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Visa Questions

How long will visa documents verification take??

How long will visa documents verification take?? Preethi Mano 13.02.13 11:51
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? Wim Hannover 13.02.13 12:24
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? Preethi Mano 13.02.13 12:54
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? coolguy munich 13.02.13 13:26
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? Preethi Mano 15.02.13 21:51
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? rambo three 19.02.13 07:29
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? monika gerngross 19.02.13 07:56
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? Preethi Mano 28.03.13 20:02
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 29.03.13 20:33
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? Preethi Mano 29.03.13 22:52
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 31.03.13 09:02
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 02.04.13 10:05
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 02.04.13 10:13
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 02.04.13 10:20
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 02.04.13 10:24
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 02.04.13 10:42
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 02.04.13 10:46
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 02.04.13 10:48
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 02.04.13 11:07
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 03.04.13 07:18
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 08:18
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 03.04.13 08:43
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 09:00
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 09:10
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 03.04.13 09:14
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 09:20
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 03.04.13 09:23
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 09:26
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 09:26
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? moon mal 03.04.13 09:27
RE: How long will visa documents verification take?? hinu 03.04.13 09:29
 I have applied for Family reunion spouse visa on Feb 8th, 2013. My interview is scheduled on March 5th at chennai.. I have a few questions..please help !

1. When will the visa verification of my documents start? has it started once i submitted my appln or will it start after interview only?? If so, will i notified by mail?

2. Should my husband ( who works in Germany since Jan 2013) be present for verfication of my documents when it reaches German embassy?

3. I read in forums that there will be 20,000 INR fee for verification? is it true?

4. How long will the entire verification process take..? 

(I have already submitted my marriage certificate and A1 copies in the appln documetns itself)
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
13.02.13 12:24 als Antwort auf Preethi Mano.
1. Your visa application will start getting processed on the day your fingerprints have been provided (5th March). Only then, your online application will be available to process in Germany.  no notification. You will get visa fee receipt.

2. no

3. I am not sure of the amount but they do charge a fee. I am supposing you have not been asked yet.

4. You must enquire whether the marriage certificate will be verfied and when you will be notified abt verification. It will take 6-8 weeks from the day you pay the verification fee.

Good luck
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
13.02.13 12:54 als Antwort auf Wim Hannover.
@cebit : Thank you so much for the reply. 

1. I have already got my visa fee receipt when i submiited my appln n documents. Still verfication is after fingerprints only?

3. Yes i have not been asked for any fee other than visa fees.

5. Can I ask the German Consul to speedup the process as i intend to leave on Germany? WIll it afftect my chances of visa approval/rejection? Also Should i ask him/her if they need any certific for verification or will they ask themselves?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
13.02.13 13:26 als Antwort auf Preethi Mano.
1. Your visa process starts when u attend for the interview in chennai. If you have submitted your papers to VFS on FEb 8th, it doesnt mean that you applied fo the visa. VFS only verifies the documents and submit them to embassy. Your time of processing counts from March 5th, when you actually attend for interview.
3. verification of marriage is done in only some cases not in all the cases. So dont put the idea in their mind by asking youself about the verification fee.
5. No you cannot ask the embassy to speedup the process, as every applicant want to come to germany ASAP. So just be calm and count 6 weeks from march 5th. Plus 12 weeks if asked for verification.

Please use the search tool and you will find that this topic is already discussed and answered.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
15.02.13 21:51 als Antwort auf coolguy munich.
Yes there were mixed replies in the forum. As said, varies in each case. I read in few posts that the process of getting visa speeds up if we call ABH / chennai consulate ( embassy?) Is it true? If so, should I call after the interview or before that? Its been a week since I submitted my application. I still havent got any mail/notification asking for marriage verification !! 

Also, what all documents mayb asked in the interview? Share your experiences pls. I have applied from Chennai consulate. 
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
19.02.13 07:29 als Antwort auf Preethi Mano.
Guys, you really need to keep a lot of patience for this category of visa, atleast in some cases. ask me it's been more than 3 months now but still the ABH in germany says the verification report is not ready from the embassy in delhi and god knows when would i get the visa.....why there is so much delay when i already had the investigation officer visited me in the november end but still..........

anyone outthere who has an input here. my spouse is a german national.

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
19.02.13 07:56 als Antwort auf rambo three.

I have deposited my documents for verification on 29nov2012 and i got result on 29jan2013. But the verification procedure is of 2-3months. In certain cases, depending on the case, the verification time can be extended.

I will advice you to call the embassy directly, or if you have recieved any particular mail id of any Consul officer, so you can write them. It will be helpful.

( visaservice@newd.diplo.de )

Once the verification is compeleted, so they will directly send the result to German Council, and they will not share the result with you. :-/

0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
28.03.13 20:02 als Antwort auf monika gerngross.
@All :: Thanks so much for the reply !! But luckily.. I dint hav my marriage verification at all !! emoticon)))) I got my VISA APPROVED in exactly 3 weeks from the date of interview !! And I'm now flying to germany with my husband together !!!! emoticon)) Yayyyyyyy !!! 
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
29.03.13 20:33 als Antwort auf Preethi Mano.
Hey preetu can u please tell when did u recieved the approval call? Timings?did abh contacted your husband??
+1 (1 Stimme)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
29.03.13 22:52 als Antwort auf hinu.
Hi hiz..
 I got the call at 12:38PM IST  exactly three days from the date of interview. My husband checked in at abh in four days after my interview n my documents had reached there. They asked to come last week of  march for further info. And he went in last week of march, where they said no more work for him and that i will get a letter next. And I got the call the very next day !

Good luck to you too..
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
31.03.13 09:02 als Antwort auf Preethi Mano.
Hey my husband got a letter from abh asking for few documents on 18 th febuary 2013. N till now no response from them. Lwill they call
Husband for the interview or will they issue the visa straight away.plz help if any of u have any idea in this regard.thx
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:05 als Antwort auf hinu.
hi hiz, 

Even in my wife case also, they called me to ABH to see all original documents. I shown to them but still thy dont show any response.

Let me know any updates from you
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:13 als Antwort auf moon mal.
Hey have you enquired abt the status from
Abh? My husband was not called personally instead he submitted all the doc by post bt since then there is no replyemoticon .
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:20 als Antwort auf hinu.
Not yet. Since the last 4 days is holiday. I may ask today evening. can u give your gmail id?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:24 als Antwort auf moon mal.
Ok do update me with any status u get.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:42 als Antwort auf hinu.
In which city your husband live?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:46 als Antwort auf moon mal.
Does city matters?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 10:48 als Antwort auf hinu.
Yes. and Also From which consulate in india you applied? 

Thats y to discuss such things, i m asking your email id
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
02.04.13 11:07 als Antwort auf moon mal.
He lives in hamburg n I have applied from pakistan
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 07:18 als Antwort auf hinu.
ABH said, they sent letter to my consulate. So decision i need to ask my consulate. Dont know what would be? and How abt ur status?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 08:18 als Antwort auf moon mal.
U mean to say abh has sent the approval for ur wife's visa?. My husband called abh they told
To have patience.n when I called at the consulate they
Told me
No clearance recieved from
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 08:43 als Antwort auf hinu.
ABH said they sent letter to the consulate. When i asked whether it is approved or not? they said, they cant tell that to me directly.

I am really worried, what will be the result? Waiting with cross fingers.

Do you have any idea....?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:00 als Antwort auf moon mal.
Ur verification is done? Sorry I have
No ideaemoticon in which city do u live?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:10 als Antwort auf moon mal.
Is the final approval in the hand of consulate qe are applying from?
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:14 als Antwort auf hinu.
My wife got a call from consulate, saying her visa is approved. and she was told to submit passport and itenary.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:20 als Antwort auf moon mal.
Wow congratulations.u were exempted from
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:23 als Antwort auf hinu.
Yessss..... but ABH saw our original marriage certificate here in germany. and also the consulate in india also said all the documents are ok.  This may be the reason. And also My wife passport has an entry of my name.

But in your case, ur from pakistan and ur husband is a german. So i dont know what is in ur situation needed.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:26 als Antwort auf moon mal.
May b coz I m
Applying from
Different country therefore
My processs is a bit change. Neways thx
For replying n
Wish u all the best.i even
Had my husbands name in my passport n consulate said my doc r
Ok abh even saw our doc bt still I had to go thru verification btmnow
Its pver report has been sent to abh.now v r waoting for their reply its been a month
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:26 als Antwort auf moon mal.
So u r not a
German citizen?..
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:27 als Antwort auf hinu.
sure not.
0 (0 Stimmen)

RE: How long will visa documents verification take??
03.04.13 09:29 als Antwort auf moon mal.
N still ur wife got her visa approval so fast dats fortune dearemoticon
0 (0 Stimmen)

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