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Visa Questions

Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen

Hai dear friends,

I came to germany in 2002 on student visa, then I am married with a german citizen (of course current my wife) in 2004.

I have applied for NE with Daueraufenthalt-EG, but the beamterin told that I am eligible for Daueraufenthalt-EG only after 5 years of my marriage time (my student time won't be considered).

Hope somebody can shed some light on my question.

Thanking you,

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Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
28.03.07 13:42 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Hai dear friends,

No reply!

I think lacrima and DVD are quite busy with their work.

I have gone through some websites, and I found that only half of the student time is considered. But, I am not sure whether this information is correct or....

Waiting for some remarks from trust7 members.

Thanking you
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
02.04.07 22:29 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
As far as German Immigration Law concerns,on the basis of marriage with a German Spouse one can apply for German Citizenship after two years of marriage,why donot u try for that???
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Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
03.04.07 11:50 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Thank you for your advice jan...,
I too think same sometimes, but at the moment I dont want to loose my Indian passport. It is very hard to imagine that no more I would be an Indian if I take German passport (eventhough I need it badly as currently I am working in czech republic for a German company).

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Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
03.04.07 13:01 als Antwort auf raju khanna.

It is very hard to imagine that no more I would be an Indian if I take German passport...

Yes, it would be very hard!!

I am sure you are proud to be an Indian, but please read this:

By any yardstick, India continues to be a poor country. "More than 40% of our villages are without proper roads, 1.8 lakh villages do not have a primary school within one kilometre,4.5 lakh villages have drinking water problems, there is a shortage of 140 lakh rural dwelling units and the rural health infrastructure suffers from large deficiencies", admits the Indian finance minister of India(the actual figures are higher).

As much as 73 per cent of the population has no proper sanitation, and 21 per cent lack access to drinking water. According to another estimate, "25% of global blind and visually handicapped population lives in India". And the income distribution pattern between 1960s and 1990s has almost remained the same. India is a store house of dreaded diseases. India has the largest number of lepers in the world.It is one of the countries where AIDS is spreading very fast.India probably has the greatest number of TB patients.India is also the first in a many other diseases. India has the largest number of illiterates in the world. India has the largest female illiteracy in the world.Or in otherwords, the majority of world's illiterates are in India.So are most of the world's poorest poor in India.India has one of the biggest infant mortality rates. India is known for female infanticide.India has one of the largest concenterations of child prostitutes.In some states children are openly sold.India is still known for child marriages, dowry deaths and isolated cases of 'sati'.

India has the world's worst ever internal apartheid system known and is still flourishing.It is known as the hindu caste system which divides people into water tight compartments called castes and sub-castes.Members of one caste are not allowed to marry or socially interact.The Indian constitution sought to remove the oppressive caste system but with little success at the people level. The world's most evil pracitice of untouchability still continues at ground level though law has banned it.Untouchability is truth of hinduism whereby the upper castes,the Brahmins,Kshatryas and vysyas look down upon the Shudras (lower castes) and outcastes (dalits and tribals) and are not allowed even to touch each other. The Brahmins have dominated the hindu society and the majority population of India,the dalits have been prohibited from receiving any form of education or descent employment.There have been circulations on the internet about the percentages of Indian scientific personnel in the US and the west but not even handful come from the majority population of India 'the dalits'.The dalits have been condemned to poverty and bonded labour for thousands of years and they continue to be the same still.The cows of India stand on a higher social plane than the dalits.The National Geogrphic channel has shown the Indian dalit groups surviving on the meat of 'rat' alone.There is even a tribe which eats baked soil due to poverty.

India is one of the most corrupt nations of the world.The democracy is manipulated by inducement ,threat and communal sanction. Almost 95% of the money meant for pro-poor schemes are eaten up by the world's one of the most inefficient bureaucracy and the politicians. A vast number of Indian parliamentarians and legislators are known criminals and economic offenders.There have been some who have been accused in multiple murders,communal conflicts among other offences. The Indian police and securty personnel are known for their corruption and human rights abuses. While the vast majority of Indians live below the poverty line,not having enough to eat or drink, the hindu nationalist rulers have been encouraging militarism.The Kargil conflict inflicted billions of rupees loss on the Indian economy.A single shell fired at the pakis cost Rs 50,000/= whereas even a starving-thirsting villager employed in drought relief work in the baking sun gets only Rs 10-15 (the balance Rs 50 manipulated).He would be happy to survive on Rs25 for a day.The nuclear weaponisation only proved to be an ineffective weapon as even the adversary made one. The cold war with pakistan and the tit for tat increasing of the arsenal costs more and more on the poor citizens.The budgetary allocation for defence was higher than the whole budget of Pakistan. All this weaponisation is at the cost of the poor voiceless citizens.

Such is Indian reality. How hard can it be, not being an Indian anymore?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
03.04.07 18:49 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Hai Akshay,

Thanks for bringing the realities to all the trust7 members. All the things what you have written are facts and we can escape from the reality. I did not say India is the best country in the world, and even I hate all these stuff. But what to do, here in germany ( in europe too), these people wont accept you as a german. Every week, I meet a lot of people in the train to prag and during the journey in the discussion What can I say with the people who ask me ´´who are you or where are you from``.

During the last five years, I chaged myself a lot but still I can't be a German. I am so ... and so...
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
04.04.07 00:12 als Antwort auf raju khanna.

It was not my intension to hurt you. I feel the same level of frustration about India. Maybe one day you, me and other indians can bring a change to the present situation in India.

As far citizenship is concerned, is nothing more then a piece of paper. You are an Indian by heart and no one can change that.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
04.04.07 14:06 als Antwort auf raju khanna.

instead of thinking emotionally think rationally.

German Citizenship brings in more positives than negatives.

You dont loose much by giving up indian citizenship except for voting rights and buying agricultural land.

My suggestion is for you to go for GC.

There is a number of other possibilities to be attached to India in a sense. Dont loose sleep over it.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
07.05.09 20:00 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
@ Raj,

I have 2 questions here- Once we get German citizenship, we cannot hold properties in India on our name and also for each visit to India, we need to apply for a visa in Indian Embassy, right?

Oh, one more question- Where can i find information on Daueraufenthalt-EG permit for a person married to a German.

Thanks in advance for everybody.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
07.05.09 20:10 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
>>I have 2 questions here- Once we get German citizenship, we cannot hold properties in India on our name and also for each visit to India, we need to apply for a visa in Indian Embassy, right?

Ever heard of OCI? You can do some research on that

>>Oh, one more question- Where can i find information on Daueraufenthalt-EG permit for a person married to a German.

Why would someone married to a german want that? Rules are the same, whether married to a german or not.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
08.05.09 04:38 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
i am a sommelier and live in germany. my girlfriend and me are thinking about getting married. i also only have 2 more years until my 5 years is up and i will have my german permenent resedency. i eventually want to go to australia again for a couple years and pull off some kind of resedency there as i have 3 years to go or perhaps i will find a job in south africa. i want to establish a wine business in germany but before i do it means i have to leave for a couple years as i must establish contacts with the distributers and wineries that i see fit for my business. I of course dont want to give up my american passport otherwise i could never go back to california to live. this brings me to my question. is there any kind of german visa i could get that would allow me to leave and come back whenever i please. i have both of the permenent residency options above. what should i do?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
08.05.09 12:14 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Morning Raj,

Thanks a lot for the keyword OCI.

And what about ".....for each visit to India, we need to apply for a visa in Indian Embassy, right?"

Many thanks, mohan.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
08.05.09 12:20 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Morning Raj,

Please neglect my previous message, all information is available under this OCI.

Thanks once again and bye.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
08.05.09 15:03 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Nice to see Mr. Akshay giving a long list of why not to be proud being an Indian with all those stats.
Being with a Indian wife you can confidently say she delivered your kids and don't need a Vaterschaftstest which you can always be proud about.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
08.05.09 16:25 als Antwort auf raju khanna.
Being with a Indian wife you can confidently say she delivered your kids and don't need a Vaterschaftstest which you can always be proud about.

what a bullshit is this.Indians girls are not thats sati savatri.
If you have small penis.unhealthy physically,imotionally,sex life,showing off values not because of what you are but because of ur job and money status, lot more reasons .....
Then of course she will cheat you with ur dodh wala(milk man)behind ur back.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
09.05.09 18:21 als Antwort auf raju khanna.

Are you from Pakistan or from Taliban ?? Honestly ??
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Daueraufenthalt-EG for spouse of german citizen
10.05.09 02:13 als Antwort auf raju khanna.

Are you from Pakistan or from Taliban ?? Honestly ??...

Not that I want to question your sanity, but mind telling me how on earth did you get this impression?

I am wondering if you are refering to my last post. Which one of the seven points made you think that I am Taliban?


Have a nice weekend.
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