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Niederlassungserlaubnis Application

Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 18:16
Hi All ,

I would advice all green carders who came in late 2000 and have plans for PR to start their intial applications now !!
Myself ,completing my five years in September , was in contact with Aliens office ( Frankfurt ) during the last two weeks and was adviced to start with the application nowadays due to long expected times of "Überprüfung durch die Sicherheitsbehörden " which can take between 6 - 8 months .

I applied intially for me and my wife to VPMK lawyers hoping that they will provide quick and good service although not living in Berlin , lets see the service .

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 18:34 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
What can VPMK lawyers do for us? can they help even if not in berlin? can they apply for us? how much does it cost?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 18:38 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
Hi ,
The costs are detailed under "services" section .
But i will try to keep the members of this forum with my experience with them .
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 18:43 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
Hi green2000,

I really dunno if it is worth doing it now, as I got myself told this morning by an officer at the ABH that I can wait some more before doing it, my GC is til August and he told me to come back in May, so...

"What can VPMK lawyers do for us?", study your case, check papers, fill papers and represent you. You can check the page where their services are described.
"can they help even if not in berlin?", I think they can, a lawyer can represent you everywhere, as far as it is in his jurisdiction and for a lawyer, the country he is working is in his whole in his jurisdiction.
"can they apply for us?", sure they can and will if you want.
"how much does it cost?", 110 + 320 + 320 so 750 euros in all [110 for the first evaluation, 320 at the application and the other 320 4 weeks after].

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 18:51 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
Hi ,
You maybe right NoBody , I had plans to start the application in May . But I have briefed my case including the need to plan the future of my family in Germany in an email to the Aliens office and got response that I should start now .

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 18:58 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
Few Questions :

1, Can i get a VPMK lawyer near hannover or hamburg or bremen so i can talk personally to them .

2, How can i contact alien office in my city .what is it called ? so i can send mail to them and clear my situation .

3, Should i contact arbietsamt or auslanbüro ?

Thanks in advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
03.02.05 19:48 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
Hi Swa,

"1. Can i get a VPMK lawyer near hannover or hamburg or bremen so i can talk personally to them", dunno if they have offices there, don't think so, but you can contact them by phone and try to set the case with them, in fact, according to my own experience, I dealt with the VMPK people only by phone and emails, I only met the lawyer today at the ABH, the funny being that we saw each other but didn't new that we both were the one looking at the other :-)

2. "How can i contact alien office in my city .what is it called ? so i can send mail to them and clear my situation", it's called "Ausländerbehörde", that we usually short by "ABH" but it's always better to get there in person instead of sending a mail and in which city are you BTW, I could try to search the contact data of their offices, but you could simply Google and you should get them.

3. "Should i contact arbietsamt or auslanbüro", if it's for making a gift, then you can contact me :-) I mean, I have to know what your case is to tell you who to contact. What's happening in your life, my cristal ball got some dust today and I really need your help to know what's going on :-) Just kidding :-) What's the problem, I've been away so long, if you already posted it, just give me the link.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
04.02.05 10:05 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.

NoBody Thanks for ur detail replay .
Can i have ur private email ID .....

My GC ends in AUGUST and My position in my company looks uncertain , As lot of people r beenfired . So i am just worried , As untill JUNE i will have my job for sure later i am not sure .

Mean while in AUGUST my visa ends and need to get my visa extended even to stay here .

MY GC Ends in : AUGUST ,2005

So i am totally in FIX .

What should i do ??????????? Any suggestion please welcomed .

So i thought may be i start my NE process ASAP.
SO wanted to know whom should i contact ABH or other .

Thanks again for all for replays and suggestions .
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
04.02.05 13:26 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
you can write me at daolwin at hotmail dot com.

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Niederlassungserlaubnis Application
04.02.05 13:54 als Antwort auf yousef hijaz.
Danke for ur Email ID .

Still i would apprictae if some one tell me what options i have ? or whats best thing to do ?

0 (0 Stimmen)

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