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Registration for Arbeitlosgeld

Registration for Arbeitlosgeld
03.12.09 23:18
I lost my job and went to the arbeitsamt to request for Arbeitlostgeld.
They gave me some forms which were ment for me and for my previous companes. My work visa was tied to the job that I had lost.
They asked me to visit the auslanderamt and get the company name removed from my work visa. They also told me that when the company name is removed I would get the geld from the data I visited the arbeitlostgeld office. They also gave a paper stamped to show I visited them.It took me 1.5 months to get this done.

Now they are saying that they would give the arbeitlosgeld from the date I gave them the new visa without the company name and the forms filled. They say that even though they gave a paper to me but there is no entry in their computer. So the geld has started trickling in but I am losing the geld for 1.5 month.
What shall I do to get the geld for the 1.5 month also.
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Re: Registration for Arbeitlosgeld
04.12.09 13:23 als Antwort auf ping pong.
I would say, be happy that you got ALG and concentrate on getting a new job.
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Re: Registration for Arbeitlosgeld
25.12.09 01:53 als Antwort auf ping pong.

I am working in Germany from past 5 years with International company & currently having visa NE (Based on Para 19). According to my employer given contract, 3 months notice either side to break the contract.

But now my employer asked me to move (no written, only oral) to there Asian based branch completely. But due to my personal reasons, I had shown my unwillingness.

Now he wants me to leave the company with in 1 month duration. I asked for Kundigung. Might be he will provide the same by beginning of next week.

My Question here: If I go for Arbeitlosgeld, whether they say any obligations to me? or did, I need to made an objection any where?

If they take discussion with employer then I have no problem.

Note: I didn't have argument with the employer yet, as I require zuegnis from them.

Advanced thanks for your kind information.
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Re: Registration for Arbeitlosgeld
25.12.09 16:10 als Antwort auf ping pong.
As long as the residence permit is tied to a specific company, one can face the problem of being initially “stuck between Ausländerbehörde and Arbeitsagentur”


Since you have a settlement permit you are by virtue of this particular residence title allowed to take up any job offer presented to you. The Arbeitsagentur can therefore not deny payment on the grounds that you are not technically speaking “arbeitslos”. In order to avoid disadvantages by the Arbeitsagentur in form of reductions, you should apply for Arbeitslosengeld as soon as you loose your job. Indeed, the law is quite specific on when having to register (cf. Section 38 SGB III http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/sgb_3/__38.html ). If one already knows the date of the end of the employment contract in advance, one has to register with the Arbeitsagentur three months before its end. Where there is less than three months prior knowledge, you have to inform the Arbeitsagentur at the latest within three days after you know about when your employment definitely finishes. The simple intention of the employer to discharge in two months time, even though explicitely stated, does not count. Again a termination notice has to be in written form in order to be valid.

Still, it is worth bearing in mind that once you receive a written termination notice you do not have to accept it as the last word. As already pointed out you have a three week time limit to challenge a termination notice in court.


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Re: Registration for Arbeitlosgeld
29.12.09 00:22 als Antwort auf ping pong.
Thank you for the kind answer.

But today I didn't receive the letter (kundigung). Looks they are in a game play. Off course, I also didn't ask them to avoid unnecessary arguments/risks.

One small question is,
If employer is not giving kundigung (in writing), and only he is orally forcing to move to other country, then in this case whether employer statement to be considered as legal?
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