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03.02.05 17:39
Hi *,

just wanted to let you know that 8 months after my application, I finally got my WP :-)
In fact, it's not the kinda WP I was waiting for, I mean, the yellow form that we have, which ties us to a particular company and stuff, but the guy just crossed the mention in my visa stating that I can only work in IT field and replaced it by a "Can work" mention, telling me that it stands for my "new" WP and that I can even work in a Döner shop if I wanted, no restriction and even go freelancer if I want.

BTW it was in ABH Berlin, for those asking for experience with ABH in Berlin.


PS. Thanks Detlef, without the VPMK people, my company would have kicked me out since long, working more than 5 months with WP was really a gamble but the lawyers did a really good work.
And BTW I knew they were good lawyers as you told me and I saw, but I didn't knew that the one treating my case wasn't good AND beautiful :-) Thanks again.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
03.02.05 17:47 als Antwort auf NoBody.
What was problem in the first place?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
03.02.05 17:50 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Congratulations Nobody !
I hope I will not need VPMK lawyers but in case I need them, it is good to know that there are good lawyers out there who can handle ABH cases properly.


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
03.02.05 17:55 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Congrats Nobody!

Very happy that you got your WP, and also to know about the efficiency of trust7 lawyers!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
03.02.05 18:16 als Antwort auf NoBody.
In fact, in my post, I meant "5 months without WP".

Man, it was in a single word: stupid.
They didn't wanted to give me the WP because they didn't thought I was "educated" enough to do my work, in fact, I submitted to them (as for my first WP back in 2000) my 2 Diplomas (equivalent of a FH-Diploma and a University Diploma), one of Computer Sciences and the second of Maths.

But the guy at the Arbeitsamt never heard of the FH I studied at (how come some1 would like to have heard of all the institutes in the world) and therefor didn't wanted to recognize that Diploma, even if it was stamped with all the possible stamps of the Ministry of Superior Education of my country. And for the second one, the Maths one, they thought it not enough "IT" oriented, in fact, it was "Maths oriented to Computer Science" :-)

Made all the translations, all the dos and I was still asked new papers for this, new papers for that... it took long, and I couldn't stay like that at home, so I decided to work in any case, even if I get sued after (working without WP is illegal wherever you go).

I made the application back in June last year when I got my contract, but they really started to take care of that late September, and I couldn't do a thing from where I was (Mainz) but I didn't care at that time.

And it's during the phone evaluation i had with VPMK that the lawyer proposed me to take care of the case, which she did very well and here we are now.

Next step, my wife's WP but that's another story.

And BTW, the guy there even gave me an appointement for the Niederlassungserlaubniss in May, telling me that as they still were enough time, there was no need to rush now. Meaning that if I wanted, I could have made the application straight away.

End of the story and just a word, I dunno if it's a personal case, but it looks to me that it's simpler to deal with the ABH people that the people at the AA, especially in my case.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
03.02.05 18:28 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Hi Nobody,
that explains your absence from this forum for a long time. Anyway congrads and welcome back.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
04.02.05 13:32 als Antwort auf NoBody.
BTW one more thing I just remembered about my case, pay attention to what is written in your contract. Let me explain, it's quite funny but sadly true: in my contract, even if it is fully written in German, it is specified that I will be employed as "Senior Backend Developer" and when giving a copy of the contract late in June for my WP application, the guy at the AA didn't wanted to recognize it as an IT-Related work.
I think may be he thought I wanted to get employed as a old man (Senior) in a Bäckerei (Backend), developping (Developper) some new types of German breads (as if there wasn't already enough bread types in Germany).
It took us 3 weeks, I really mean it, 3 weeks to get in his head and brain that it was indeed an IT-related title.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
04.02.05 13:58 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Hey NoB

Congratulations Bro!

Endlich, just as you told. You get what you deserve, but it took time and money all from your side.

I´m happy for you and for your family but it´s a kind of humiliating that for a stupidity of just one (ignorant) man all the things were holded for such a long time.

Buy a beer to your boss that have the patienty of waiting for you.

Just to end, I know I´m not working developing rockets to explore Saturn, so I don´t need a phisics nobel prize winner to understand my job, but not everybody can understand what I do. So, simply, two mens in a room for all Germany with a phone, payed from ABH to say yes or no to IT/GC related questions is not asking to much isn´t it?


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
04.02.05 16:12 als Antwort auf NoBody.
what did you pay to VPMK for your WP.
there are few numbers around but that are prices for NE. maybe WP is cheaper than NE?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
04.02.05 20:52 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Hi NoBody, I do not want to spoil your party but perhaps I have some bad news for you :-(. If you have worked 5 Months without WP it could have some consequences for you. A guy I know had the same problem, because the company did not send the yellow paper to the AA, although they had all the papers. Somebody was simply too stupid or too lazy to do it. After 5 months, they sent the paper, and the beamte who made new WP sneaked this to the Arbeitsmarktinspektion. These guys sent then some bad letters and so on. On the end I he paid 100 Euro Fine, and company payed 1000. When he got first letter it was really shitty situation because the maximal fine for the employee is 5,000 Euro and for the company 500,000. The good news is that it is not criminal act, only "ordnungswidrigkeit" (at least it was not in 2004), so it has no influence on NE. It depends on luck, some other guy had the same problems - but he worked without yellow paper for 3 years, finally he got it but no strafe :-).
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
05.02.05 05:25 als Antwort auf NoBody.

I paid nothing, frankly, it's either a grace a had or they considered the 110 euros I paid before starting the case.

I know that can cause problem, because it's not the first time this happens to me: I applied for a WP late in May when I was working in Köln, 3 times in a row because the people at the AA were keeping on loosing my application (confirmation of post delivery but not answer back) and guess what? I had to leave Mainz and the job in Köln on August 31st because I should be starting the job in Berlin on September 1st. I then went myself at the AA on Monday 30th and applied for a new WP, I remember the lady there shoutting at me because she realized I worked from May to August without WP, she just told me that I have to go back and they will check the things, and I will receive a letter from them "straffing" me (sorry for this new word, I kinda like it :-)).
I then left Mainz the next day by train, not knowing what will be on with this WP thing, but waiting the worst.
I called the company I was working at a month or two later and asked if they received something, as I had received no paper from the AA and they just told me that they received the WP some weeks ago. No Strafe, nothing, so I just laid low.
But applying for my new WP and discussing with the Beamter, I came to know that the WP was issue on August 31st, the day I was leaving the company :-) Funny, ain't it?

But if they come back to me this time, man, I'm gonna fight: you wanted me to live 6 months without income because some people were playing with my nerves? With a 750 euros monthly rent, 2 kids to educate, a wife to get in German courses, and food to put on a table, not forgetting all the credits and stuff? Man, as I said in my first post, that was a gamble I was ready to take and I'm not gonna let them making me bite the dust if they come after me. We're foreigners, that's true and some like me have decided to stay here for long, if not for good, so we need respect and respect, you only get it by proving you can fight your way in life, no matter what.

I can't stop the rain from falling down on me, but I can keep my head dry and keep on walking.

It's past 3.30 AM, back from a nice dinner in an Indian restaurant with my wife, now, I'm heading to bed.

Have all a nice we.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
05.02.05 21:48 als Antwort auf NoBody.
Dear Mr.NoBody....

I read all your answers and from DvD and Lacrima and many other friends....
Hm...no matter how it sounds and above all...
I wish you all best with your new WP and I get knowing you better during this forums...I see I am not alone...

Maybe sounds 'not possible' and a bit 'crazy' but I see photos of some one I read answers from from many...why we are not making some nice meeting for all GClers somewhere...
I would gladly come and meet people from all over the Earth change experience, talk....
We have come hier as GClers and lets make some GCler meeting...
I put my self as organizator and we can meet in some hotel during weekend and change experience as IT people...or let it be TRUST7 meeting...
Just an idea...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
08.02.05 13:40 als Antwort auf NoBody.
in what town.

what do you think how did VPMK lawyers managed to get you completely free WP.
I mean is it pure luck or are they able to get the same thing for everybody.
Once I asked if they can help us to get "Beschäftigung erlaubt" and they told us that it could happend that we get "Beschäftigung erlaubt" but it could also happend that we get binded visa.
In your case they did get "Beschäftigung erlaubt". So question is can they do it not only for NoBody but for everybody or was it pure luck?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
08.02.05 18:35 als Antwort auf NoBody.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
08.02.05 18:40 als Antwort auf NoBody.

sorry got some WSDL2Java issues emoticon

Frankly, as I wrote, I dunno if it had to do with the 110 euros I paid before or if it was just luck, maybe a sign from them to show to the community that they can really handle things of that kind. It's a really good point and a very good advertisement sign for them.

So dude, maybe I was just lucky that they asked me nothing, but for sure, they can get people that kinda WP.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
08.02.05 19:01 als Antwort auf NoBody.
you missunderstud it. I do not mean is it pure luck that VPMK charged you only 110€.
I mean is it pure luck that they managed to get "Beschäftigung erlaubt" instead of WP binded to company.
What I asked before was if VPMK can asure getting "Beschäftigung erlaubt".
One girl from VPMK told me that thay can not garantie it (it can happend that one gets binded WP) and in your case they did reach it.

So does it depends on place or was it because of some judge decision or what?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
08.02.05 19:24 als Antwort auf NoBody.

Egal....some nice not expencive place over the weekend...Saturday and Sunday...
If there is some interes that I am for...and I will organize all.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
08.02.05 19:42 als Antwort auf NoBody.
I prefer NRW
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
09.02.05 11:29 als Antwort auf NoBody.
could you try to answer because I will definitely need new WP this year and it would be smart to use VPMK if they could get "Beschäftigung erlaubt".
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
09.02.05 11:43 als Antwort auf NoBody.

@ DvD:

There was a message from one of the VPMK lawyers in the forum about two weeks ago asking everybody about the motivation of us to fight together against the "Firma related" visa.

Take a look at this message. I think the lady which you talked was right. They cannot assure this clause unless previously anybody/everybody can start and later win a legal process directly against this clause in our visum

The lawyer was trying to find our support to make a court action supporting the Firma free visa.

AFAIK, nobody answer him, maybe now is a good time to support this action. In this case, I´m in. I would support a demand for the firma out from my pass.

Any other voices?


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
09.02.05 14:43 als Antwort auf NoBody.

I think they can get that for people, but it should be something expressed so that they know what you want and will arrange things on how to do it.


I do support that too, and if the lady who posted the message is Mrs. Ponert, I can understand her, because she was the one handling my case and as I said, she did it well.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Endlich...
09.02.05 20:36 als Antwort auf NoBody.
I think I will try my luck with VPMK and "Beschäftigung erlaubt". My visa is not binded at the moment and it could go well.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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