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Visa Questions

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG

Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 07:56
Hello all,

I am a non EU citizen working in the UK.

After working in Germany for almost 8 years (I & spouse has NE-EG) I have moved to UK (in Mid 2010).

In the UK I have worked for almost 10 months & I would like to move back to Germany.

Now I have a job offer from a German company.

I have a question, is it possible to work in Germany with my existing NE?

I asked the same question with my German company & they said its not a problem. But the rule says If I am out of Germany for than 6 month my NE becomes invalid.

Any feedback would be helpful.

Thanks in advance
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 11:52 als Antwort auf Rajesh AS.
Just visit germany for one weekend and see if you are allowed inside. If yes, then it shuld be still valid.

Taking back a NE is a big process and can be done only by the foreign office...but with NE you have nothing to do with Foreign office, so just give it a try as i dont think they keep track of people.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 12:23 als Antwort auf Rajesh AS.
I heard that with NE one can stay out of the country for 6 months and if its over 6 months then one loose the NE status otherwise one has to take special permission before leaving Germany.So you are lucky if you took the prior permission.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 14:48 als Antwort auf Rajesh AS.

Thank you for your reply.

I had been to Germany in February & I didn’t had any problems while going or coming. In the immigration, officer asked me some basic questions in German & I answered them. I think entering Germany is not a problem. I am afraid if they create any problems during abmeldung or while applying for a tax card.

I didn’t took any special permission while leaving Germany as I was jobless at that time. Somebody said NE is still valid as long as I have a job. But I am not sure about it and would like to clarify.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 15:54 als Antwort auf Rajesh AS.
>>I had been to Germany in February & I didn’t had any problems while going or coming.

That is acutally good. So no worries there.

>>I am afraid if they create any problems during abmeldung or while applying for a tax card.

You mean anmeldung right?. I dont see any problem there as they dont have much information about your movements in europe. There is no tax card anymore and has been replaced with a Steueridentification number which you should have got a year or two back and that should be used hereafterwards.

>>Somebody said NE is still valid as long as I have a job. But I am not sure about it and would like to clarify.

Well they are wrong. NE is valid lifelong and being jobless does not affect it. You can even claim Hartz IV as you have most of the important rights as german citizens do.

NE can be cancelled only if you dont follow the rules regarding time permitted outside the country, or do things dangerous to the state like becoming a terrorist etc.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 17:50 als Antwort auf Rajesh AS.
thanks a lot raj.

I will keep you update here in 2 months. I am planning to move by end of April.
0 (0 Stimmen)

Re: Moving Back To Germany with NE-EG
22.03.11 18:39 als Antwort auf Rajesh AS.

Can you share your Experiences like:
1. Why you decided to work in UK (moving from Germany)?
2. And now why you are coming back to Germany?
3. What are the +ve and -ve points in both Countries and your observations pls?

This information is helpful for most of the Indians those are having thoughts to work in UK (moving from Germany).

I wish you dont get any problem in initial months of process.

Thank you
0 (0 Stimmen)

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