor of course. It seems to me unsuitable because it has no window and the copy maschine has to stay there, so there will be a railway station all the day long.

If I could choose, I would prefere testing in any other room.

I searched the law and it seems to me that every Land in BRD has his own rule.

So, what do you think about?
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Re: Arbeitsschutzgesetz - fensterlose Arbeit
04.10.05 18:42 als Antwort auf Billy Python.
So, nobody was interested in working environment.

Let me comment it by myself (quotation):

"Stellen Sie sich einmal vor, Bill Gates haette in einer Garage in Muenchen angefangen: Er haette dort gar nicht anfangen koennen, weil die Garage kein Fenster hatte. Fenster aber werden vom Arbeitsschutz verlangt. Garagen aber haben in Deutschland keine Fenster, das verlangt der Brandschutz."

I found it nice! :-)
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