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how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change

hi all
since 5 years i am employed for a big company. recently, my thoughts are changing and i am very much inclined towards taking up a freelancing. though i like working for this company, i just like to work as a freelancer. my question is, whether it is ok to ask with the employer regardign this?
2. how to handle a situation when i am speaking regarding?
3. what happens if he does not agree, and he knows about my intentions?
4. please advice me any tips to come out of the company if the talks are not succeeding.

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Re: how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change
20.07.10 11:34 als Antwort auf SSDK SSDK.

As long as you have good relationship and understanding with the Manager , HR and Supplier and Site Strategy Manager of the current company, it should be okay to approach them. I would suggest you to contact your Direct Line manager and let him know your proposal. For sure you will get a quick feedback after which you can plan and decide the way forward.

It also depends on your current company situation.
For Example : If they are in a hiring freeze / Budget issues, then this is not the right moment to start this. But if the company has enough and abundant money then they would be okay with your proposal. Also bear in mind that if at all at some point in time company wants to lay off people, contractors are the first ones to be OUT.

Also you got to take care of your health insurance, Other Insurances and also all social security related issues.

If the pay that you get now and that you would be getting as a contractor leaves you good margin, then this would be the best if you can get a long term contract with the employer( Client).

PS: The above is just my opinion and others in this forum might have better or a different view.
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Re: how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change
20.07.10 16:39 als Antwort auf SSDK SSDK.
Apart from convincing your employer.
Be informed about legal surprises which may/maynot arise.
1)if you switch from angestellte to selbständig in same company ,they may categorized you as scheinselbständig(?!) after 2 yr trial period. Financial/Tax/insurance drawbacks needs to be considered here. Amt thought is, you and your
employer are trying to espace from insurance pflight by switching the contract.

2)If your umsatz comes from a same company for
more than (for IT, it is 2 yrs or so i quess) particular period then you may face some trouble from amt.

This may not be true for your case, at the end of the day it depends on your amt/beamter/luck.

<<3. what happens if he does not agree, and he knows about my intentions?>>
scheiß egal. lot of fishes in the sea, lot
of oceans to see.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change
21.07.10 13:37 als Antwort auf SSDK SSDK.
Hi all,

I have NE with Unbefristet Arbeitsvertrag

Is there any advantage if I change over to Freiwillig (freelancer) for the same Company where I am currently working? for ex: Lohnsteuer or anything else

Thanks for your advise.
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Re: how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change
21.07.10 16:07 als Antwort auf SSDK SSDK.

am not sure if you managed to read the discussion before you posted this question of yours.

Scenario A : If the Contractual pay is the same as what you get now - Doesn't make any sense to change and also bear in mind that you are an employee and have full rights( Not so easy to fire etc.. )

Scenario B : If the contractual pay leaves a very good margin for you , try your luck. You would be responsible for yourself and have to manage the selbstandig thing all by yourself. There are pros and cons to it and i assume it helps reading this thread once again. This has been answered to some extent above.
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Re: how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change
21.07.10 16:59 als Antwort auf SSDK SSDK.

I appreciate for contributing your time and for sharing your opinions.

i just expressed with concerning person about my intentions. It is clear from their end that at the organizational front it is not allowed as it is a very big company. so i like skip the idea of asking them again.

now i see 2 options.
1. look for a freelancing contract with the other company and leave from the present one. in this case, i will have no gaps between my earnings. obviously a best one.

2. leaving the present company, and looking for a freelancing. the biggest thing is i have no income until i find a contract. how can i fill atleast some of the financial gap. as i am working for my company about 5 years, can i ask for abfindung and resign from the job? Does any one have experiences with abfindung. i am not sure one can ask for abfindung if yourself resigning from it.

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Re: how to handle a talk with employer for a work contract change
21.07.10 17:41 als Antwort auf SSDK SSDK.
Regarding danger of Scheinselbständig if you only have one contract please check post from Detlef


I think Abfindung is only when you get termination or employer wants to get rid of you
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