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Punkte for Deutsch

Punkte for Deutsch
03.12.04 14:04
Learn german quick because it will be of benefit for you. Could be that with it you get PR or Citizenship faster.

I have 5 5 4 5 in TestDAF.
I hope that is enough.

Sprachkenntnisse explizit belohnen

Künast forderte außerdem für die nächste Legislaturperiode eine Initiative zur Ergänzung des Zuwanderungsgesetzes. Regeln im Zuwanderungsgesetz müssten Sprachkenntnisse explizit belohnen. "Ein Zuwanderer, der gut Deutsch kann, sollte im Rahmen eines Punktesystems mit einem Bonus dafür belohnt werden", sagte Künast. Dies gelte auch für gute Qualifikationen.

(N24.de, AFP)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Punkte for Deutsch
03.12.04 17:44 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
I am not sure anybody understud.

It is possible that they change ZuwG so that guys speaking german better get PR in 3 instead of 5 and Citizenship in 5 instead of 8.
Numbers are just my example to explain their intentions.
Wouldn't it be nice?

But somebody said that here that they allready give Citizenship after 7 years now.
I did not saw that in law. Did anybody else?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Punkte for Deutsch
03.12.04 18:02 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Come on DvD..
We understood all very well what this means.. BUT..
This is just a "suggestion" spoken by a politican(Grüne) who does not have much power in the law-making process. (Grüne Party is the small partner of the coalition)

They(Grüne) always have nice "suggestions" for the foreigners living in Germany. We have very well witnessed what happened to their nice suggestions(Point System for example) in the new immigraton law during the debates in the last 4 years. CDU/CSU managed to take away this part of the law, from the current version.

I think it is TOO early to be happy for this nice suggestion of "rewarding foreigners who speak german" . Let's first hear what CDU/CSU thinks about it.. emoticon


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Re: Punkte for Deutsch
03.12.04 18:10 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
true. it is only suggestion and for my PR it wan't do much good but for citizenship maybe.
Now when ZuwG is durch it is easy for Red & Green to do small changes.

Beside I would like to find in law this thing with citizenship after 7 years that is mentioned here.
Has anybody found exactly that in law?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Punkte for Deutsch
03.12.04 18:41 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
This document talks about 7 years for citizenship:


Page 12 (Förderung der Integration)

it says:

"Der Erwerb dieser Kenntnisse ist das Ziel der Integrationskursangebote. Die erfolgreiche
Teilnahme am Integrationskurs weist das Vorhandensein dieser Kenntnisse nach und hat
viele Vorteile. Sie führt zu einem Einbürgerungsanspruch nach sieben statt acht Jahren."

Actually this pdf is not a law. It is just a brochure. It refers to §§ 43 - 45 AufenthG but these paragraphs do not talk about 7 years. Any ideas ?


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Re: Punkte for Deutsch
03.12.04 18:50 als Antwort auf Denis von Domikulic.
Funny Bayern!
They do not mention § 104 but they say something that nobody can find in law.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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