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Visa Questions

Asked to come the day 5years are over for NE

First of all I would like to congratulate and wish lots of success to DVD. He had been a great help to all of us.

When I submitted the papers for the NE the lady asked me to come exactly on the day when 5 years are over to collect NE. She declined to give me any other form of extension or anything else.

My questions are:
1. Has somebody faced a similar situtation?
2.If yes, was it really necessary to wait till the day five years are over?
3.Any additional papers were required?
Any suggestions are welcome.

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Re: Asked to come the day 5years are over for NE
17.01.06 16:43 als Antwort auf Anurag Sinha.
1. Yes I have faced the similar situation.
2. Yes, because that is the law.
3. No, normally they previously ask if some papers are missing.

They have informed me in written form however in the meantime that the "NE can be issued" which actually means "security check OK".

If security check is not finished yet then you cannot get your NE anyway. In that case she will probably give you some short extension.
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Re: Asked to come the day 5years are over for NE
17.01.06 23:46 als Antwort auf Anurag Sinha.
Thanks for the info.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Asked to come the day 5years are over for NE
18.01.06 14:31 als Antwort auf Anurag Sinha.
Hi Byte007,

I am right now in this situation. I completed 5 years last week and was asked to submit my application couple of days before that, which I have done. I am awaiting a response from them and right now my family and myself are without any visa, which the Foreigner's office do know about.

I have to say that I submitted the applications for my wife, children and myself in November with all attachments like Arbeitsbescheinigung, 3 months pay slip, Mietvertrag, Versicherungsnachweis and so on. After a week, I was asked to present myself at the concerned foreign office and was simply asked to submit the application again couple of days before the completion of 5 years. And I specifically asked whether I need to apply for an intermediate extension to which I did not receive a straight forward yes or no, but rather like "we have to see". And my application and attachments were not given back to me. So I had to repeat the whole procedure again last week.

I will post the developments at my side as and when something comes up.

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Re: Asked to come the day 5years are over for NE
19.01.06 10:35 als Antwort auf Anurag Sinha.
Hello amember,

Its real frustrating to hear stories like yours. Did you get some kind of temporary extension for your arbeitserlaubnis or some kind of written document saying that you case is being processed and you are allowed to work till the processing ends (which could be given to the company)?
I wish you all the best.

A question to the lucky NE holders:

Did anybody had a similar experience as mentioned by "amemeber"?
How long does it takes after completing 5 years to get NE?

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