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Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT

Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
22.03.05 17:38
As quoted by a newspaper:

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Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
23.03.05 06:11 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
interesting article... with some history and hard facts about the expired Green Card program and the new Immigration Law.

it mentions that according to the Cologne Institute for Business Research, about 20,000 jobs requiring high skills remain vacant because of a shortage of qualified workers! that's too bad for a country with 5 million arbeitlos :-(
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
23.03.05 10:52 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
What kind of treatment can highly qualified expert expect in Germany, even after 50 Months of stay, and very good knowledge of German language, secure job and despite clearly defined and applicable laws which should give GC better status - you can read in my recent post "GC Extended".

And I am pretty sure that somebody coming far away from other continent will think twice before chosing Germany.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Inquiry on salary range for Network Specialist position
23.03.05 17:12 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
I am from the Philippines and currently residing here in Germany, I have a pending job application in one of the company in West Germany. I would just like to have an idea how much is the salary range that fits my qualification. I have more than 5 years experience in IT field (Technical Suppport). The position I have applied for is Network Specialist.
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Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
23.03.05 17:58 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
I don't believe that only the German laws have make it a little bit difficult for the German software industry in particular and the European in general to be competitive against the us software.

There is also some historical and structural reasons, the US have invented the IT, and the innovation and trends in the software comes for the most times from the USA.

Because early in the 70's and 80's, we see the born of some Eco systems for the innovation like the silicon valley, first there was only two or three firms there, but later we see a creation of hundreds of software giants like sun, or intel,this firms works and co-operates together ( like Intel and Microsoft), some universities and researchers join them later.

That Eco-systems are very innovative, all what we know comes from there : internet, wifi, wimax. etc etc ..., the culture of innovation and exploring new frontiers is specific to the american culture.

Another Pb is the question of financing the innovation, in a country like France 50% of the high-tech firms in the new market are owned from American pension funds, this funds needs to get their money back, as soon as possible, so they constraint firms to concentrate themselves on short terms, rather than on R&D maybe the situation in Germany is similar i don t know, i musst seek some facts from the internet.

I also know that in france, the Gewrkschaften are very opposite to the idea of pension funds, because they think it against the principe of solidarity?

The fact that there are 20 000 free jobs in Germany in the IT, is maybe true if we consider that the firms don't want to "wast" their times to train somebody, because they have "leistungsduck"
so they prefer to loose markets and to make no R&D than recruiting it engineers

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Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
23.03.05 19:52 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
I have a simple reason because germany is a cold country ;-)) .
It always snows, rains and rarely shines so the people here are unhappy with climate, so they find different reasons why IT is not hot.
But a real programmer doesnt care about the weather
since he always sits before his computer, programming and takes the warmth and shine from the monitor.

come on guys we are anyway in germany, why dont we stop bickering and celebrate a wonderful and pleasant 4 days easter holidays.

happy EASTER greetings.

The nomad.
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Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
24.03.05 11:30 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
Real programmer does nt bother about weather?? Always sits on the computer??? You mean always? Are you a real programmer? atleast i am not.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
24.03.05 12:32 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
Hello Indian,

I think you are reading too much into my post. It is just written to cool the topic down. I cannot say I am a real programmer. Of course GOD is the real programmer who programmed the nature with self correcting code embedded in it.

We have chosen germany to advance our career, we should have known the ups and downs before we choose this country. I think it is not a good idea to discuss why germany is bad in IT. The German politicians knows this had a long long discussions and still decided to have such a immigration policy, their priorities are more to different things then IT.

So i think it is redundant to discuss why Germany is not hot for IT.

so my post is little bit sarcastic, I apologise if it hurts you in any way.

the nomad
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Why Germany isn't 'hot' for IT
24.03.05 12:55 als Antwort auf Rama Subramanian.
Hey 'the_nomad'

No hard feelings, sorry,..i was bit sarcastic..sorry again..cheerful..have a wonderful holidays.. Regards.
0 (0 Stimmen)

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