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Visa Questions

Family Reunion Visa Denied

Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 13:19
I am an Indian and I came to Germany on workpermit on June 2008 for 2 years. I was single when I came to Germany and in December 2008 I went back to India and got married on 14th February 2009 and then applied for Family Reunion Visa for my wife on 18th February 2009. I was back in Germany in March 2009 and was waiting for my wifes visa. In end of March I received letter from the local foreigners office (which they call Aliens office, as if we are Aliens) asking for documents like, rent contract, letter from owner of apartment saying its fine for my wife to stay in apartment, my 3 months salary slip and letter from employer stating salary I receive and employment agreement for the procedure to be completed. I went with all the necessary documents required and was again waiting for the reply. All this thing took almost a month as the officer in the foreigners office was on leave and also they have to direct me to another office as I rented new apartment because I was sharing with friends before. In May 2009 I called up the officer responsible for my wifes visa, regarding the status. She told me that she will have to forward my wifes visa document to another office as I dont fit in the rule which says that you should be married before entering Germany on work permit or else it should have stayed atleast 2 years in Germany for applying for family reunion visa. None of the 2 cases satisfied my case, so she gave me two options.
1. I can ask her to reject her visa and then I can apply for schengen visa whichis for 90 days.
2. She can forward the documents to department who will decide how important I am to Germany and will the contoury go into huge losses because of absense of me in Germany and how can my wifes presence grow the economy of the country and bla bla bla - something impossible - atleast for me.

So i decided togo with option one as I knew I will be here till end of september 2009. I asked her to reject the visa and then applied for schengen visa. But what I received from the German consulate mumbai as the reason for the rejection was that your husband doesnt want you to be in Germany - addressed to my wife - what a foolishness.

I dont understand what they think and I really hate staying in Germany as no one speaks English. I just wanted my wife to be with me as I had an assignement in Germany for 1.5 years and also we were newly married. Also they could have not accepted my application itself as i dont fit in there rules, that was fine with me, atleast I would have directly applied for schengen visa without waisting time and money. Also this rule is not mentioned on the website of german consulate of mumbai and when asked them why it is not mentioned? when I went for schengen visa of my wife the Indian lady who accepts the application was very rude. Said that it is not possible to put 500 pages book of rules on the website showing me the book.(I guess with such an technology it is easily possible) I also told her the german VFS site mentions all this rules which was told to me by german collague. This is rediculous the indians sitting at German consulate behaves rudely as if they are germans. And the german officer at the local foreigners office would have told me this part of rule in advance while asking me for the documents. I dont understand for what was she waiting for? Also one of the rules say that to be eligible for Family visa the spouse who is working in germany should be leaving for 18 months thereafter. What is this now? If some one is going to stay for say 12 months, he cannot bring his/her spouse on Family visa. Rediculous!!!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 13:42 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
>>I dont understand what they think and I really hate staying in Germany as no one speaks English.

Welcome to germany, where people speak German and not English. Who is stopping you from going back if you hate it? $$$ Maybe or your Company.

>>But what I received from the German consulate mumbai as the reason for the rejection was that your husband doesnt want you to be in Germany - addressed to my wife - what a foolishness.

That really is over the top.

>>when I went for schengen visa of my wife the Indian lady who accepts the application was very rude. Said that it is not possible to put 500 pages book of rules on the website showing me the book.(I guess with such an technology it is easily possible)

Even if they put it on the website, how will you read it? It is in german and i dont think they are going to translate it into English for your consideration.

>>This is rediculous the indians sitting at German consulate behaves rudely as if they are germans.

Looks like they never changed in the last 8 years. Write a written complaint to the consulate general describing the rude behaviour of the case officer.

What is your company doing with all this problem? The HR department is responsible for knowing the rules and regulation of the country where they are sending their employers for deputation. Ask them for a solution as they are responsible for your wellbeing. Threatening to leave the project may have the necessary reaction from them.

Even though i pity your condition and of all others going through the same problem. They have made the rules for a reason and you have to accept them. One cannot circumvent the rules like one does in India easily. Thats the curse or maybe cure.
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Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 14:14 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
>>when I went for schengen visa of my wife the Indian lady who accepts the application was very rude. Said that it is not possible to put 500 pages book of rules on the website showing me the book.(I guess with such an technology it is easily possible)

>>Even if they put it on the website, how will you read it? It is in german and i dont think they are going to translate it into English for your consideration.

Its also available in English version. why cant mumbai consulate put the same info on there website or else they can provide link for the same as both are official website.
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Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 15:15 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
can you give us the link for the english translation?
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Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 15:32 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
Checkout this link
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Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 16:22 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
>> Looks like they never changed in the last 8 years. Write a written complaint to the consulate general describing the rude behaviour of the case officer.

Where can i file a complaint? Can I do it online?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 19:43 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
hi lalitkoli,
u have absolute right!! Thats the red tape and some rules are so stupid to even talk about.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
01.07.09 21:02 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
Raj said,
$$$ Maybe or your Company.

Firstly, Lalitkoli is in Germany because of his skillsets, otherwise no one on this earth would entertain useless deals.

Coming to $$$ und collateral benefits,
most of it goes to company may be 65%
second most benefitted ist Steuer/Amt 25% ??

If left may be some peanuts to Lalitkoli, say 10%
Irony is for this he he has to make pathetic compromises !!

So Lalitkoli get your company involved for visa issues and escalate, sometimes it may work if it is directly from the horse mouth as ausnahme/sonderfall which is quite popular here :- )
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Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
06.07.09 13:52 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
Company for which I am working is totally useless in terms of everything. They only highlight towards employees as its business, but when it comes towards employee families or there rights, etc. its on least priority or they think they are wasting there valuable time. They don't see long term benefits by keeping employee happy. They least bother about family of employee or employee satisfaction.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Family Reunion Visa Denied
07.07.09 02:35 als Antwort auf Lalit Koli.
Firstly Welcome to the world of german Bureaucracy

>>Company for which I am working is totally useless in terms of everything. They only highlight towards employees as its business, but when it comes towards employee families or there rights, etc. its on least priority or they think they are wasting there valuable time.

Companies are not obliged to secure the WP for the employee's family unless stated in the job contract. They could assist you in the process. Ask your employer to call the ABH guy and speak abt your case in german.

You could also go to a attorney and file a case. If you dont have the Rechtsschtuzversicherung, it could ba a costly one.

They don't see long term benefits by keeping employee happy.
As you said, you came to germany for 2 years, that doesnt seem a longterm.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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