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DE Citizenship and Happy New Year

DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
02.01.07 04:28
I wish to all of you Happy New Year and moust of all helth, helt and helth.

I have ask in Aüslanderamt about DE Citizenship and got the StAG Gesetz and the answer.
Under §10 Absatz 3 is written that if you get the Bescheinigung after finishing the Integrationkurs the time for applying for DE Citizenship can/will be cut from 8 to 7 years.
I intent to start the Integrationkurs as soon as possible and in Agust 2007 I shall make exactly 7 years.So..lets see what will 2007 bring can?
For those who need the info and forms hier are the adress:
The law:
About integrationskurs, contacts, formas and more:
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
02.01.07 11:14 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
nice to see you happy.
many happy returns to you and everybody else of course.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
02.01.07 12:10 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

Don't bother with Integrationkurs. Just take Zertifikate Deutsch exam and after that 30 hours of Orientierungkurs.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
02.01.07 12:20 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
...and Happy New Year !!!!
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
02.01.07 19:42 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
I will call someone (Auslä.-Amt) to ask exactly what they need.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
03.01.07 08:38 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

Have a lot of fun .....
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
03.01.07 11:10 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

Aber, brauchst du jetzt von der Einbürgerungsabteilung(Ordnungsamt) fragen und nicht mehr in Ausl.Amt.

Ich habe es schon, und finde ich dass es reicht, wenn man die Teilnehmebescheinigungen von VHS für Sprachkurse+'Orientierungskurs' vorlegen kann.

Ohne Sprach Zertifikat für Deutsch, muss aber man eine Zeitung-Lesen Test erfolgen.

Alles Gute!

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
03.01.07 22:37 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
In my information, integration course is complimentary and one can even apply after 6 years of legal stay in Germany.
Please re-confirm my information.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
04.01.07 15:26 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

...integration course is complimentary

You mean it is voluntarily or gratuitous?
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
04.01.07 23:20 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
I was meant that.
One can apply for Citizenship even after 6 years legal stay in germany. or ?. Integeration course is complimentory any way.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
05.01.07 10:02 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

For those, getting Aufenthalt ab 01.01.05(I am not sure, about the date, but surely, it is in accordance with the change in Auf-Gesetz)(for the first time), you are oblidged to visit this course, referred by Ausl.Amit.

Though, still, it is not compulsory, but Ausl.Amt could, during "Verlängerung des Visums" ask you to do so(Then, it might be called Compulsory :-)).

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
05.01.07 13:38 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
From where did u get the information that one can apply for citizenship after 6 years? Are you just fishing for information or do u have concrete evidence? If yes then give the link.

If i remember correctly Lacrima has once mentioned about it but there is no Law as of yet.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
05.01.07 15:34 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Hi Raj,
Yes you are right. There is NO such 6 Year regulation for the naturalization. In best case(with an integration course certificate) you can apply for it after 7 years. (Only exception when you are married to a German citizen which makes the time limit 3 years.)

There is a proposal of the "Bundesrat" for such a law change(reducing the time limit to 6 years) but it is just a proposal and the government should make a concrete law proposal out of it and it needs to be discussed in "Bundesrat" and "Bundestag" again. etc.. etc.. only God knows when it can become law.

I also asked a question about it in info4alien. Here is the link :


0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
05.01.07 15:55 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

Lacrima is right but nevertheless, you can try to get it earlier. I know a concrete case, where a GC with only 6 years got the German citizenship.

It happened in Berlin, the GC is from South America and he got NE as a 'Highly qualified Person' after 4 years.

I wish all of you a nice wekend
Detlef :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
05.01.07 16:11 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
Thanks Detlef for this interesting update. It would be interesting to know on which law basis this citizenship was given after a shortened period of 6 years.

There are some clauses in "Einbürgerungsgesetz" where "Ermessenseinbürgerung" can come into play where Germany has an advantage from the naturalization of that individual. Maybe this person had such a case ?

Regards and a nice weekend.. ;)

0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
05.01.07 16:17 als Antwort auf Johnny English.

I guess, if you are earning 100K and paying half of this to Finanzamt then the german govt. would want you to take citizenship ASAP :-)
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
06.01.07 00:28 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
I have not call yet the Einburgeramt (is the right place because from Ausl.Amt told me that any more they are not obligatet for me because I have NE).
The problem is that I work and live from Monday to Friday in another town (Gütersloh) and officialy I am registeret in Hannover.
So I try to found out if I can get the Integrationkurs in Gütersloh.
I am fulfilling 7 year in 25 August 2007.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: DE Citizenship and Happy New Year
08.01.07 11:13 als Antwort auf Johnny English.
You can do your Integrationskurs from VHS, from any city in DE(or even abroad). EA(Einbürgerungsamt) would not check the Teilnhemebescheinigung von VHS and not that it was dont from other city.

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